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5 and a half hours and I haven't left the top corner of the map. Still exploring and stocking up. Found one trader shabbagaz at Abernathy farm south West of red rocket. She had fuck all though and only about 250 caps. Got me 2 sets of power armour though and just found a fatman. happy day's. I'm going to bed.

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there's a merchant south of concord...


i just spent a good hour or so modding a pistol :lol:... and a couple armor upgrades, and i finally built me a little shack i call home (which also took at least an hour), for now lol... i also found another location to set up a residence, an abandoned drive in theater, but i dunno about all that lol... i'll keep it simple and stay at one for now... but i also haven't really done much exploring, i want to reach diamond city, but there's just so much in between me and that location... so i decided to help out the minutemen for now... hopefully i can find some ammo along the way...


and i gotta admit, for not spending a ton of time creating my character, i got pretty close to what i wanted lol...



i just spotted a yao guai, fuck no, i'm going the other direction lmao...

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So guys, I ain't had time to play yet :(.

Is the game the shit or shit?

It definitely feels different. Not as much to loot, dialogue choices are more limited but overall it's great!!!

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I kinda miss the dialogue, and I thought and first they fucked up the looking around, but it jut turned out that the sensitivity was turned way down.

I like the fact they got some undestoyed cars scattered around

Just made it into th museum.

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i am currently in the midst my first radiation storm... luckily for me, i was right next to some house that was enterable... what luck! lol :lol:... now let's see what's in the basement here, place seems a little too quiet...

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My stealth character has been derailed, somewhat. I won't be able to get my hands on a good sniper rifle for a bit, it seems, and there are more important perks than Blacksmith, at the moment. On top of that, I got my hands on a heavy-duty double-barrel, so now I'm operating on a high-risk, high-reward style that has me sneaking into point blank range for a headshot. It's paying off, thus far.

I've also been fortunate enough to find some decent-looking armor that suits my current style. Looking wasteland as fuck.

Still operating out of the Red Rocket outside Concord. I've cleared the drive-in, but I refuse to use a safehouse with a sniper nest until I'm actually a sniper.

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Got fucking hurt clearing the raiders out of the factory. Or more correctly got fucked up by a bitch and a fatman outside. On my last fusion core and in the basement almost done. Gunna be a lot of scrounging after this mission.

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rob, the car factory?? i spent way too long in there lol...


finally made it to diamond city, and yea, this is a pretty damn cool town... they have a room for sale, but i can't afford it at the moment... my main guy's always been about that buy a room life, so when i get the chance, i'm gonna buy it and move him out here... but for now, i'll just keep plugging away, got a lead on the main story, gonna go follow up on that for a while, see where it takes me... just walking around diamond city, i triggered all sorts of side jobs from people talking... hell, some of them i ran by and didn't even hear what they wanted me to do :lol:...

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Fuck this game... and fuck my OCD scavenging and exploring...  I am going to get my moneys worth out of this one...


I'm way behind you guys... still cruising round the top corner of the map....

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Well, a radstorm has blown through the neighborhood, shortly after leaving the vault. Anyone know how long these things last? Shelter obviously does nothing.

I usually just find somewhere and wait a couple hours



Haven't run into anything particularly dangerous yet, but melee seems functional, for now. I'm sure that'll be ruined, once I get past molerats.



Not really. I just faced a major character and I found melee was easier to beat them and I only have 1 melee perk compared to a gunslinger and a rile perk. I also fucked up a legendary super mutant with a tire iron.



My stealth character has been derailed, somewhat. I won't be able to get my hands on a good sniper rifle for a bit, it seems, 


Not as long as you'd think. On your way to diamond city there are a lot of raiders and super mutants. I got a decent sniper and even a fat man from them. 


Anyone have insights on how often we are supposed to use power armour? not really sure how long those batteries last. I stored mine after the quest when you first get it. (trying not to spoiler what happens during that quest.) I figure not often. Either way I am building a sneaking character too. 

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Anyone have insights on how often we are supposed to use power armour? not really sure how long those batteries last. I stored mine after the quest when you first get it. (trying not to spoiler what happens during that quest.) I figure not often. Either way I am building a sneaking character too. 

well i found a quest that wants me to get them 3 power cores, so i am planning on not using my suit for a while, because i want to help out this settlement so bad!! i'm sure i'll stumble across more at some point...


i guess the suit is there if you want to use it, i don't think you have to use it, although, who knows if there's future quests that will require it, or at least encourage it to make it easier...




here's my screens thus far... i'll use spoiler boxes for the spoiler ones ;)...


that view! :wub:...






it's the return of the easter egg teddy bears!!! :lol:... i've found two so far...






nice cover art, dude!!




my kind of place B)...




aaaaand here's that vault i found if you're interested in knowing the number ;)...


and since you clicked on the spoiler, i'll go ahead and tell you... they wouldn't let me in lol :lol:... this is the settlement that i have to find 3 power cells for so they'll open the doors... i am so doing this as soon as i can :wub:...



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I fucking love how armor works now. It's a little frustrating that you can only layer a handful of armors (that I've found, at least), but Armorer paid off immediately. Once I find leather right leg, I'll be sporting a full set of Shadowed Leather. Not having the best luck with weapons (to be fair, I haven't even been to Concord yet), but my armor came together nicely, and in very short order.

If anyone's found the small farm settlement south/southwest from Red Rocket, make sure you pass the target zone (keep it far away and on your right, and the water on your left), and head for the northern edge of the map. There's a scrap yard of sorts there with something that will make the outside portion easier. Make sure you eject the holotape, I think it might be hostile if you're not carrying it. In order for it to work, you have to wait (using the wait function) or sleep for an hour. It wouldn't budge, while I was watching it. There's a Fat Man in some junk behind him, and one of the enemies at the target zone had a minigun, so make sure you're not loaded down with loot. The workbench in your target zone is safe to store things in, as are all workbenches, as far as I can tell.

I can tell from the teddy bear scene that bOnEs has already done this quest, but you can still make use of this thing that I'm trying not to spoil. Note that it can be sent to several places, so it will come in handy later in the game, if you keep it functional.

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There are a lot of small camps and hidden loot caches just between there and Red Rocket, I noticed. One of them even requires a few seconds of thought to open. It feels like there's a lot more to find than there ever was in previous games.

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