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The lady really doth protest too much, I guess. :P The quality of the content is worth it, I've loved every moment so far...the other games I want will just have to wait! :)

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I just noticed in the release it said "more than $60 worth of DLC". Not sure if that means another $60 worth is coming, or it's $60 worth including these 3. If it includes these three it leaves about $20 worth of DLC left to come. (basing this on more than $60 meaning less than $70)

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$60 is pretty irrelevent when they arbitrarily value everything.

The whole conversation is irrelevant because everyone will fork out for it regardless.

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Plus 25% for being Australian. Sweet.

On another note I just found another location not far from sanctuary on my second play through I never found in about 5 tucking days of playing this game.

This is what I love about Bethesda. I could probably find something I've never seen before in fallout 3 even to this day!

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Plus 25% for being Australian. Sweet.

On another note I just found another location not far from sanctuary on my second play through I never found in about 5 tucking days of playing this game.

This is what I love about Bethesda. I could probably find something I've never seen before in fallout 3 even to this day!


nah, i exhausted the capital wasteland... same with the mojave... eventually i'll get there on this game too...


i too am nearing the beginning of my 2nd playthrough, and i expect to find a whole bunch of new locations... last night i helped defend the castle from a brotherhood attack... after dying a couple times because of how many enemies they threw at me, i decided to put up walls in mid battle to cover up the holes in the structure, thus funneling them all thru the main door... made shit so much easier lol... and also made me realize that i never did anything with the castle, lol... perhaps on my minutemen playthrough i'll fortify it...


found the alien blaster too, finally... supposedly companions tell you about the crash, but when i was in the area early on in the game, i had dogmeat with me and he doesn't say shit... so i had to look up where to find it... might of made for a good weapon early on, but it's not that special...

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I stumbled upon that crash but never saw the crash coming from the sky. Every-time I am looking in the wrong direction. My last play through I was at hangmans alley so I couldn't see shit over all the buildings. This time I don't think it's happened yet. But I have no idea. 

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i might of heard the explosion but being that it was my first time playing, i might of just thought that it was some random thing blowing up...


quick question: if i am wearing clothes/armor with perks, and i step into power armor, are those perks still active??

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It happens when you hit level 20 and aren't near the crash site. But yeah i've never actually seen it, just hear a whoosh, a comment from my follower if I have one and the trail of smoke.

And I don't think so bOnErs.

Edited by ViceMan
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You still get the slow time perk when your health is under 20 percent while in power armor for the shin guard.. I use it to keep track of my health bar... Once time starts slowing I know it's time for a deathclaw steak!

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Yeah any upgrades applied to your armour definitely don't work. But unique armour bonuses i'm not sure about, Q reckons they still do so i'll agree with him.

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well come to think of it, my chameleon chest piece didn't work inside the power armor :mellow:...


Shit, I was told all that stuff stacks. It must not. Maybe the actual defense does, but now the perks and mods? 


I'm really not crazy about power armour to begin with to be honest. 

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I wish they hadn't retconned power armour to be shitty with the fusion cores, only T-45s should need those. You should be able to buy an everlasting fusion core for a hefty price, or just have it so more advanced models don't need them, perhaps a mod for the chest piece that gives it its own internal power supply.

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or a science perk that makes them last twice as long or something like that... or running no longer effects power usage...

i kinda like using it, gonna definitely make my next play interesting... i didn't really start messing with them until near the end of the story... you can pretty much run thru any area guns blazing... it's pretty OP...

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Yeah I had the Nuclear Physicist perk for my Brotherhood guy, was pretty fun just blasting into combat with my jetpack and explosive combat shotty taking out half the group before I hit the floor. Made me feel like Boba Fett. But still, i'm not keen on the cores for T-51 upwards.

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With the understanding that it would still be dead and burned out (even though there's no logical reason for most of it to be that way), I wish this game had more wilderness. And a crossbow. My first character is about as outdoorsman as it gets, but it's because it suits me, not because it suits the game. I'm living in the boathouse beneath the lighthouse settlement, simply because it vaguely resembles a cabin. I thought I had found a home in the south westernmost settlement, but it was filled with children, whom I obviously could not dispose of. I understand and appreciate that Fallout is about destroyed civilization, but I want to roam the wilds, sometimes.

Also, I'm pretty sure I've seen every part of the map, now. Far Harbor can't come soon enough.

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Don't know how Nate will see it when I play him, but I've never seen Nora more angry, red faced, and totally fucking sexy.

Built it, went there, just to see what would happen. Sandboxing 101.


So for you rush through the game guys, who have seen a bit more than my Level 133 maxed out character.....

You know what I think of the storyline after going there?


I killed every motherfucker in the Institute.....
















.....except the children, which I so desperately wanted to murder, but the game wouldn't let me.






Never face a mother's scorn.
Especially when she's played by a violent male ex-psycho from the GTA / COD / Mercenary game series.
She just cannot comprehend what has happened to her son.


Special thanks out to 3 important things in Nora's life:

The Explosive Powerful 10mm Auto Pistol*

The Kremvh's Tooth*

The Warwhore of the Wastes [Custom Design]







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