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I was digging around a camp ground and then WHOLLY SHIT A YOI GUAY? out of nowhere took a swipe at my head.

I darted away blindly dazed.... before I knew it I was in some kinda junkyard and I could hear the Yoi GUAY right behind me then, OH FUCKING GREAT about 20 mole rats jumped out of nowhere, and one jumped up and almost bit my nose off.. just missed it.

I kept running, popping a few mole rats in the head as past... I seen an outcropping of rock and ran for it.... I thought the height might work to my advantage...

but nay, the YOI GUAY chased me down, and with one bat of his claw knocked me off the cliff.

I was hurting, I couldn't walk, I could hear the last beats of my heart banging in my head.

then, All of a sudden a group of 10 Mr. Handy's ran past me with there flame throwers blazing a trail toward the YOI GUAY...

I stayed back while they torched him to a crisp...

sometimes it pays to do the bidding a metal buckets, clearing out that water treatment plant totally saved my life,

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 All of a sudden a group of 10 Mr. Handy's ran past me with there flame throwers blazing a trail toward the YOI GUAY...

sometimes it pays to do the bidding a metal buckets, clearing out that water treatment plant totally saved my life,


Do you mean Graygarden? {The settlement inhabited by all Handys.} 


The treatment plant is heavy super mutant turf, [Overlords and Suiciders as well] not a settlement, and they re-populate.




Sorry mods I needed to remove part of / modify my last post due to what I found out to be a non-storyline spoiler.

(I found out by following details and doing the math until I came upon the smoking truth)

However, Bones mentioned Hubris in one post -- I just found that place and in it, is part of the spoiler so I am 

guessing most people know of the existence of, but not the details of, the spoiler in question.

Apologies.  :bones:

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Got another set of power armour. Had to upgrade my main house coz they didn't all fit. 

I also took a photo but I can't upload it from twitter.

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Never heard of the USS Constitution, or missions there, before you posted, other than the trailer.

I guess it is a valid location on the map. Maybe one of the last I had yet to discover, I dunno.

Now I've had to go there for a Warwick Homestead mission. (Minute Men settlement protection)

Some place called the Drug Den. Stealth in, take care of business, stealth out.
Funny, for a place called the drug den, I found none, and I make and sell drugs, so it was funny L0L.

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I was escorting a Brotherhood squire (annoying kid) somewhere through super mutant territory, he kept giving my position away with his non stealthiness. I get detected and back away, he runs off to hide like a moron, still backing away I see him running down the street being chased by a super mutant suicider, I laughed like fuck.

But seriously, those Brotherhood escort missions - annoying as fuck.

Edited by ViceMan
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finally went to the glowing see :o... glad i was wearing power armor lmao :lol:... now i am getting ready for the next part of the quest, which sounds like i might have a fight ahead, or the battle might of been too hyped up and they're easy to kill lol...

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It took me about a week of playing before I finally realised you could see the radioactive glow coming off of the crater from far away, I was standing atop Corvega one night and I noticed it. It looks quite nice from my new place at Egret Tours since its pretty close to the glowing sea, I spend the night sitting on the roof watching it.

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Ballistic Weave - fuck yes... Cait is now escorting me wearing the red dress that Magnolia wears but with 90 damage and energy resistance... she also wears a bowler hat, just so I can sing "you can leave the hat on..." to her before we fuck...  I am currently rocking deep pocketed polymer combat armour over army fatigues lined with MkII ballistic weave.  This gives me about 130 DR and a net carrying capacity of close to 200 units, without the strong back perk.


I just have enough ballistic fiber to upgrade one more item so I have to decide which item gives me the best skill add-ons...  I now have a scrounging mission - find all the ballistic fiber possible.  How many military installations are there in the Commonwealth?


I still use the Instigator. Fire and Ice as my main weapons, with a tactical powerful combat shotgun as back up...  that cryo critical hit has come in very handy in some boss/legendary battles...


Realised I had 3 skill points to place... got Aquaboy... feels like I broke the game...  but glad not to have to worry about water rads and breathing underwater...


Just been doing some stuff for the Railroad - I seem to have aligned myself with them and the Minutemen for now...  I might go and see what the BoS have for me to do...  


