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As far as I know, they don't spawn anywhere. They're extremely rare, and after you buy them from Mick & Ralph's, they don't show up anywhere else.

I exhausted Mick's stash of throwing knives and throwing hatchets early on. (Note to bOnEs, speech check for special inventory, maybe that's why you don't see them.) Have also found a few from Chet in Goodsprings, and Blake at Crimson Caravan Company. Same with the throwing hatchets, which are even more rare, but still found in those 3 places. Also I bought a whopping 4 throwing hatchets at a time from the Great Khan Armory, when they were in business. One of the final missions, I think saving Kimball, makes them stop the sales dialog. Then the dialog "Why would anyone save that bastard" takes over. That's why I think it was that mission. Otherwise, the Great Khan Armory was fantastic to buy from. You might also try the Hoover Dam Armory, at one point they had over 100 of the 40mm grenades. Plus a lot of other ammo and weapons, but at that point I wasn't looking for thrown weapons so I didn't check. Maybe I'll go back to Hoover today and talk to that quartermaster dude, and the quartermaster lady at the BoS Hidden Valley trading post. Mostly I rely on the large amount of spears dropped by dead Legionaries, and tomahawks from the White Legs. At peak, I had like 15 throwing knives and 20 or so throwing hatchets.

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yea, i got lots of spears and tomahawks in stock... probably at least 150 spears... ohh well, they don't deal nearly the amount of damage that throwing spears can inflict and weigh exactly the same... i guess the spears are still the better option...

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I just went to Hoover Dam Armory and he had nothing, same for Hidden Valley.

However the female quartermaster is always loaded with stuff somehow.

When going to the "other" Hidden Valley bunkers don't forget to grab the mini-nukes.

For me the knives are by far the best for accuracy, over the sloppy spears.

Still the best is the Tomahawks the way the grab the whole face.

Now I've broken my own game record and accumulated 205,368 bottle caps.

Plus there's all this in my safe when I want to start gambling.

$100 NCR (26)

$20 NCR (58)

$5 NCR (138)

Legion Aureus (9)

Legion Denarius (2312)

Pre-War Money (797)

Still need to learn Caravan.

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caravan is only useful (profitable) with people that aren't vendors since the money they play with is also what they trade with... but i am not sure if there's a non-merchant caravan player with a lot of caps to gamble with... i tend to try and clean out some vendors with fully repaired rifles and shit, which is much quicker than it is playing a hand of caravan... however, it's quite useful for when you need money and don't have the proper items for sale...

i got the trophy (achievement) before they patched the game... haven't played it since, i should try it out again and see if the computer really has upped it's game... they never played anything on my caravans pre-patch...

here's a link to the peeps that play it... like i predicted, those who aren't merchants don't have many caps to play with... ambassador crocker seems to be the only exception to the rule as he has 2,000 caps to play with...

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just heard from my buddy today, fallout 4 is said to be in San Fransico, yay, more gay followers!!! release date is set for next fall, and im sure there will be something about the book of eli in this game

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Why would there be something about the book of eli in a fallout game set in the alternate reality 1950s/2150s???

As far as gay followers, it did seem all the proud americans in fallout vegas were QDs just for the sake of proud americanry.

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Why would there be something about the book of eli in a fallout game set in the alternate reality 1950s/2150s???

As far as gay followers, it did seem all the proud americans in fallout vegas were QDs just for the sake of proud americanry.

true but there is a lassy reference in new vegas, a bruce willis die hard reference from number 3, i was just saying, the book of eli took place in san fransico in a post apocaliptic world. highly possible there could be a reference

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I need to get back in this. I haven't played since beating the Sierra Madre. Which DLC packs are currently out?

im in the sierra madre currently, then we have lonely hearts, and old world blues and i think the next one is lonesome road...

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*facepalm* i guess your scroll up on your mouse is broken...

Fallout 4 is comming out next fall

i did scroll up, but i don't see how that's possible since it hasn't been announced yet... sorry, but your buddies word isn't enough to convince me it's taking place in san francisco, or that it's coming out next year... unless they've been working with the new iD engine, or bethesda's new engine for a few years now, i don't foresee a release next year...

if it's going to come out next fall, then i fear that they may be using the gamebryo engine still... and that would be most unfortunate as it's severely outdated... i would still play it, but fallout needs a new operating system...

...and what's this die hard reference from fallout 3??

@stoic - honest hearts is set during a tribal war deep in the heart of utah, it's the story of the burned man and his people... and old world blues literally seems like a sci-fi movie, consisting of remarks about penis feet (which shows how funny this DLC is)... i would suggest both, but if you want just one, go with old world blues...

