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Well, now i do remember seeing some of them, but they don't do more dammage than a super sledge for me DPS or DAM..

Gehenna ( from the GRA Weapons Pack ) has the highest damage output in the game, if you have the Pyromaniac Perk & Poison applied to the blade. Not just in base damage but in how fast you can swing the weapon, plus the fire damage over time. It's a faster killer compared to Oh Baby! ( the unique Super Sledge ), which is probably the third or fourth most damaging melee weapon in the game. Blood Nap ( Unique Bowie Knife ) is up there with Gehenna, especially if you improve critical damage/chance as much as you can, and get the right associated perks.

I usually test out each weapon instead of just looking at the stats. This is because every weapon behaves differently, and this behaviour can make a massive difference in how well they perform in a battle.

Of Course the Hotkey Ammo Glitch with BK Nuke Ammo can make a lead pipe into a one hit kill against anything ( but this takes away any challenge and makes the game very boring ).

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I'm pretty sure you can do the Hotkey Ammo Glitch on the Xbox.

And yes, most of the time glitching ruins the experience. And takes you out of the game world ( as opposed to drawing you in )....................................................

.............................................. But then again the drop-poker-chip money glitch is always usefull. Especially when I have to repair my Enclave Power Armour and Gatling Laser back to 100%. I couldn't afford to without that glitch.

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does the game have the auto axe from fallout 3's pitt dlc?

It could.

Fucking love that mod. Just don't fuck it up.

Edit: And here's the texture pack you'll want.

totally gonna get those.

im saving any mods that add a shit load of new weapons or change the game play a lot to my next game. This one there is still a fuck load of weapons I've never tried in the original game.

Maybe should have waited to install the mutant mod for my 2nd play as well. But what ever, Im getting these two mods for my 2nd play. that and more weapon mods. and play on hardcore. should make it feel like a new game.

with those "special moods" turned on for the nevada skies mod, the silent hill mode actually suits the game pretty good. Might play my 3rd play through with that turned on the entire time

and I'll sink points only in melee, and make my character a chick. and console change my height to player.setscale to something like 0.8.

Silent Hill 3 when ur that pathetic small chick. makes the game scary'er

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I just start salvaging....

same... what's the point of role playing if you're going to take shortcuts?? if i need money, i start gambling or repairing weapons to resell for caps... i collect every duct tape, wrench, scrap electronic/metal, and wonderglue for the sole reason of creating weapon repair kits... just so i can repair some weapons and sell them when i need to...

and once you play through dead money?? pssh, a good cap flow will never be an issue anymore...

also, i don't really care about having the best of the best stuff... i go with what i like... my first new vegas character, bones, used the all-american rifle and riot shotgun pretty much 95% of the time... not nearly the best, but with the right perks they are unstoppable...

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Im using Thump-Thump a lot. Then the LAER

Got unique weapons for the flamer and grenade machine gun too. Got the perk that makes heavy weapons half the weight so its no big deal. Use them when the chips are down. Might start carrying the Annabelle missle launcher too. Wasnt a big fan of the missile launcher in fallout 3 tho. found damage it does doesn't justify the reload time.

Grenade machine gun rapes.

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even the grenade launchers rape... fuck, so does dynamite... i took out 4 viper gang members with one, and 6 bighorners once too... i've taken out a crowd a few times... i never started out with a decent explosives skill before, it's making this go around quite entertaining :D...

i can't wait to get my hands on a rocket launcher... haven't yet, only level 7 i think...

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Yah after getting so much dynamite at the beginning of the game, Im using more explosives than I thought I would. Fallout 3 this character was all about engergy weapons. Big guns was second, but still, gatling laser.

I think they made explosives more effective in new vegas. Or at least more types of launchers. Fallout 3 I'd just sell every mini nuke or missle.

If i needed a big bang I just went with nuka grenades. But new vegas has explosives I feel you can use more often.

