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Got it in September... Took about a week to assemble.

Got it from replikeo for $400, then spent a little more on upgrades..

I like it, still dialing it in..

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Got it in September... Took about a week to assemble.

Got it from replikeo for $400, then spent a little more on upgrades..

I like it, still dialing it in..

When do we get custom dildos?
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Dunno, lots of negative reviews on nma.... Wonder if that is just the usual nma negativity or something more.

Apparently the voice acting is terrible and the ai is terrible aswell...

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the voice acting has always been bad in any bethesda game lmao :lol:... it's like the same three voices over and over... new vegas was good, they used some hollywood talent for the main NPCs... but yea, the main character sounded a little off in the gameplay from E3... but as long as the game plays great and has a good story and sidequests, then i'll be a happy man... i'm not expecting the most polished game ever, bethesda never delivers on that usually...

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The guys at NMA are twats. Most of their members have a permanent vendetta against any Bethesda-made Fallout.


I thought I'd be done with this a few years ago, but I'll say it again: Anyone who thinks Fallout could have stayed a top-down, turn-based rpg and still been good or successful is a moron with glued-on nostalgia goggles. Learn trends, learn the industry. There's a reason a Wasteland sequel took 26 years and was purely crowdfunded.

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Fallout doesn't have a social fanbase like GTA. If Fallout "fans" do get together, it's only the vocal minority. Case in point: NMA.


I just get my news from Twitter.

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twitter, same for me... what they post, seems to be what bethesda posts for the most part... and now that we're a week away, i'd like to avoid places like that anyways... i saw they posted leaked videos and screens... fuck that shit...

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NMA is famously anti-Fallout 3. Some have very good reasons, others are just lunatics who are personally offended by the change in camera angle and the fact that Bethesda's name is on it. I watched a few of the videos and I do agree with their sentiments, though. The AI, voice acting and animations are pretty bad, but from only a few minutes footage it's hard to claim the game is broken. These may just be the occasional glitch that people are leaping on. I won't say anything else about the videos to avoid spoilers, except that the game is looking like I feared it would. I'll need some serious convincing if I'm going to buy it. Otherwise it's back to California and Nevada for me. 

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again, the look is not what i am so glued to anyways, if it looks like fallout, then that's good enough for me... i am not one of those that gets too technical with things like that... fallout 3 kinda looked like shit but i loved the gameplay and the story... those elements are all i need for fallout 4 to be the game for me... good action RPG, good story, and fun and interesting locations...


the customization level seems to be a major upgrade to the series as well...

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again, the look is not what i am so glued to anyways, if it looks like fallout, then that's good enough for me... i am not one of those that gets too technical with things like that... fallout 3 kinda looked like shit but i loved the gameplay and the story... those elements are all i need for fallout 4 to be the game for me... good action RPG, good story, and fun and interesting locations...


the customization level seems to be a major upgrade to the series as well...

By 'look' I don't mean graphics or anything, just that it seems to be following Fallout 3's blueprint. I can't respond much more, as to do so would bring massive spoilers. While I have no faith in this game, I have no interest in ruining other peoples experience of it. I'm a jerk, but I won't drag others into my misery. So Bones, I guess I'm setting you a challenge. I think Fallout 3 is bad, and I think 4 will be worse. I know you'll be smashing 4 for weeks, so prove me wrong. Convince me my cynicism is misguided. Please? I can only play 1, 2 and NV for so long. 

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So, basically if you liked fallout 3 you'll like this game.... If you didn't like fallout 3 your a worthless cunt.

Got it.

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I usually don't even listen to the whole conversation. I read the whole thing before they're even done talking and skip to the next part.

Edited by Bronson

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So, basically if you liked fallout 3 you'll like this game.... If you didn't like fallout 3 your a worthless cunt.

Got it.

Hahaha, pretty much. I am well above personal attacks, as it's a it or hate it...there are greater evils in this world. But you are correct. If you like 3 you'll love 4.


You think I'm a "worthless cunt", that's cool. I won't respond, as vitriol solves nothing. 

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I'm glad your above personal attacks, but let me tell you something you pussy fagg0t, nothing's below me. Daddy always says I'm a great bottom.

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