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Ok, here is information about Vault 76 from a Citadel terminal in Fallout 3.


Vault 76 Information


Vault Number...
Starting Construction Date...
     February 2065
Ending Construction Date...
     October 2069
Total Number Of Occupants...
Total Duration...
     240 months
Computer Control System...
     Brainpower 4
Primary Power Supply...
     LightLife Geo-Thermal
Secondary Power Supply...
     General Atomics Nuclear Power
Non Standard Equipment...

Vault 76 Goal Summary

Vault 76 is one of our seventeen control Vaults. It will operate exactly according to the plan dictated in the marketing material produced by Vault-Tec and precisely to resident expectations. This vault will open automatically after a period of 20 years and the residents will be pushed back into the open world for study in comparison to the other experiments.

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my thinking is it's called 76, because after the vault opened its doors, it built a town around it, but never bothered to change the name due to it's patriotic number... so the main hub/town/region in the game is called 76 instead of something like new virginia...


R2D2 Midget, aka broman, mentioned that it's possible this could take place in parts of the appalachian mountains because of the song being played...

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And here I was worried the whole game was gonna take place in a vault :lol:


Its kinda weird that they’re releasing a new Fallout game though. Thought it was gonna be a new IP. Oh well I’m definitely fine with it haha


This is pretty much what New Vegas was to Fallout 3.

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11 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

they could still release a new IP, bethesda is a pretty big company lol...


That would seem counterproductive. To advertise 2 games at the same time. I doubt they’ll do that.

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24 minutes ago, Bronson said:


That would seem counterproductive. To advertise 2 games at the same time. I doubt they’ll do that.


they're already releasing RAGE 2 this year as well... they're having an entire conference to talk about games :lol:...




so apparently the trailer takes place after reclamation day B)...




note the pine trees and mountains behind vault boy...

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36 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:


they're already releasing RAGE 2 this year as well... they're having an entire conference to talk about games :lol:...




so apparently the trailer takes place after reclamation day B)...




note the pine trees and mountains behind vault boy...


Good point. 

Edited by Bronson

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a guy i work with has an insider who says this will be a world building game, as in, fallout meets minecraft :unsure:... he's been wrong before i guess, but he's also been right... we'll see, it does make sense that you're rebuilding the world considering that it's reclamation day...

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50 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

good video, OPX B)...




i hope this isn't entirely true...


LOL if it is count me out.


Spider-Man PS4 and RDR2 will tide me over till TLOU2 comes out.


This will be the start to the end of Bethesda if it is true. Fans will riot. I hope they're not this stupid.

Edited by Bronson

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i would play co-op survival... but i don't want to play against other players... let us team up and quest together, rebuild the land...


people have been asking for fallout online for years, so this might be it...


hopefully once fallout 5 rolls around, we'll be back to a normal fallout game... this seems more like an experiment of sorts, to see how the world reacts, and perhaps something that can be reduced and refined for future games... i would love to play with friends, not against them in fallout...

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For me, what's been so special about Fallout is the fact it's a true Single Player experience. We have more then enough Online games these days. Keep Fallout Single Player.


Only idiots would ask for Fallout Online. Why would anyone do that? That's incredibly stupid on the gaming community. Let's make every IP Online now. Every good single player property should have a forced online component.


And get ready for millions of micro-transactions for base building. I can see it now. Good lord this is gonna be awful.

Edited by Bronson

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Surprised to say the least, it's almost as if Bethesda are purposely doing the opposite of what's expected of them (i.e new Elder Scrolls) and saying we do things our own way, which is refreshing. Something just doesn't feel right though, it's only three years since 4 which by today's development standards isn't that long, does this mean they were doing a Ubisoft and developing the next game before the current one releases? It would explain why 4 was so lacklustre I suppose. Why is the game called 76? Just to be different, shake things up a bit, or is it because this game isn't part of the main series which is what i'm worrying is the case.


Didn't 'thesda do an interview recently where they stated they'll be the last bastion of single player gaming? There's also this vid they put out;


I hope they don't go back on their word.

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I have to admit, I've watched that trailer about a dozen times and it still gives me goosebumps!


Anyway, a lot of if's but's and maybe's but I'm with plenty of others when I say I hope it remains single player.  The only way I would accept multi-player, if it did swing that way a bit, is if it was co-op/story based rather than falling into the usual "you vs everyone else" - it needs to be different.  


Oh and if base building does remain, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be building more crazy constructions!

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Gonna be weird venturing out only a few score years after the bombs drop - no super mutants, early ghouls perhaps, that is assuming the game takes place in 2102 of course.

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hopefully it's just optional co-op... i don't think they'd force you to play online, perhaps it's a drop in drop out kind of online...


in another "leak" they said the settlement building was an experiment for fallout 4 to see if they could make this 76 game work... and since settlements were largely a success, they went ahead with 76...


this same "leak" also said they're gonna mention something about TES6 at E3, soooo :rolleyes:...


i think it will be quite interesting to play a game 25 years after the great war... yes, no supermutants, but there's still deathclaws and ghouls... i'm just imagining the vault dwellers emerging from the vault and seeing a similar scene outside of vault 101 with dead skeletons wanting in... and when they walk out to cheerfully proclaim they're here to rebuild the world, a gang of raiders starts firing on them :lol:...

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It doesn't mean there definitely aren't super mutants, somebody else could have had access to some FEV and made an analogous version of a super mutant - maybe even a proto-super mutant. But yeah at least deathclaws are prewar. Even the raider groups are going to be a bit primitive and disorganised, 25 years isn't that long to establish a hierarchy once everything has settled down after the initial chaos of (near) total atomic annihilation.

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It doesn't mean there definitely aren't super mutants, somebody else could have had access to some FEV and made an analogous version of a super mutant - maybe even a proto-super mutant. But yeah at least deathclaws are prewar. Even the raider groups are going to be a bit primitive and disorganised, 25 years isn't that long to establish a hierarchy once everything has settled down after the initial chaos of (near) total atomic annihilation.


i think 25 years is enough time for scavengers with guns to organize a bit... pockets of raiders here and there... i feel like this area probably wasn't directly hit by a bomb... being that it's near DC, i'm sure that was the focus of the launches... so there could still be a lot of humans roaming around trying to survive out there, probably throwing some shade at these perky vault dwellers who had a cushy life...


as with fallout 4, they did introduce new mutations like the bloodbug and singwing... perhaps radscorpions are present, as well as radroaches... so we might get some mountainous like  mutations, perhaps a form of cougar... yao guai is a definite...

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If it's a mountainous area then it probably would've limited the ingress of radiation from elsewhere, so overall it might be more verdant. I hope there's a glowing sea-esque area though, that was one of the few parts of 4 I enjoyed.

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