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yea, jury rigging is probably the best perk in the game... there's plenty of materials lying around the wastes to create repair kits with... but i don't even bother collecting them anymore on my main characters, i just buy repair kits from the sierra madre vending machine now...

i find the jury rigging perk works best on armor... any light armor can repair any other light armor... and the same for medium and heavy armors... that right there is what makes the perk so valuable, especially since there are some really really nice light armors out there, and being able to use a wasteland wanderers robe to repair it saves so much money...

i don't even really use weapons to repair other weapons anymore, i just use repair kits...

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Thanks to OWB, it's basically impossible to not have the supplies for a weapon repair kit. But, like bOnEs, I mostly just use the Sierra Madre machine. I barely used any of my thousand or so chips on any of my characters (except the first one), so I've got a lot of kits I can buy. Between Jury Rigging, Dead Money, and OWB, you should never have to pay for repairs for anything, except for the unique items you can't repair yourself.

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what are those? the repair kits work on all weapons, perhaps you're talking about a very select few armors... now that sakura is a friend of the followers, i did just get my hands on the all-purpose scientist suit... not sure if any light armor can repair it...

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I forget what weapons you can't repair, actually. I may have confused it with certain armors, which I rarely need to repair. My lower-level couriers get new armor too often to need repairs, and my high-levels don't take many hits. Except in the case of Old World Blues. Those cyber dogs may be weak, but they run up on you fast.

But yeah, I think I just got it mixed up with the armor.

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too true... you're constantly swapping armors early since they deteriorate quickly... but in the latter levels, you're untouchable most of the time, which requires minimal repair... however, light armors do deteriorate quicker it seems, so collecting some pre-war outfits will always pay off in the end since you do take some damage...

it's your great weapon skills mixed with various perks that make losing health at a minimum later in the game... but your armor always suffers... jury rigging is still the "essential" perk for wasteland survival...

i kinda wonder if i should try playing the game with heavy armor... i NEVER play with it, it's not useful enough, and takes up too much inventory space... hampers my skills to be honest... light armors are the signature armor with new vegas... medium was in F3...

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I'm always wearing a merc trouble maker outfit, Fallout 3 or New Vegas, and there are a select few armors that can't be repaired using other armors, i cant remember off the top of my head.

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I wouldn't want a Fallout movie for the same reason I wouldn't want a GTA movie: there's too much shit going on in the game. You have to go through too many people and do too much shit to get from start to finish, it would be impossible to wrap it up in two hours. Now, a TV show, a one-hour show on FX, HBO, some channel that'll make it mature and do it justice? Fuck yeah, I'd be all over that.

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it's a little corny, but it least a group of fans have done something like this... and i admire it, but i don't think it's all that good... i've only seen a couple episodes though, but i don't know if there are anymore than that...

not sure how i'd feel about a TV series though, i just don't think it would be done right... i don't want to see someone ruin it, at least with the fan series, they're staying true to the game... you know that once hollywood gets a hold of it, it won't resemble anything at all like fallout...

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Well, if they really want to do it right, Bethesda could always just do a CGI series instead. I only wanted a proper network so they would have a larger budget for a live-action show, but CGI would be cheaper.

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True enough, a T-V series would actually not be too bad, considering the multiple fallouts, multiple characters, wiered shit thats always happening and a shit load of violence. This fan based series is corny but its one of the better fallout remakes ive seen

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The Ranger Sequoia actually isn't a unique weapon, its found on a few different Rangers across the Mojave.

It's not a rare weapon at all. All of the Black Rangers have them.


Here's a boring tip once you have the fully modded water sink from OWB, for filling up empty bottles....

Almost unlimited Purified Water, more than you'll ever need if you've come close to finishing the game.

Remember those entries I made on the Fallout Wiki about the Sunset Sasparilla Empties in the factory,

that the Wiki moderators kept editing? Well it's a fact there are over 750 empties in the warehouse crates alone,

I flat out do not care what they said, or how they edited my findings.

I counted them and separated them in one dumpster outside.

Another 200 scattered around the factory, floor, offices, and grounds. Take all those to the Big MT.

