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9 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

this sounds a bit more promising...



they sound commited to adapt to what the fans want, as in, if something isn't working, they will adjust... this is their first stab at trying a full fledged game commited to this, and they want feedback, they want people to enjoy the game... so that might not sound good for people wanting something good right off the bat, but for people like me that want to explore and flesh it out, i am willing to play along ;)...


also sounds like any additions like DLC will be free... the only microtransactions will be cosmetics...


I’m going to start by saying I’m not a PvP person. I don’t play games to test my skill against others. I play them with friends, to share the experience and to immerse my self in the world with them.

The only thing that worried me about that doc was the lack of any private servers. I know when we played GtaO we did so because of the bastard griefers. They don’t offer us that. They’re counting on the map being so big that we just won’t run into to someone as easy. I feel like they’re not counting on people activity seeking out others just to blow them up. It happened in GTA Online, it happened when I played Red Dead online, it happened in Ark. any and every time I ran into a player they tried to kill me. Not because I had stuff they wanted, just because they could. Now seeing that I can’t load up the game and play solo, or with a select group of friends has put a hamper on my excitement. At least GTA online gave you the passive mode. With Todd saying he wants there to be drama without griefiness doesn’t help either. That statement makes it sound like he is trying to subtly encourage that kind of thing. It almost feels like it’ll be going into the battle royale category. No Raiders, no NPCs, only human players. It doesn’t exactly sound as great as it once did. 


Then again, I could very well be over reacting. I’ve still preordered the game and I’ll still be playing it. Everything might turn out fine. As everyone says: We’ll see.

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I ain’t preorder the game yet mainly because I’m wondering if the are gonna do something with Xbox in a console bundle... I got a ps4 but I miss the Xbox controllers feel in the hand...

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the only game i've pre-ordered this fall is hitman 2, because i instantly got access to the sniper assassin mission... i will eventually get this, but i am in no rush... the beta probably isn't until at least july or august...


as long as they handle griefing the right way, i am all in... but i do see some concern there...

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37 minutes ago, Qdeathstar said:

Maybe they make it so you can’t kill the same person twice in a row...


i was thinking that too... perhaps they put a cool down on that... like you kill him, then they kill you, end of battle... so the next time you engage, if it's within the same lobby, friendly fire is turned on and you can't shoot each other anymore... but knowing GTA they'll find other ways around it, like when i'm in passive and they send a rigged car at me and explode it, lol... if there's rules, people will find a way around it B)...

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Easiest way to minimise people actively seeking out others would be to not have their blips on the map, said this about GTA long ago. Perhaps have a system where you can request to see someone's blip (assuming they're of legal age of course,) and you can accept or deny the request.

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and in that making of video, they said you see the other peoples blimp :(... but i guess i'd rather know someone is coming verses minding my own business and getting sniped from out of nowhere... they need to really come out with a gameplan about online, because they're not really explaining it as well as they should for a game coming out in months...

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23 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

and in that making of video, they said you see the other peoples blimp :(... but i guess i'd rather know someone is coming verses minding my own business and getting sniped from out of nowhere... they need to really come out with a gameplan about online, because they're not really explaining it as well as they should for a game coming out in months...

Yeah I was sad when they said you'd see blips, why I made that post. In my mind if you have no blips it's going to be a lot of random chance for you to get sniped, and if you are it'd be easier for you to slip away from your attacker (assuming you are in part of the map that has a bit of cover.) It's more tactical too, people would find you based on how much noise you are making so if you're shooting a lot you'd expect to get shot more often yourself.


My experience in GTAO watching people on the map engaging in gunfights is that they always head straight for the same person as soon as they respawn, they check the map and see where they are to go and kill them repeatedly.

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Sounds like they can still kill you even if you say no. But, at least you don’t lose anything. And I like that he reassures is there is no griefing allowed, but I don’t understand how exactly the game engine “doesn’t allow it.” He says like a death claw, if you see another person you can just go the other way and they can’t mess with you. I find that hard to believe. 

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Still doesn't sound like a solution, that would kill a stealth character build; "some guy lurking in a bush wants to snipe you, do you accept?"

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perhaps if he does kill you, you can opt out of further engagements? lol... i love how no one online anywhere is further discussing the location, story, or what we could be doing... everyone is concerned about the multiplayer :lol:...

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32 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

perhaps if he does kill you, you can opt out of further engagements? lol... i love how no one online anywhere is further discussing the location, story, or what we could be doing... everyone is concerned about the multiplayer :lol:...


Youre right. I think we are all getting bent out of shape for things we can’t be sure about. It’s probably not going to be nearly as bad as it might seem. As far as the story goes, I feel like it’s going to be a 3D open world version of Fallout Shelter, minus the NPCs. Which sounds fun to me as scavenging missions and such. I’m most excited for the setting though. Appalachia. I was born in East Tennessee, my family from there and I lived there for the first part of my life(before relocating to Alabama). Nestled in the Appalachian mountains. When I heard they were using the Appalachian folklore for monsters in the game I got pretty excited. It’s good to see that region potential shone in a more positive light as opposed to uneducated, backward red necks.

