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That's why I killed her, she just stomped around Spectacle island berating me constantly whenever she walked past.

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it sounds really intriguing to me... i got a quick question tho: if i store weapons/armor/aid in a workbench, are they accessible at any workbench if i have a pipeline built between settlements?? because if i am gonna tackle this crazy survival mode on a file, i might opt to save my minutemen playthrough for survival mode... that way since fast traveling is eliminated, at least i can access my goods at settlements all over the wasteland... it would greatly aid me in navigating the wasteland knowing i am but a stones throw away from a safe haven...


i'd also probably find the central-most settlement to send followers to, to use as a central hub...

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it sounds really intriguing to me... i got a quick question tho: if i store weapons/armor/aid in a workbench, are they accessible at any workbench if i have a pipeline built between settlements?? because if i am gonna tackle this crazy survival mode on a file, i might opt to save my minutemen playthrough for survival mode... that way since fast traveling is eliminated, at least i can access my goods at settlements all over the wasteland... it would greatly aid me in navigating the wasteland knowing i am but a stones throw away from a safe haven...


i'd also probably find the central-most settlement to send followers to, to use as a central hub...


Yes and no, unfortunately, if I'm grasping settlements correctly...someone else please confirm this if you know for sure.


It looks like assigned resource items ARE shared among linked settlements, such as farmed food, purified water, and items collected at scavenging stations by a settler...but the armour, weapons, apparel and junk you collect and save at a workstation are NOT shared among linked settlements, which is a total bummer. That blows the possible advantage to survival mode, but keeps the odds more realistic (and fun). #FTR


As mentioned online last night, I just happened to be scrolling through my Pip-Boy and noticed that one of my settlements had grown from 2 to 12 without me noticing; they had 0 water, 2 beds, 3 food and no fewer than 4 Brahmin wandering around. I ended up going to Sanctuary, clicked Take All at the workstation, then fast-travelled to the new settlement so I could set them up without having to go back and forth a million times for a missing screw. When I got back, Sanctuary's inventory was empty save the water, food and scavenged materials that had accumulated in the meantime. I don't know if you have to have a provisioner assigned in both directions (so far mine are only Sanctuary-out), or if you have to close the supply line loop for them to be all interconnected.


For the record, I'm not an expert on settlements (yet), up till the Starlight population boom happened, I'd concentrated almost all my settlers in Sanctuary. I'd welcome more insights from you guys.

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I don't think you can have a direct back and forth supply line between two settlements: Red Rocket -> Sanctuary and Sanctuary -> Red Rocket etc. Its either one or the other, so one route regardless of the home and the destination should work both ways.

But yes weapons and armour definitely aren't shared between connected settlements, only junk and certain aid items, I assume the ones that are produced by the settlements.

Massy i've been doing that, robobrain treads make them move pretty fast across the wasteland. (Assuming you meant provisioners.)

Edited by ViceMan
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Today is the first day the disc has come out of my ps4 since the day I got this game. Don't get me wrong I'm not done I'm only level 17 on my wecond play through I'm just impressed. No other game has held my exclusive interest since gta5 launched.

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In a display of great impatience, I'm roleplaying a Survival mode game for my Minutemen playthrough. Pretty sure I'm putting harsher restrictions on myself than the actual Survival mode will, if New Vegas' hardcore mode is any indication.

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yea i still feel like, that even with the severe restrictions of the incoming survival mode, i think a minutemen file still makes sense for that kind of character... since i will have to be a bit of a nomad, having settlements all over the place with weapon drops, ammo, armor, etc, will be a good thing... the only thing that's gonig to piss me off is having to go aaaaall the way back to sanctuary a lot to chat with preston... ...unless i can send him somewhere else and get my missions from there???

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You can send Preston to any settlement. I think you can even send him elsewhere after you take back the Castle.

I'm not sure if he still gives you quests when you have him as a companion, because I've never used him. Even as a Minuteman, Dogmeat just makes more sense.

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yea i don't want him as a follower... but i've heard that people react different with him... apparently he's a bit of a wasteland celebrity :lol:...


will he still give jobs at other settlements??

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LOL!! i saw that on facebook earlier today :lol:... that's fucking awesome that they're your local squad B)...


I'm not sure if he still gives you quests when you have him as a companion,


He does



if that's the case, he might just be my permanent follower then if he's willing to keep me updated and shit on new settlements :D... and actually fucking pitch in with helping these places he keeps sending me off to... should be a fun playthrough, can't wait to tackle it sometime this summer...

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I think a serial killer would be a good play through for survival mode. The easiest way to take over a settlement is to kill everyone. Fuck doing their bullshit quest and walking across the map just to return and get their support. Fuck them up. The settlement is yours.

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I think a serial killer would be a good play through for survival mode. The easiest way to take over a settlement is to kill everyone. Fuck doing their bullshit quest and walking across the map just to return and get their support. Fuck them up. The settlement is yours.


well for you that's probably the only playthrough you haven't done yet :lol:...

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Lol Nah man, Artis Tadam Kills a lot of people he meets right away. I'm not bothering with local leader so I am not actively searching for settlements but I have taken out a few I passed by. He seemed a good fit for the institute ending as he didn't put much value in the lives of the commonwealth people. 



I've been revisiting old characters finally. My Grundy WIlson ( The unarmed fighter I was complaining about earlier ) continues to waste perks. Went with science to try out the power armour with Tesla Bracers. They kinda suck. Especially compared to the Power Fist I got from Swan. I'm going to roll with intelligence however. The Automatron DLC doubled the value of intelligence. I already have blacksmith so I am going to attempt to make a stealth robot with that stealth blade. I'm not sure how well that will work but I will let you all know. I'd wear the robot armour if there were legendary ones dropped but so far I haven't seen any. Fuck, if your going add new armour, at least make that shit have legendary loot drops. 

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i'm not sinking any materials into any robots for now, the new settlement DLC comes out next week... i need to save my resources for that... man i haven't played my delilah file in a while, automatron had me playing my main file, then i got sidetracked tracking down other robots... lol oh well, i'll get back to her here shortly..


meanwhile, here's details and a trailer for the DLC coming out next week...


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Shame this one won't have a short-but-solid story, like Automatron. Unless settlements are being invaded and rearranged by well-meaning but style-challenged Mr. Handy swarms.

Some of the locations in the trailer seemed new, for settlements. Maybe I'm finally getting my cabin in the dead, irradiated woods?

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i'd like to have a blank piece of land without any structures except for maybe a tiny shack for the workshop... i'd like to have a blank slate to build on in a cool location, like in the woods somewhere... i kinda wish i could tear down the houses in covenant...

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There are a few settlements with not a lot on them. Country crossing, Northagen Beach, that island I think. I haven't bin to the island yet. 

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