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Holy fuck lol.

I see to get most of those I'll just have to play the DLC's through.

I looked over the quantum cola perk. not high enough level to unlock it but I didnt think it was worth it but now Im sayin it might be.

Just got the pyromaniac perk.

Gonna go for the brunmaster and the Gat in the deathclaw scantuary. I dont think Ive found it but ill google the map and just wander to it.

I actually did check on Brailey . Just forget her name. well I guess Ill go get some cookies.sIve seen doc hoff and he had no schematics.

haa uncle leo is cool. what weapon does he use? I got Fawkes. He rapes with the gat laser.

sorry for the short answers. Im passionate about this game. but im also lazy

Just got done the aliens dlc. It was pretty epic. Got mad nice screen of the other alein ship blowing up. ill upload tomorrow. heres some for now in space and tumbling to my death



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That looks more familiar. I always played 3 and New Vegas on max settings, but whenever I took a screen, they came out looking like that instead of D-O's.

sorry for the short answers. Im passionate about this game. but im also lazy

Lol'd pretty good at that. Sounds like me since around the time the second New Vegas DLC came out.

I have lost my ability to make long posts, for the most part.

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i still post big posts... mainly because i am high and have a lot of stuff to say, then i ramble on and on... or i forget to mention something so i edit the post and add another paragraph... and etc...

i bet you gained a bunch of levels on mothership zeta, once you get your hands on their healing items, it helps out tremendously... plus, now you got all of the epoxys, :D making weapon repair way too easy at times... and i don't care what anyone says, i thought it was a fun add-on... most regard it as the worst for some reason, but i thought that final battle was really really cool, and one of the coolest moments in all of fallout... the endless corridors and enemies wear thin at times, but it's really a lot of fun...

i hope you got some of those unique alien weapons and perks since you're focused on energy weapons... that unique destabilizer is one of the best energy weapons in the game... unfortunately, you never had a chance to get the best plasma weapon in the game since you probably didn't have a science skill of 100...

here's me wearing that "black" item on mothership zeta, hanging out with all my friends... and carrying the shocksword from the same weapons cache... seriously, you need to play operation: anchorage right meow, there's quite the reward cache for any style of play...


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That looks more familiar. I always played 3 and New Vegas on max settings, but whenever I took a screen, they came out looking like that instead of D-O's.

woh really?

I type tfc 1 in console and that pauses the game and activates free cam.

Then type tm in console to get rid of the HUD.

i still post big posts... mainly because i am high and have a lot of stuff to say, then i ramble on and on... or i forget to mention something so i edit the post and add another paragraph... and etc...

i bet you gained a bunch of levels on mothership zeta, once you get your hands on their healing items, it helps out tremendously... plus, now you got all of the epoxys, :D making weapon repair way too easy at times... and i don't care what anyone says, i thought it was a fun add-on... most regard it as the worst for some reason, but i thought that final battle was really really cool, and one of the coolest moments in all of fallout... the endless corridors and enemies wear thin at times, but it's really a lot of fun...

i hope you got some of those unique alien weapons and perks since you're focused on energy weapons... that unique destabilizer is one of the best energy weapons in the game... unfortunately, you never had a chance to get the best plasma weapon in the game since you probably didn't have a science skill of 100...

here's me wearing that "black" item on mothership zeta, hanging out with all my friends... and carrying the shocksword from the same weapons cache... seriously, you need to play operation: anchorage right meow, there's quite the reward cache for any style of play...

holy fuck I think went up at least 3 levels. how do I use the epoxys? lol. I clicked on them and I was using them up but notice anything. I was wondering what the fuck they did. Still collected a shit load of them.

Naw didnt get the destabilizer. Fuck I just looked it up, that would have been a sweet gun. I can go back and get it, no?