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That's because the multiplayer is the biggest issue for me. I'm happy with the world, it definitely looks more interesting than 4's - more colourful, more varied - my only gripe is it may be laid out in such a way as to accommodate a multiplayer game with arbitrary hard areas of the map you need to level up to explore.


Story, again, is tied into multiplayer somewhere down the line, don't see how we can get quests if there are no npcs to give us them.


Enemies look interesting but again, a lot seem to have been added just to fill a big MMO style boss criteria that you need to group up to take down, like the scorchbeast. I like the majority of them though.

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Maybe the perception skill affects how far away the blips are.... eg a person with a perception of 1 can’t see but what is in his fov, while someone with a perception of 10 can see the whole map.

5 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

perhaps if he does kill you, you can opt out of further engagements? lol... i love how no one online anywhere is further discussing the location, story, or what we could be doing... everyone is concerned about the multiplayer :lol:...



Well, obviously the point of the game is base building in a pvp world with no npcs.  My guess is the story is very limited. A basic tutorial of the game mechanics, a few go fetch missions then it’s off. Minecraft in the fallout universe. With dragons. And supermutants which aren’t supposed to exist yet.

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I want the option to avoid PvP altogether...


Simplistically, this could be done by choosing a class for each game session.  If you choose something like trader or explorer, all PvP is disabled, similar to a vital NPC in current games.  You can't be killed by other players but you can't damage them either, maybe an exception made when you are caught stealing from other players.  All other interactions are available, like trading, info sharing, mission giving ("I know a settlement round here that needs a hand...") and co-operation.  It is clear to other players that you are untouchable so they won't waste ammo on you.  The class stays for as long as your game session so you can't change it on the fly to ambush someone or hide once you kill someone.


Another concern is difficulty level.  I am pretty casual but there are those who want the hardcore survival experience - how do you balance both types of player in the same world?  While difficulty mainly affects your own stats, how would it work when you are facing a large enemy and the survivalist takes 100 bullets to kill it while the casual takes 40 due to their respective difficulty settings? 


It's pretty scummy of Bethesda to only offer the beta to pre-orders when it could be used for those players, like some of us and a lot of the FO fanbase, that want to see how it all works before throwing money at them.






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Howard said in the Q & A each area has its own quests, and also recurring events.

We can build a camp pretty much anywhere, but not in certain zones where events are triggered/spawn.

It is possible to pack up the camp and relocate it, but it does mean blueprinting the floor layout and setting it all down again on the new terrain. 

Damaged structures can be repaired. Setting off a nuke will create a hot rad zone on the map, and affect that region's animals accordingly.


1 hour ago, Ginginho said:

It's pretty scummy of Bethesda to only offer the beta to pre-orders when it could be used for those players, like some of us and a lot of the FO fanbase, that want to see how it all works before throwing money at them.

This. I get including access if you pre-order, but making it conditional is a bit of a slap in the face.

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8 hours ago, Qdeathstar said:

 ...And supermutants which aren’t supposed to exist yet.


fallout 3 and 4 have been kind of doing their own thing on the east coast, outside of what was set as lore from the west coast... also, if you notice, the super mutants seem smaller than a normal one you see in the capital wasteland... or maybe it's just me that they look smaller and less muscular...




perhaps theres a vault in west virginia with the same FEV situation as 95, and we're seeing the early results of it... perhaps they rounded up all the NPCs and forced them into super mutant mutations, and that's why there aren't any normal people to trade with lol...

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Those mutants look exactly like Fallout 4 mutants.

I'm guessing this location/game area is not far from Andale.


If you don't remember that location, the folks there mention the best city in West Virginia award.



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3 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:


fallout 3 and 4 have been kind of doing their own thing on the east coast, outside of what was set as lore from the west coast... also, if you notice, the super mutants seem smaller than a normal one you see in the capital wasteland... or maybe it's just me that they look smaller and less muscular...




perhaps theres a vault in west virginia with the same FEV situation as 95, and we're seeing the early results of it... perhaps they rounded up all the NPCs and forced them into super mutant mutations, and that's why there aren't any normal people to trade with lol...


They look pretty much identical to the Institute super mutants, but the Institute doesn't exist yet. Then again everything looks identical to it's 4 equivalent since they're lazily using the same models. But yes I don't see why lore can't be added, perhaps the secret government bunker was exposed to FEV and they all became muties.

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This is shit. I'm basing this on fuck all info really except i deal with people all day. Games are how i escape the plethora of arseholes in this world. I don't want to have to deal with them in a virtual world too. 

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the best news is, Rob, is that after this iteration of fallout its likely to be about 5-6 years at least before we get a new fallout game. So enjoy that.

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well, this looks like a very good explanation for why there's super mutants in west virginia...



"The Vault 87 super mutants are obsessed with the preservation of their brand new species. Since they are all sterile, they kidnap humans from all over the Capital Wasteland and bring them to the Vault to be mutated. They had been doing so for nearly 200 years, until their source of FEV started to run out. Because of the shortage of the "green stuff," there are now super mutant bands searching all over the Capital Wasteland for a new source of the virus."


but bethesda will probably create a new location that used the FEV for no reason at all, even though vault 87 is probably quite close to west virginia... and they've been raiding the wasteland for humans to convert literally a year after the bombs fell...


someone has started putting together bits of the map... looks YUUUGE...



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