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I would watch the shit out of that movie. Then probably get really pissed off with the poetic licence the studio takes with the lore. All just to sell a couple more movie tickets.

I think I might already be an angry old man.

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30 hours into Fallout 3 and I still have so much to do and explore... I am almost hoping Fallout 4 doesn't come out for another couple of years just so I can get through this one and NV beforehand....

Still have trouble with inventory management because I want to be a hoarder but I end up stashing big piles of stuff in random rubbish bins but never remember which ones later on.... should be easier now I have my Megaton pad....

I am trying to play as a generally good kleptomaniac... focussing on improving my small gun and explosive skills at the moment and I think I have already maxed out Strength. I might try and move the story on now - onward to Galaxy Radio...

Epic game - I wish I had picked it up 5 years ago....

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Still have trouble with inventory management because I want to be a hoarder but I end up stashing big piles of stuff in random rubbish bins but never remember which ones later on....

The locations that you discover, like train station entrances/exit gates - will have a garbage can outside.

Then you can fast travel back to the location once discovered. Then make trips to and from Megaton or other pad.

When I forgot where they were like you said, I started stashing loot in cans next to a fast travel location spot.

One play through, the game locked me out of a certain interior, that's when I consolidated ideas, and started stashing

in outside garbage cans, near a fast travel point. Sometimes gotta walk a ways while over encumbered.

Glad to see you're enjoying the game Gin, it is awesome. (Y)

I always go back to Fallout 3 and FNV.....

Right now I just finished up the final DLC's for both, on like 20th play through. Have fun man.

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Just noticed on the PSN store that the NV DLC's have had their prices slashed by half, and if you're a PS Plus member the dlc bundle is £10.79 atm.

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Noted. I hope I'm not fucking anything up with the order I'm working in. :wacko: Dead Money is captivating so far...can't wait to get to the Sierra Madre. :fap:

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Fallout 3 has become a bit of an obsession with me now... fuck this game. Doesn't help that I am indecisive...

90 odd hours in and I still haven't explored about a third of the map. I have about 10 quests available and at times have no idea what to do, so I explore some more and end up with another quest line!!

Has moved up to #2 on my list of best games of all time after GTA: San Andreas....

Once I get out of Vault 112, I think it's on to wiping out the slave trade... any tips for clearing slaver camps? I haven't really done much stealth killing yet so would like to try and get some mines/ traps in Paradise Falls and the Lincoln Memorial as a back up to my trusty guns... if I use a stealth boy and drop a mine in the vicinity of an enemy, will I be seen?

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I waited until much latter in the game to do the slave trader camp. then I just tanked in and slaughtered everyone.

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Fallout 3 has become a bit of an obsession with me now... fuck this game. Doesn't help that I am indecisive...

90 odd hours in and I still haven't explored about a third of the map. I have about 10 quests available and at times have no idea what to do, so I explore some more and end up with another quest line!!

Has moved up to #2 on my list of best games of all time after GTA: San Andreas....

Once I get out of Vault 112, I think it's on to wiping out the slave trade... any tips for clearing slaver camps? I haven't really done much stealth killing yet so would like to try and get some mines/ traps in Paradise Falls and the Lincoln Memorial as a back up to my trusty guns... if I use a stealth boy and drop a mine in the vicinity of an enemy, will I be seen?

Don't think so. I've dropped dozens of bottlecap mines around enemies while wearing the Chinese Stealth Armor.....must be same effect for Stealth Boy.

Just make sure it doesn't wear off too soon, because if you are un-prepared, there are a lot of heavily armed slavers there. Note the Rocket Launcher guy up in the tower.

Helps to take him and any Minigun types out first. You can do it, it is really easy. Sometimes guns blazing is better than stealth though!

I usually go in with various flamers like Burnmaster, Rapid Torch,etc....grenades, maybe a few nuka grenades for a cluster of 3-5 slavers.

2 side quests within Paradise Falls other than the actual slaving quest given by the main entry guard:

If you didn't see Squirrel running at you when you first went in, make sure you talk to the kids after you wipe all the slavers out. You'll get into Little Lamplight as a hero.

Also the armory guy has a side quest involving 20 Chinese Assault Rifles. If you've donated them to him, you'll get them back by cleaning out the camp and then taking the whole armory.

I stash everything in the entire place in the fridge outside in the food/bar area. Fast travel point is out in front by the guard. Also conveniently for the hundreds of caps you'll make on just shit items,

the trading caravans appear in front of Paradise Falls. If you don't see one of the caravans, do the wait-button for an hour, or two, they will appear making your moving the stash easier.

Don't forget to get everything at Paradise Falls, there is some spectacular loot there, especially in Eulogy's Pad.

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Thanks Synch. I don't really think stealth will come into it for me... I almost feel comfortable enough with my combat skills, especially when not using VATS, so I think it would be easier to just blast them...

Combat shotgun is my weapon of choice at the moment... love it but they wear out quickly... I don't have many special weapons, maybe only Lincolns Revolver and a couple of schematics...

I didn't end up hitting the slavers in the end, I went to Canterbury Commons for the first time... I don't know if I got the best out of that situation but pfff... I sorted those superhero pussies out...

I also need to stop hoarding and spend some caps... I am such a cheap cunt!!

Thanks again Synch... your expertise is much appreciated...

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I was always trying to figure out the point of those mines... Now I know...

I'm gonna try to beat fallout 3 using only mines and stealth now.

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Well, GTAO is not an option for now, started up in this again. doing the dlcs again. only did them once.

this character was neutral but I only did these as a goody NCR'er so im gonna go ahead and fuck shit up

how do you be evil in the honest hearts?

really only one path




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Installing NV onto my laptop... According to a website I can run it on minimum settings, so I just downloaded it off TPB. It's ultimate edition. How should I start? I want a class centered towards guns and melee. I want him to be as a quiet sociopathic hitman like Anton Chigurh with a cowboy feel... If that makes sense. Sorry I'm rambling. Just kind of excited to start playing this on my computer.

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