And another noob question... did the computer terminals in FO3 and NV have the reset tries and get rid of a dud answer entries or are they just in FO4?? 

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yea those were always there... i run thru the whole list and get rid of all the duds before i even attempt to hack... but i feel like hacking is easier in fallout 4 for some reason... i can't quite put my thumb on it, but something about it is a lot easier... more variety in the options perhaps?? no more "mead read bead lead" options lolol :lol:...

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I don't remember terminals in NV having the 10 second cooldown though, i'm sure it was once you're locked out you're fucked.

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Right, finally took some screenshots - apologies for the amount but I just wanted to show off a little bit!  Tried putting various bits and pieces around the 'house' (i.e junk I've collected) but some of it is glitched where it just falls through the floor or disappears. 

Anyway to start off with....



I built an extension so it's now 'attached' to the house on the left




Bit of 'decking':




Up on the 'roof terrace'






Ground floor is the workshop area - obviously this still needs stuff added to once I unlock the relevant perks








First floor living quarters








Second floor living quarters for all the riff-raff!






Third floor living quarters (my space!)










Essential reading....




Top floor...  first off, the office area! (lights, pics etc could only be put pretty low on the walls sadly due to the height of the building).  And you can see what I mean with the junk objects glitching....







Note the 'facepalm' from Piper!







Nice views from the balcony







Showing off a little bit....



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Yeah i've pretty much given up trying to tart up my places since everything eventually sinks into the floor, like I said there should be a function to lock items in place.

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Ballistic Weave -


If you know who Tinker Tom is, buy all his armored clothes. You can break them down and get quite a bit of that stuff. I have lots to play around with. He is restocked often enough.

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Ballistic Weave -


If you know who Tinker Tom is, buy all his armored clothes. You can break them down and get quite a bit of that stuff. I have lots to play around with. He is restocked often enough.



Yep - I think he introduced me to the stuff...  those Jackpot missions (P.A.M.) were good fun...


@ shabbagaz - fucking awesome set up, dude...  I have built one pre-fab shack and chucked a bed and heaps of containers in it... I think I will look after that stuff once I finish up some more quests and have been able to get my charisma up so I can get that Leader perk...

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I went to the trouble of unlocking ballistic weave only to find out you can't apply it to BoS uniforms or road leathers. I was pretty miffed.

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Time for an update! Made it to Necropolis. A ghoul growled at me so I shot them all. No one seemed to mind. Then I insulted Set, and had to kill all his buddies. As it stands I have done more damage than the Mutants have. Time for a reload. Bennett (Commando is a great movie) doesn't do that shit. Now my yet to be named stupid female...yeah she's gonna kick them all in the dick until they die. If I start being sensible I should have the water chip next time I play. Then the real fun begins. Managed to keep my companions alive, but if Ian shoots me one more fucking time... 

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Do deathclaws have some sort of resistance to energy weapons? I'm having a hard time killing them on this playthrough, with my old combat rifle I was killing them in 2-3 sneak attack hits but with a laser rifle it's taking forever. Maybe the fact I set it to very hard is making a difference, but I didn't think that made enemies any tougher.

Edited by ViceMan

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Do deathclaws have some sort of resistance to energy weapons? I'm having a hard time killing them on this playthrough, with my old combat rifle I was killing them in 2-3 sneak attack hits but with a laser rifle it's taking forever. Maybe the fact I set it to very hard is making a difference, but I didn't think that made enemies any tougher.

i'm guessing you're just shit. That was rude, I've never played the game. I'm sorry.


With that said Badthesda seems to think difficulty should be dictated by HP. So the higher the difficulty the more bullets they take to kill. They don't behave differently, they just absorb bullets better. So I'd suggest you're having issues due to the difficulty level. Or because it's a shit game. Your choice. 

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Will probably make some additions to my 'mansion' and some tweaks but for now I'll need to turn my attention to the rest of the settlement and the others too which I've neglected.


I may actually do some quests! ;)



I think I can now judge Fallout 4 to be one of the best games I've ever played.  Mind you, I usually say that for most open world games!  

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An open-world rpg is automatically better than most games of any other genre. Exceptions are present, but rare.


pretty much the uncharted series and last of us... everything else i love seems to be open worlds...

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