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has anyone run into the moonshiner? 
fuck that made me laugh
I've lost Piper. No fucking idea where she went. I thought I sent her to Abernathy farm but nope. There goes my lovers perk. Unless I cheat on her and start screwing Cait. 


Fucking limitations of the console version. On PC I'd just warp her to my location with a console command. 

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I read somewhere that if you start a relationship with someone else you can find Piper asking Valentine to keep tabs on you. Have you tried using the settlement bell to locate her?

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I wouldn't say the Atom Cats are that cool. The idea of ruining a set of power armour with a tacky flame paintjob to me is blasphemous.

That fight in Quincy was pretty epic though when I did it because there was a caravan travelling through there at the time and I was escorting the ghoul kid home. Plasma and mini nukes flying everywhere.



Cool, as in NOT hostile in that very fucked up area. It was a welcomed surprise.

Have maybe a dozen suits already, X-01, T60, T51, T45, loads of Raider parts.

Haven't bought from Rowdy yet, just checking out the Atom Cats.

Yeah that's what I found, an epic battle, and the caravan was Cricket. Crazy story about the betrayal.

I don't know why I wanted to discover the police station but it did bridge the Billy gap I had started before.

Never went back for him due to the hostiles. Later after clearing Quincy I met the ghoul couple

and it hit me -- I bet they are related. So went back to "Kid in a Fridge" and sure enough, escorted him home.

How did you like University Point? That's how I got into the area to begin with.

Don't know if it's quest related but I am thinking it is. Never cleared it yet, just reconned.

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I read somewhere that if you start a relationship with someone else you can find Piper asking Valentine to keep tabs on you. Have you tried using the settlement bell to locate her?

Ya I searched a bunch. I probably just missed her somewhere. I just have so many fucking settlements on the go.



Nordhagen Beach somehow has 25 settlers now. And only 14 beds lol.


I've given up on trying to keep up with beds,



fuck it


be unhappy

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How did you like University Point? That's how I got into the area to begin with.

Don't know if it's quest related but I am thinking it is. Never cleared it yet, just reconned.

I think I found UP before Quincy, just a load of synths there having a battle with a vertibird and some paladins. I didn't head into Quincy until much later when I found the kid.

I trust everyone knows about 35 Court by now?

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and you guys need to be a little more cryptic, or use spoiler tags... you're making me read spoilers... sorry i haven't played this game non-stop since release, i am only level 27 and haven't even finished up any major quest lines, including the factions... there's still giant chunks of the map i haven't even visited yet either...


so i am behind most of you... i just don't game like i used to, i can't binge on it like i did with skyrim... hell, i haven't played this game since sunday to be honest... i'm hoping to finally play a little tonight...

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Yah I beat the main quest and I dont know that court 3-whatever the fuck number


bones you gotta skim the posts more like me. I for sure dont want shit spoiled

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I generally only spoiler story related stuff, but here you go:

35 Court is an unmarked building where you can find a full set of level dependent power armour, at 30+ it should be X-01. It's guarded by an assaultron and a sentry bot however. To find it go to the Shamrock Taphouse (optional; pick up Drinkin' Buddy,) head north along the main street until you reach several blue containers, look to the left of those and you should see a black and yellow 35 court sign. You'll know it's the right building because it has ceiling mounted turrets outside.

Nothing too exciting TBH.

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I went into one building and it was creepy. There were three manicans holding machetes surrounded by a skeleton in a bathtub full of water.. Then, on the bed, I man was laying on the bed with his hand resting on a manicans pubic area....

Also, no one mentioned here, but there are cats in the game...

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you can still mention what is in the spoiler, like "35 is... (spoiler)" ;)... i just got upset when i saw your post about the random encounter with the impostor... i wanted to see that one myself, without the knowing about it ahead of time...

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It's hard to resist reading this topic, but I'm in the same camp as bOnEs, a much lower level and lots of the map still left to explore and characters to spoiler tags would be appreciated.

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Just found my 5th power armour suit. If I hadn't wasted all my steel building monuments to my dictatorship I could mod it up. But the plebs must be kept in line. Dear god I need sleep.

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I've got two buy can use either as I can seem to find power cores (no spoilers, I'll find them)... But I decided to wear one to clear out the water treatment plant.... Dreadfully slow, but at least I'm making progress

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and you guys need to be a little more cryptic, or use spoiler tags... you're making me read spoilers... sorry i haven't played this game non-stop since release, i am only level 27 and haven't even finished up any major quest lines, including the factions... there's still giant chunks of the map i haven't even visited yet either...


so i am behind most of you... i just don't game like i used to, i can't binge on it like i did with skyrim... hell, i haven't played this game since sunday to be honest... i'm hoping to finally play a little tonight...


I'm only level 27 too, even though I have been playing it a lot.  The vast majority of my time has been spent scavenging, exploring, clearing out places, trading and working on my home at sanctuary.


So bollocks to the quests and trying to find my son, I've a home to finish!  :D


Which reminds me, I must get round to taking some screenshots - I'm quite proud of it!

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I went into one building and it was creepy. There were three manicans holding machetes surrounded by a skeleton in a bathtub full of water.. Then, on the bed, I man was laying on the bed with his hand resting on a manicans pubic area....

Also, no one mentioned here, but there are cats in the game...

I think I found that place in Concord, the speakeasy on the left of the high steet IIRC.

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Also, no one mentioned here, but there are cats in the game...



Your basic introduction is very near your vault and Sanctuary at Abernathy Farm.

It's cute. They did a great job, watch that thing stretch out in the sun. MoCo for sure, like Dogmeat.



Just exploring around where you start is great. Run around, there is stuff everywhere.

You mentioned mannequins. Check the creek perimeter in Sanctuary.

There's your first stimpak oustide the vault, stuck right in the mannequin's heart


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Vertbirds, yes. Jet, no. But I haven't been looking. Was half asleep playing last night. Just realised I levelled up twice and haven't assigned the perks yet. But at a point where the perks I want are dictated by my level and I'm still too low. Struggling to find shit to spend caps on as my weapons suit this character's style and my armour is better than anything I've seen at any vendor. So I'm just stockpiling weapons to sell for more caps that I have nothing to spend on. I wish this was a real life problem.

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Finally found Piper after I wasted some time searching again. Let's just say there was a certain quest I wanted to do with Piper at my side because it made sense. I wanted to find her before I started it. Then it hit me.....what if she is wherever the quest starts.



And for fuck sake, there she was.


God dam that pissed me off

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Just realised I levelled up twice and haven't assigned the perks yet.

I love levelling up and not realising it until later. But I hate it when i've already spent the point in my mind and know exactly what i'm going to put it into.

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pics incoming...


you best protect yo neck!!




i work in a dying industry...




here's a good read for the baseball fans here...




the red sox were in the world series the day the bombs fell :lol:... it's a funny read for those who know baseball history...






mr. howard, is that really you?!?! :lol:





spoilers for those who've been to the USS constitution....


ahoy, mateys!




land ho!!



tough crowd...




found this statue and did some research... not sure if it's edward everett hale in the boston garden, or ben franklin at the first public school...





some ugly birds :(...



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