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Remember the companions' clubhouse? I can't remember the name of it, but I remember there being multiple people with the same voice there. It just seems unnecessary, seeing as how there are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that would lend their voice to the game for free. I can't be the only guy who has thought of that.

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Remember the companions' clubhouse? I can't remember the name of it, but I remember there being multiple people with the same voice there. It just seems unnecessary, seeing as how there are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that would lend their voice to the game for free. I can't be the only guy who has thought of that.

Yeah it's silly, especially as a lot of mods have better voice acting. Even if they recycle voice actors due to costs or time or whatever, surely they could at least try to change their voice a little between characters. It's just something I've learned to deal with in Bethesda games. I just made the assumption everyone in Skyrim sounded the same due to inbreeding. 


Also Q, I much prefer to be called a "prancing blouse wearer". 

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It would make sense, even the holds have less than a 100 people in them.

It really irritates me when people bitch about character models and graphics in fallout 4 "This game doesn't have the amazing modern visuals that every other game I'm currently playing has, ITS NOT WORTH BUYING! WHO CARES ABOUT 400 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY??!!???!!?"

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw an article that's headline was something like "Fallout 4 reportedly has 400 hours of gameplay, but is that enough?"

Edited by Jizzy

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It would make sense, even the holds have less than a 100 people in them.

It really irritates me when people bitch about character models and graphics in fallout 4 "This game doesn't have the amazing modern visuals that every other game I'm currently playing has, ITS NOT WORTH BUYING! WHO CARES ABOUT 400 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY??!!???!!?"

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw an article that's headline was something like "Fallout 4 reportedly has 400 hours of gameplay, but is that enough?"

400 is probably too much, haha. I'd probably become convinced I was a ghoul. I like pretty graphics as much as the next guy, but it isn't a game breaker for me. I play too many old games to care about that. 

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Ive been told I look like a ghoul by more than one person. Surprisingly QD isn't one of them.

you look like you'd make a great lady man friend, honestly... I don't usually maturebate to you, but when I do, I fantasize about you wearing a white wedding dress with strategically placed holes and way to much red lipstick.

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I've always thought that would be a good idea. If you become irradiated enough to turn into a ghoul, you were being extremely careless and fucked up severely (or you were helping some redhead with autism write a survival guide), and had plenty of opportunity to stop it.

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Spoiler-free PS4 screenshots. Not mine, of course.

































Not the best graphics in the world, but it looks damn good, nonetheless. I'll be more than happy to stare at it for 500+ hours.

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Looks sweet to me... Plus I was thinking they ain't released final release patch which could account for a few of the complaints

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yea i was just gonna post this... absolutely gorgeous, i dunno what those fucktards at NMA were talking about :lol:... have they launched the pre-download on PS4 yet? i don't think mine has yet...

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Lots of content today. Here's a guy crossing the southern part of the map (where it's most narrow) as quickly as possible. 11 minutes, but it should be noted that he gives up after reaching the southern border, not the eastern border that he was heading for. Also note that the map is more narrow in the south than the north.

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yea i was just gonna post this... absolutely gorgeous, i dunno what those fucktards at NMA were talking about :lol:... have they launched the pre-download on PS4 yet? i don't think mine has yet...

I don't think so, but I'm going to prepare anyway!

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Lots of content today. Here's a guy crossing the southern part of the map (where it's most narrow) as quickly as possible. 11 minutes, but it should be noted that he gives up after reaching the southern border, not the eastern border that he was heading for. Also note that the map is more narrow in the south than the north.


is this leaked content or? *doesn't really want to click on it*

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Anything not released by Bethesda is leaked, so, yeah. There aren't really any spoilers in it, unless you count brief glimpses of locations you aren't familiar with, with their names on-screen in a language you don't speak.


Also, I re-watched the video. He crossed the map from top-left to bottom-right, not west to east. His location marker wasn't immediately noticeable.

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Absolutely love Fallout, so very much looking forward to Tuesday!  Thank fuck I booked the day off work.


Have to admit I find the various critical comments a bit astounding. 

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yea can't do anything with it yet tho :P... and i am not sure how useful it will be when i can easily press an in-game button that pauses time while i go thru my shit... perhaps when i am not home i could do some inventory scouting to make plans for when i get home??

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If you could become a ghoul and it was irreversible a lot of casuals would throw a temper tantrum. If it's true, I would bet there is a cure. I'm a total noob compared to you guys, so feel free to berate me if there is already a known cure for ghoulism/ghoulishness

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Like I said, someone catches enough rads to ghoulify, they had plenty of warning and plenty of time to do something about it. Besides, your radiation level limits your total health. A casual won't have enough health to survive anyway, if they're that irradiated.

Also, there's no cure for ghoulism. Ghouls are healed by radiation. That's some cellular-level fuckery.

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