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*facepalm* i guess your scroll up on your mouse is broken...

Fallout 4 is comming out next fall

i did scroll up, but i don't see how that's possible since it hasn't been announced yet... sorry, but your buddies word isn't enough to convince me it's taking place in san francisco, or that it's coming out next year... unless they've been working with the new iD engine, or bethesda's new engine for a few years now, i don't foresee a release next year...

if it's going to come out next fall, then i fear that they may be using the gamebryo engine still... and that would be most unfortunate as it's severely outdated... i would still play it, but fallout needs a new operating system...

...and what's this die hard reference from fallout 3??

@stoic - honest hearts is set during a tribal war deep in the heart of utah, it's the story of the burned man and his people... and old world blues literally seems like a sci-fi movie, consisting of remarks about penis feet (which shows how funny this DLC is)... i would suggest both, but if you want just one, go with old world blues...

when your helping little wilks kid from the giant fire breathing ants, he hides in one of those atomic bomb standing shelters. he then later says something along the lines of "now i know what its like to be a TV diner". this is from die hard (not sure which one) when john (bruce willis) is climbing through a air vent

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ohh now i gotcha ;)... which reminds me that i bought the blue-ray collection of all four movies for $20 and have yet to see any of them (from the collection of course... i've seen them all a hundred times)... i love me some die hard :D...

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This is a good read:


So many details that I didn't know from earlier games.

The only thing that I thought was missing and should've

been mentioned was that Mr.House shot down the nukes,

preventing Vegas from being destroyed. Other than that - awesome.

So your saying you never heard Mr House say he shot down the nukes in New Vegas? I'm pretty sure he says it when you get talking to him a bit, and so does Yes Man in a round about way when you talk to him too

scratch that i see what you mean, maybe i should have read it first

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that's not punishment, that's one of the best video game songs in quite some time... it's eerily spot on 50's, with a chilly vibe only felt by those who understand the pre-war history of the fallout universe... i am glad there's now a radio station from OWB that actually plays it from time to time...

and lol, the mad dooby is learning quickly... synch is the fallout master... he's knows everything... i've shown him a few things though, like the hula girl trick :D... still gets me excited when i hear it, i immediately start the search... i've been fooled by the big rusty tape-deck looking machines though, they have a similar sound, but very short compared to the hula girl...

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It took me 3 hours to read the whole timeline and another hour to read all the characters I forgot/didnt know. I now understand the parrallel universe know as Fallout, and it was extremely worth it. I knew bits and pieces of it before but now it has all been put together for me Bethesda's writers are freakishly good at what they do, creating a timeline that is both connectable to our own and even possible. thank you for posting that timeline

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say wha?!?!?! thanks to facebook, i posted this well ahead of anyone else on the web... i would like to know about the gun runners arsenal... and i knew this was going to happen, this is being release the day i leave for my golfing vacation up north... seems like bethesda likes to time their DLC's around other events for me :angry:... honest hearts came out when LA noire did, old world blues while i was renting infamous 2 for half the price... couldn't pass up on that opportunity... can't remember what slightly delayed dead money for me anymore...

ohh, and i'll make one of those meme things later today :D...

EDIT: wow, apparently the vault got a hold of a few images instead of the one from the blog post...


looks like the col. autumn overcoat makes a return, as well as a few different weapons... and what the fuck is this thing?!


and i guess there's 27 unique weapons in the gun runners pack, inlcuding achievements and trophies... so i am assuming that this gun runners pack will be a sort of mini-quest then, instead of giving you 27 unique weapons to start the game with... perhaps it's sort of an easter egg hunt style of DLC...

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See, I fucking told you they'd release it the same day as Gears 3. Motherfuckers...

... That being said, I'll be buying all three of these DLC's. I mean, at $1.99, the pre-order bonuses are hard to pass up, and $3.99 is more than fair for a good weapon hunt. They should've been releasing this kind of DLC all along, give us something to do while waiting for the real DLC.

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i hope they throw some free mini-nukes into the weapon arsenal... one character only has 2, the other has maybe 4?? not enough to even whip out the fatman for testing... perhaps there's a stockpile in hopeville... but the weapon hunt sounds like fun, perhaps they might consider an armor hunt DLC... i just hope that the 27 unique weapons doesn't include mods to existing weapons, which would make the number of new weapons drastically lower than 27...

i am kind of curious as to what you can do with that nuclear warhead in hopeville...



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