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new vegas has balanced out the weapons quite well... when you choose a weapon path, you know you're going to find some good weapons for that skill... 3 was quite limited, but then again, it was also the first in the re-boot... new vegas definitely expanded upon what 3 set out to do...

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also, i don't really care about having the best of the best stuff... i go with what i like... my first new vegas character, bones, used the all-american rifle and riot shotgun pretty much 95% of the time... not nearly the best, but with the right perks they are unstoppable...

^This. My first playthrough of Fallout 3 I pretty much stuck with the hunting rifle, not the most powerful of guns but there's just something about it I like. Plus, there's always a ready supply of them for repairs.

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I just start salvaging....

same... what's the point of role playing if you're going to take shortcuts?? if i need money, i start gambling or repairing weapons to resell for caps... i collect every duct tape, wrench, scrap electronic/metal, and wonderglue for the sole reason of creating weapon repair kits... just so i can repair some weapons and sell them when i need to...

and once you play through dead money?? pssh, a good cap flow will never be an issue anymore...

also, i don't really care about having the best of the best stuff... i go with what i like... my first new vegas character, bones, used the all-american rifle and riot shotgun pretty much 95% of the time... not nearly the best, but with the right perks they are unstoppable...

It depends on how you like to roleplay. Scavenging for hours doesn't seem like fun. And it would take that long because the repair costs are tens of thousands of caps. I do scavenge for Repair Kits and the material needed to make them. But this doesn't nearly cover all of the repairs I need to make.

And the casinos ban you after you win too much money, probably so you can't continuously milk them for caps.

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I usually just take all the weapons and armour from the enemies I kill and I dont have much of a problem paying for repairs.

I just got this mod

makes scavenging more useful. its still not over powered tho. Mostly just makes repairs and other misc items worth collecting.

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Would love to use mods but I've got this on the PS3.

With the wealth of different mods on offer I'm seriously considering buying this again for the PC. If not Fallout New Vegas maybe Fallout 4 when it comes out.

Either way I hope Bethesda/Oblivian or whoever is making the next game have a look at the interesting things modders have done with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Developers should incorporate their ideas and design along with anything modders can come up with aswell, and implement them into Fallout 4. Imagine the massive content filled games we could get from the start. :D

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I just start salvaging....

same... what's the point of role playing if you're going to take shortcuts?? if i need money, i start gambling or repairing weapons to resell for caps... i collect every duct tape, wrench, scrap electronic/metal, and wonderglue for the sole reason of creating weapon repair kits... just so i can repair some weapons and sell them when i need to...

and once you play through dead money?? pssh, a good cap flow will never be an issue anymore...

also, i don't really care about having the best of the best stuff... i go with what i like... my first new vegas character, bones, used the all-american rifle and riot shotgun pretty much 95% of the time... not nearly the best, but with the right perks they are unstoppable...

It depends on how you like to roleplay. Scavenging for hours doesn't seem like fun.

it's fun to me... it's actually the entire structure to what a fallout game is... scavenging... if you can't afford to repair your armor, then perhaps you need to wear something else...

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I just start salvaging....

same... what's the point of role playing if you're going to take shortcuts?? if i need money, i start gambling or repairing weapons to resell for caps... i collect every duct tape, wrench, scrap electronic/metal, and wonderglue for the sole reason of creating weapon repair kits... just so i can repair some weapons and sell them when i need to...

and once you play through dead money?? pssh, a good cap flow will never be an issue anymore...

also, i don't really care about having the best of the best stuff... i go with what i like... my first new vegas character, bones, used the all-american rifle and riot shotgun pretty much 95% of the time... not nearly the best, but with the right perks they are unstoppable...

It depends on how you like to roleplay. Scavenging for hours doesn't seem like fun.

it's fun to me...

Not if the stuff you are collecting is junk and worthless ( Skyrim is guilty of this as well ). Exploring is still fun, I'm just saying running around with broken equipment ( Armour/ Weapons ) while looking for repair kits or their components is not fun.

