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goodneighbor ;)... i take it you got the gear first before getting the missions? i still have the outfit in my inventory because i haven't finished the final leg of the questline... i'll get there eventually...

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The outfit is next to the roof access. The axe is directly behind the counter on the ground floor, in a display case. If I remember correctly, it isn't even locked.

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Come on ginginho, post some dick pics and max your credit cards, then file for bankruptcy.

Own that shit, beat depression.

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I made sanctuary my home base, because I'm a nostalgic fuck who's still moping about losing his beloved wife.



I have many regrets, even though I never actively cheated on my wife, I wouldn't say no to advances from women. I can try to justify this as much as I want, I still don't know why I would do it. But since the birth of our child, everything changed, I was going to be better. And now fate dealt me the cruellest of blows, and I roam the wastelands alone. She gave me a part of my soul that I never knew was missing. I can't undo this realisation, I will never be complete again. I'm self-destructive and I no longer care what happens to me, but then I have visions of our son still alive. He's the closest I can get to her, in this life.


So with a shotgun in my hands and Dogmeat by my side, we wander the wastelands. Because we're not ready to die yet.

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Pictures. Haven't spent too much time on decorating my rooms, as I'm completely focused on my Power Armor collection. 


Got myself a set of Stock Raider II, Winterized T-45c, and I'm currently building an explosive resistant set of T-51c 








Here's the Mad scientist Charles Foster Ofdensen 





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Heard someone say, "Can you believe it's Christmas?"


I'm like what? Looked at the date in the Pip Boy and sure enough.

Then walking around the market place there was a little Christmas tree on a roof with lights,

and then you could see Christmas trees where everywhere.  B)

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PSA: Dogmeat can wear welding goggles.

It looks incredible.

I seen him playing with a teddy bear I gave him, but, I had no idea!!!!

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PSA: Dogmeat can wear welding goggles.

It looks incredible.


10/10 will try next time i have dogmeat with me!! :wub:... currently rolling with piper, i popped the flirt option and won the speech check, even tho it was red... yea we're an item now... i got her looking like the wasteland version of sonya blade...




i also have some strange follower after i rescued him from a raider prison... he leaves my side if i fast travel, but follows me when i roam... let's see if i can get him killed by the super mutants up ahead :lol:...


UPDATE: nevermind :(... he started wandering off casually once i got to bunker hill...

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Turned on Diamond City Radio yesterday for the first time, after turning on the beacon to call more settlers to Sanctuary. I'm pretty much just going to listen to Bing Crosby for the next 6 months. :wub:

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That's the first I've heard about the radio soundtrack. What's the playlist like? Fallout 3 used jazz and swing, NV was country/western and lounge, does FO4 have a "theme"?

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I'm listening to this at work today, no pesky annoying DJs, just the tunage. A few of the songs are directly from Fallout 3, I never played NV so can't say if some are recycled from that too.


The classical station is good so far too, it's nice when I'm puttering around in Sanctuary, and not creeping through dark corners waiting for feral ghouls to drop out of the walls and attack. Although the red spiked bat I made is making short if gruesome work of it. :D

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thanks for the link, listening to it in the BG while working... there were some songs that repeated from both 3 and NV... but i love this kind of music, i'll just put on pandora stations with this kind of music all day... i love the 20's-40's big band/jazz music...

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