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Hand me that box of tissues now!!

Looks amazing - just far more than I was expecting.

Time to book 10th November 2015- 10th November 2016 off work!



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Watching the gameplay montage from the E3 Press Conference, it looks like we'll be fighting the Brotherhood of Steel this time around -




Also, judging by the trailer it looks as though Jetpacks are a new modification for Power Armor. Holy Shit!!! - 



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Holy shit. Just watched the conference. Every other game just became obsolete. It will be my goal to make mine the only settlement in the wasteland. All competition will be destroyed. I will be a fair but firm dictator.

Who am I kidding I will be a despot.

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I wonder how "The Institute" managed to make something as advanced as the human looking androids mentioned in Fallout 3. Maybe they scavenged Alien technology from a crashed mothership or something, so that ( and this is all hugely speculative ) they were able to make some massive technological leaps forward ( i.e. building androids ).


Plus this makes me wonder whether the protagonist of Fallout 4 is himself an android and somehow doesn't know it, like he has been given memory implants or something ( like in Blade Runner ).


Also remember Vault 112 in Fallout 3 had the Tranquility Lane Virtual Reality Simulators and was said to be one of the last Vaults ever made, and therefore one of the most advanced. I'm guessing that means that Vault 111 must have something more advanced inside it as well, like Stasis/ Cryogenic Pods or something. That must be how the protagonist was able survive for 200 hundred years after the bombs fell.

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Holy what the fuck. I can't wait to spend 46 hours... on the character creation tool. 


@Dup - AFAIK the app can and will interact with the game. Both that and Fallout Shelter are coming to Android. I've had to start playing Fallout Shelter on my work iPhone. Can't wait to get it on my own phone!

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Re: Us fighting the Brotherhood: The Institute is meant to be one of the most technologically advanced places left in the world. Remember, only the D.C. Brotherhood is made up of nice guys. The rest of them are mostly assholes.

We'll likely have a New Vegas-style choice between supporting the Brotherhood and taking over the Institute, or siding with the Institute's scientists and androids (in that same video montage, there were enemies labeled "synth") to keep their technology safe and secret.

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I'm pretty indifferent to the Brotherhood, but I'm all about synthetics, and tech over humanity.

I've found that it's impossible to be more human than human. Inhuman, however, is easy.

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fallout shelter is actually pretty funny :lol:... i didn't get a lot of time to play it, but i cracked up when i read some of the things they say... i tweeted out a few of the images, here they are :lol:...


haha, this game is hilarious!!! i'm already hooked! #FalloutShelter #fallout




lmao this game is so cheesy 1f602.png1f602.png #FalloutShelterPickUpLines




quit yer bitching, andrew 1f602.png... suck it up!! #FalloutShelter



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I'd get that but I doubt it will work on my phone



finally watched the fallout bits of the conference.




god dam.





that is all

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Well, I thought the BE3 presentation was fucking awesome.


While watching the whole thing, I couldn't take enough notes. So many cool things to explore and do....

There are many who complain, but I prefer to praise Bethesda for their work.

GFX, modding, construction, inter-action....


(WTF @ Psy on Twitter! "It looks like a Fallout 3 mod")


I am totally looking forward to the Fallout 4 experience in November.



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I was dealing with a trio of Tribals at the mansion in Point Lookout when, in perfect, demonic unison, they all spouted "DEATH TO THE UNENLIGHTENED". :wacko:

Welp, time to while away the wait on some NV instead.

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this guy came back from the wasteland with a TON of loot...




i am getting into this the more i play it... it's simple, and it's something i can check into every now and then to collect the water/power/food, then exit the app and come back later to do the same thing... i love how there's no cool down periods, or moments where the game forces you to buy stuff to keep playing...


after playing around with this for a week now, i foresee some really fun vault experiments on other vaults... a couple popping out all the vault dwellers, a vault without food, a vault where everyone explores the wasteland... a vault full of just women, a radiated vault with no water supply, etc...

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I was talking to a guy at work who is a Fallout fan and has made some mods previously... he is getting an advance copy of FO4 from Bethesda because he wrote a couple of lines of code on one of the most popular mods for FO3, which he was credited for... I called him a cunt, albeit a talented cunt....


Apparently, Bethesda are going to be polishing up the more popular mods for FO4 and releasing them as downloadable content for consoles (or the Xbone, at least) as well...

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this guy came back from the wasteland with a TON of loot...


i am getting into this the more i play it... it's simple, and it's something i can check into every now and then to collect the water/power/food, then exit the app and come back later to do the same thing... i love how there's no cool down periods, or moments where the game forces you to buy stuff to keep playing...

after playing around with this for a week now, i foresee some really fun vault experiments on other vaults... a couple popping out all the vault dwellers, a vault without food, a vault where everyone explores the wasteland... a vault full of just women, a radiated vault with no water supply, etc...

I'm liking the game too.. I've got 37 vault dwellers at 88% happiness :D

I keep three whores in the living quarters. Their names are anal, oral, and cunt.

I let all the guys take turns with them. :D

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26 dwellers and 83% happiness... i only usually have one guy exploring the wastes, but i am gonna make a big push tonight and prepare for the future by expanding the vault and knocking up a few more ladies, i want more people exploring because they bring back cool stuff the longer they're out there... i can't seem to get the radio to attract new dwellers, and i have a hard time finding couples that aren't related, i guess there's no incest lol...



I got Butch as a special card and he's sexing up all my women!


i've yet to unlock a special dweller, hopefully the lunchbox i am working on right now has one B)...

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I hadn't considered incest...

I didn't get anyone for four days with a radio room, till a built a second one and expanded it... now I get one every day or so...

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