I guess I should play operation: anchorage

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nope, can't get 'em... that's something you try to remember for the next time ;)... you probably missed a few areas down there, and weapons and armors too... you might be able to enter a couple of areas still, but most of the ship is now locked off... how many of your friends survived mothership zeta??

to use an epoxy, just equip the weapon that needs repaired and use the epoxy... it will repair it according to your repair skill... if that skill is still low, save the epoxy's and use spare weapons instead... or save them to repair expensive weapons to re-sell to merchants for trading purposes...

i call it trading because, caps aren't really an issue in fallout for my characters... trading good equipment for ammo and other goods is how i trade in fallout most of the time, especially once i get settled in... sure i'll buy something if i want it, but i also bring good equipment to gun merchants so i can buy up lots of ammo and other goods...



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nope, can't get 'em... that's something you try to remember for the next time ;)... you probably missed a few areas down there, and weapons and armors too... you might be able to enter a couple of areas still, but most of the ship is now locked off... how many of your friends survived mothership zeta??

to use an epoxy, just equip the weapon that needs repaired and use the epoxy... it will repair it according to your repair skill... if that skill is still low, save the epoxy's and use spare weapons instead... or save them to repair expensive weapons to re-sell to merchants for trading purposes...

i call it trading because, caps aren't really an issue in fallout for my characters... trading good equipment for ammo and other goods is how i trade in fallout most of the time, especially once i get settled in... sure i'll buy something if i want it, but i also bring good equipment to gun merchants so i can buy up lots of ammo and other goods...



There was armour? lol. All i found were obviously the space suit, recon armor and combat armor. I dont think where was anything special about those.

My repair skill is 80 so that's pretty awesome about the epoxy.

All my friends survived the mother ship. IDK if you were supposed to, but I sent to the big bay area with that small space ship inside of it before the robot alssembly place and the cryo lab. I tried opening the one door and set off an alarm. I was by myself and a fuckton of aliens came at me. This is what killed my armour. I got through it but god dam it was rough. I take it setting off that alarm was a mistake.

And yah I got about 8000 caps now and it just keeps climbing. After fighting the Enclave I was good with my laser rifle amao, that carried me. And now I rape with these alien weapons.

I saw that "good at everything" (probably called something similar anyways) perk that brings your special skills all to 9, so I guess a bit of intense training I did was a bit of a waste but up to this point it probably made things easier. A lot of the other perks I figured I would do without. and have.

PS that post card is fuckin awesome.

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alarm goes off automatically... but you probably missed out on these two;



did you take the medic with you to the cryo labs?? if not then you missed out on cryo grenades/mines, winterized medic combat armor, and adapted biogel (better biogel but with random side effects)... did you get general chase's overcoat?? it has a stupid error where it displays it as combat armor on consoles, i'm sure there's a fix on the PC for it...

ok weapons... there's a unique version to every alien weapon as well as a perk that makes them more effective, go figure :rolleyes:... there's also a unique plasma pistol, samurai sword, unique drone cannon (deals sticky bombs instead), and a cowboy's smoke pole...

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alarm goes off automatically... but you probably missed out on these two;



did you take the medic with you to the cryo labs?? if not then you missed out on cryo grenades/mines, winterized medic combat armor, and adapted biogel (better biogel but with random side effects)... did you get general chase's overcoat?? it has a stupid error where it displays it as combat armor on consoles, i'm sure there's a fix on the PC for it...

ok weapons... there's a unique version to every alien weapon as well as a perk that makes them more effective, go figure :rolleyes:... there's also a unique plasma pistol, samurai sword, unique drone cannon (deals sticky bombs instead), and a cowboy's smoke pole...

Nah I didnt take any of them anywhere. But the little girl and medic dude are still there. The girl will give you a random alien supplies and the dude will give you a random weapon. Pretty cool.

So to get those outfits...the character would have to die and I would rip them off? I guess it would have bin worth it since they left.

And fuck, how the hell do u get that perk.