Have the water basin do her magic, and right there is almost 1,000 bottles of purified water.

Boring tips for the wasties. Drink up.

You guys know about this?

It was posted on the old forum.

The best work of its kind to date so far, IMHO.

People can insult it if they want, but until they can do Fallout Fan Film yet.

Has anyone posted this yet?

Pretty cool i'd say :)

Holy Quacamole, that is totally cool. Thanks DuPz! (Y)

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You guys know about this?

I posted this back in the dizzay. Good stuff.

On a side note; I got back into playing New Vegas recently after taking a brief hiatus and playing some other games. I downloaded Honest Hearts, but spent two straight days just taking care of unresolved shit in the Mojave; exploring Vaults, becoming a member of the BoS - why hadn't I done that sooner? I'm level 36 for chrissake. There are still a ton of places in the wasteland I need to check out and explore; so I'll be doing that for awhile, I'm hooked again.

I started Honest Hearts, and I'm not blown away or anything. It's a nice change of scenery and the story is okay so far. Lots of religious references that I could care less about, but everything appears to be building up to a lot of killing; so I'm down.

I FUCKING love the Tomahawk. I hate that I can't pull them out of the dead people I fling them into. I would get rid of every gun I have for endless Tomahawks. I also like the War Club. Nothing better than a horse-shaped blunt object to pound people to death with.

I hated the first companion; that stupid indian almost killed all the fucking bighorn after telling me not to. I just met up with the second one, and she looks like a fucking idiot, too. Woot.

I'll probably pick up Old World Blues soon after completing Honest Hearts, or whenever I get to Level 40; whichever comes first. Lonesome Road should be out about the time I'm done with all of that.

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you haven't had the burned man as a follower yet?? he's wickedly good with his unique .45... i think you can only get him for one journey, so next time i go there, i am going to exploit it a little and use him to do side-quests and explore tougher caves...

i am actually getting very close to sending my little asian follower to zion...

old world blues is a must have, stoic... you'll really really enjoy it, you have to play it... and lonesome road is just two weeks away!! i'm getting all excited about the final chapter of new vegas... the only story still left unanswered...

...and have you been to vault 11 or 34 yet??? those are stories within themselves... vault 11's vault-tec purpose and vault 34's crazy maze full of baddies...


apparently bethesda released an audio log found in lonesome road... i am not gonna listen to it for fear of spoilers, and if it's found in lonesome road, i will find it myself... but any of you are welcome to check it out, but please discuss it in spoiler tags...

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seems to like their ideals, especially considering how far elijah is from that idea... he really doesn't like elijah, and he did kind of send him off to his death in the madre by telling him of that death trap... perhaps he's a brotherhood himself??

a thought just came to me... i wonder if ulysses is the one that shot ED-E... since ED-E seems to revolve around a side-quest in LR... and what do you do if ED-E is dead?! i surely hope collecting his upgrades aren't detrimental the main story of LR...

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They probably don't affect the story. Veronica being dead didn't affect Dead Money.

I've got my September 20th figured out. A new season of Sons of Anarchy started on FX last night, and it comes on at 10pm. So, on the 20th, I'm going to get up and start my Lonesome Road download, then head off to Gamestop to pick up Gears 3. I'm then going to rock out on Gears all day until 10, at which time I'll have no choice but to put the controller down to watch SoA. While I'm doing that, I'll start LR. Perfect. Once again, FX solves a problem for me.

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pfft, i got that tuesday off, but the playstation store never updates until around 6pm... and by that time i will be on my way to northern michigan to play a round of golf at a premier and nationally recognized country club... but we get back wednesday evening, so i should have that evening to play it...

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bones - haven't gotten to the burned man as my companion. i'll keep you posted.

I have completed all of the vaults, that was one of the things I wrapped up while playing the past couple of days. I'll definitely be picking up OWB.

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be aware of the nightstalkers... you'll know what i am talking about soon enough... you know they're in big MT, get ready to see them come from nowhere, unless you're always a sneaking person to begin with... even then, they'll still surprise you, and in packs...

in the big MT, they live up to their name, "stalker"... but the "night" part doesn't make sense to me since they'll come after you in the daytime...

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