It's probably a bit easier to do it with your cheaper equipment, but my Gatling Laser with the Built to Destroy Trait doesn't last that long ( also the low number of other gatling lasers there are to find doesn't help repairs ). Just one example, but another one is when I'm using Unarmed/Melee Weapons my armour degenerates pretty fast aswell ( Enemies usually get alot more strikes and attacks in ) and it's the most expensive to repair ( Enclave Power Armour ).

It would be alot better if there was a more efficient way to repair expensive equipment on a regular basis. Hopefully this will be rectified in Fallout 4.

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i spent a lot of the game wearing this outfit with my unarmed/energy weapons character;


i sunk a couple of perks in strengthening my DT so i could take a beating or two... i only switched to my good armor in tight situations... but even then, you should of taken the jury rigging perk so you can repair your enclave armor, or any power armor with another heavy armor...

i went around buying up all the combat armors everywhere i went so i could use it to repair my ranger combat armor with one of my other characters... like i said, i never had a problem paying or repairing my equipment... only in the early levels...

and perhaps you're passing up on good stuff scavenging that could be used for crafting other stuff that sells for more caps?? just because it's worthless, doesn't mean it's not valuable in something else... sure, there's a lot of junk out there, but you gotta know how to pick through the rubbish...

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i spent a lot of the game wearing this outfit with my unarmed/energy weapons character;


i sunk a couple of perks in strengthening my DT so i could take a beating or two... i only switched to my good armor in tight situations... but even then, you should of taken the jury rigging perk so you can repair your enclave armor, or any power armor with another heavy armor...

i went around buying up all the combat armors everywhere i went so i could use it to repair my ranger combat armor with one of my other characters... like i said, i never had a problem paying or repairing my equipment... only in the early levels...

and perhaps you're passing up on good stuff scavenging that could be used for crafting other stuff that sells for more caps?? just because it's worthless, doesn't mean it's valuable somewhere else... sure, there's a lot of junk out there, but you gotta know how to pick through the rubbish...

You're not going to last very long against an Alpha Male Deathclaw wearing THAT!!! HAHAHAHAH!!! :D

Plus I did the 50 Perk Glitch in Goodsprings and still couldn't find a reason to waste a perk on Jury Rigging.

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ohh trust me, i would switch to something else for that... but a regular deathclaw? nah, i'm good... i got enough stimpacks in case health dropped a little faster than i wanted it to...

wow, jurry rigging is one of the most important perks in new vegas...

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but you're complaining about not having enough money for repairing armor... so clearly, jury rigging would of been a very important perk to take... i'm confused :huh:... you do have enough money to repair then??

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Yeah I said in an ealier post I use the Poker Drop-Chip Glitch for money. I usually don't use glitches like this but I want to roleplay as an Ultimate Badass in New Vegas with the best gear ( Weapons/Armour ). And the easiest way to do this is with that glitch.

I played Fallout 3 differently, with more reliance on scavenging. But in New Vegas I see the Player Character as kind of like a secret weapon. Which can be used by any of the major Factions to help beat the others into submission. So you're kind of like a Super Soldier able to take on an entire army almost single handedly.

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caps thats bullshit. I keep my stuff pretty healthy and have no problem paying for repairs. sounds like your not looting the bodies of the fuckers you're killing.

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Yeah I said in an ealier post I use the Poker Drop-Chip Glitch for money. I usually don't use glitches like this but I want to roleplay as an Ultimate Badass in New Vegas with the best gear ( Weapons/Armour ). And the easiest way to do this is with that glitch.

sounds like you use glitches all the time :lol:... goodsprings?? where's the fun in already being level 50 before you even started playing the game?? no wonder you didn't know which perks to take when building your character, you never even played with him yet...

fallout 3 was different though... there wasn't a weapon repair kit or jury rigging perk... you had to be smart with your money and equipment... but once the enclave showed up, wearing heavy armor or selling it, helped the cap flow... or help fund repairs for some of your other equipment...

plus, you can be an ultimate badass wearing this;


equipment doesn't always tell the story...

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