That looks more familiar. I always played 3 and New Vegas on max settings, but whenever I took a screen, they came out looking like that instead of D-O's.

ok some random screens for comparison. I noticed in that screen the lack of vegetation and the textures wherent as good. I figured this was cause the settings are lower but you said yours looked like that on max? Maybe they updated them for the game of the year edition. Never mind how much the lighting looks different. Im pretty sure that has to do with the custom ENB mod I installed. It was the first thing I did before I played the game lol. ENBs look so much better.



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yea, to get those armors, they have to die... paulson leaves as soon as you do... the samurai eventually leaves so if you really want the armor, you'll have to find a way to silently kill them... or you can take paulson through the hanger where he may evenetually die from the aliens... however, taking the medic through the cryo labs, allows him to thaw out his buddies who have that combat armor... somba i think, guides you through the robotics facility... and sally is there for a few other areas...

chase's outfit is in a footlocker within the garbage in the waste disposal area... as well as the samurai sword... the unique alien tech stuff is located in the weapons lab, there was a testing area where you unlock the perk... i think you run into the area during the main quest...

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Maybe I'll get the weapons my second character.

Usually on my second character I dont bother collecting much but if those weapons are good I might as well

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ok some random screens for comparison. I noticed in that screen the lack of vegetation and the textures wherent as good. I figured this was cause the settings are lower but you said yours looked like that on max? Maybe they updated them for the game of the year edition. Never mind how much the lighting looks different. Im pretty sure that has to do with the custom ENB mod I installed. It was the first thing I did before I played the game lol. ENBs look so much better.

No, I meant my screens look like that. In-game, it's fine, but my screens come out with jagged edges and looking low-res.

Looking over my Fallout 3 screens, they look okay. It must just be New Vegas. Also, I have no idea where my New Vegas screens went.

Here's a Fallout 3 pic, for old times' sake.


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There are tons of little scenes like that all over the wasteland, you just have to go out of your way to find them. Explore every nook and cranny, and you'll find all kinds of cool shit.

Here's another.


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Herpity do daw that's amazing.

I dont have new vegas....yet


some more space shots. got real close to the sun (the fuckin sun ones arent arranged in order but you get the idea. lol. filled the screen with the sun. it was awesome)











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@DO: Everyone has Fawkes, and yes he rocks the GL. (After he rocks the Super Sledge)

About good old Uncle Leo, he is a random encounter who will re-appear in different areas,

can be killed, has a variety of funny dialogs, and generally will come to your aid.

I can't remember but I think he has a melee weapon or nothing. Only seen him fight once.

He will call you little sister if you are female, or little brother if you are male.

Here is Fawkes and one of my mind controlled Deathclaws.

(Device required from BOS Scribe for the Broken Steel DLC)


Here is my old signature:


Based on killing my 5th and final Behemoth in the Capitol for the achievement:


Here is a few of those shots Massacre likes as well.

One of my favorites is Gnome Bowling, under a table in the Mobile Crawler.







Pitt Mini-Gnomes!


Ant-Angonizer Outfit and the Red Racer Teddy:


The trick to keeping the big teddy BIG, is never mix it with regular teddy bears.

Right now I keep all 45 of my regular teddy bears at my Tenpenny Suite, not Megaton.

I save them up for when I do The Pitt DLC, after which you can sell them at 3x price.

Meanwhile my new girl (Asian Hottie Luv U ZRong Time) has the big teddy on her bed. L0L

Sorry too funny. ZhuRong v418 is the Chinese Pistol with incindiary rounds found at LOB building.

Same for the cameras, I always save the cameras along with my crafting items from day 1.

That is so I can sell them back to a certain BOS Scribe for a whopping 100 caps each.

I'm sitting at about 198,000 caps right now and only done 2 DLC's.

None of my old African Priestess shots would be complete without V-Bagging.

V-Bagging Reilly:


V-Bagging both of Dukov's Girls, before rescuing the white girl:



Of course none of these are as good as yours DO but they were fun. :)




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