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i heard the twangy scratchy sound again, it lasts maybe a second or two... and when i looked around, i spotted a hula girl :o... hmmm, when i reloaded the game to try it again, it didn't work... so, i think i need to test this some more... and thank you for mentioning the great kahn armory, i managed to buy all the energy ammo they had in stock... i found a way to increase my MF cell ammo count though, and that's converting the electron charge packs into MF cells... i had a bunch of ECP's with no use for them so, this was my best option... now i am fully stocked :D...

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Now I'm intrigued, I'll also be looking into the hula girl mystery, with my PC at full volume. Do you remember many places where I can find them. If it's not loot I can pick up, I tend to forget it exists. I remember 90% of the tin cans in the game, but I can't think of a hula girl spot for the life of me...

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yea i know, same with me... i first officially noticed it at the REPCONN test site, but that place is frikin' HUGE so i couldn't tell you where... but i've heard that sound play throughout the game and always likened it to ambient sounds or a part of the soundtrack...

but the second time i heard it, which confirmed my suspicion was when i walked into mick and ralphs... i heard it looped over and over for a couple seconds, then noticed a pile of them in a display in front of ralph!! then at some point i was upstairs talking to mick and after the convo, i heard it again!! i looked around and spotted one on a desk upstairs...

but when i reloaded, i didn't hear it... so i don't know if it's random, or has to do with actually looking at it, or not looking at it, or what the deal is... all i know is i hear this quiet, scratchy, twangy sound, similar to the sound ED-E makes when he spots an enemy, but not nearly as loud...

please let me know if you happen to catch this as i think i might of discovered a nice little easter egg :D... it's so subtle that it's easily unnoticeable, but the more i hear it, the more it sounds like a caribbean jingle that's worn out over the centuries...


EDIT: and i am not the only one who's noticed this... i scoured the wikia to find one other person;

i hope he is following it so i can get a response...

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I believe so, but I'm going to try and find a few more to be sure. Nothing in Repconn, possibly because I spotted the hula girl from a distance, and when I went to Freeside to investigate Mick and Ralph's, a Kings/Freeside Thug fight spilled into the store (one of the few downsides of my increased wasteland population mod) and interfered with things, but I'm sure I heard something near the pile of hula girls on the front counter, and I know I caught a little jingle upstairs near the hula girl on the desk.

But, like I said, the hunt isn't over. I'm going to keep looking around, and try it on some characters that have Wild Wasteland and some that don't, in case that has something to do with it.

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it shouldn't, my two main characters don't have that trait... i just went into a ton of houses in novac, goodsprings and primm and no one had a hula girl... i just went back to mick and ralphs and heard nothing... perhaps because i was just there the day before (in-game) but i am going to check out the strip extensively and see what i can dig up... i haven't heard it all today...

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well well, i figured it out... just stand near them for a bit and they'll do the jingle... tested it out in the mick and ralph's... i just stood there next to them for a bit and the jingle played... sometimes it took longer but it played... walked away, returned and it played again...

i even found another one in the king's place, next to his lovebed... and the same thing happened, i stood there for a minute and the jingle played... it was a little harder to pick up in the king's place due to the loud music but it did it... and there it went again!!

so the mystery is solved, i think they just randomly play, especially the ones you are standing next to... i would like to run into one running thru a place to see if it works that way as well... chances are i was scaving around the one in REPCONN so i was in the vicinity for a period of time...

MWAHAHAHA, i don't even feel like informing the vault at the present moment... i'd rather just bask in my own personal glory for a while and then inform them, if i feel like it... ...or you can if you want, i really don't care... it's not like i would get the credit or anything, the vault is a group effort...

the downstairs ones at mick and ralph's are going off every 10 seconds right now... wow, how did no one ever notice this before?!?

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There are a lot of random changes in the background music, I never would have figured out the music was coming from the hula girls on my own. I stopped thinking about what the music meant once I figured out that a rattlesnake in the background music wasn't a nightstalker nearby.

Good find, bOnEs.

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when i checked out vault 21, i thought i heard it a couple of times but it was a computer mainframe making weird sounds... it's hardly noticeable, no wonder it's been overlooked... and now that i know what it sounds like, i am literally going to have to look around when i hear it, just to find the damned thing... if i had the PC version, i would create a mod to reward you for finding them :D...

but that tune is now permanently stuck in my head, funny how that works out in the end... if bethesda wanted to really mess with me, they ought to put one underneath a floor somewhere or in an unreachable box, just to make me walk around for an hour looking for it...

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Anyone heard anything about the fallout MMO? The last I heard, it was on the ropes because interplay have gone to shit or something.

To be honest, I wasn't that excited about it. I like fallout for the solitary experience. Spending hours surrounded by 12 year olds shouting "shoot the deathclaw! Shoot the deathclaw you noob!" is not my idea of fun. In fact, being sodomized by a spiked bat would be more entertaining.

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i doubt the MMO will ever reach the public, it's been in limbo and fought over for a while now... bethesda suing interplay and vice versa... fighting over creative control, blah blah blah... and like you said, if it ever comes out, i will not really be interested in it, unless i play with guys like massacre and synch... i hate playing with random people...

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i doubt the MMO will ever reach the public, it's been in limbo and fought over for a while now... bethesda suing interplay and vice versa... fighting over creative control, blah blah blah... and like you said, if it ever comes out, i will not really be interested in it, unless i play with guys like massacre and synch... i hate playing with random people...

My thoughts exactly.

Perhaps even more controlled as in The Thorn. At least you know what's up.

What happened to Unreal, it eventually became Unreal Tournament.

Not that this was bad, but UT is more of team environment, than the original game.

I could see Raiders/Fiends against the various factions, but definitely no

12 year olds screaming shoot the Deathclaw.....or worse...Where's the Pew-Pew. :lol:

EDIT: Hula Girl Update.

Bones - oh the slide guitar riff!...pretty subliminal I guess.

It also sounds like the beginning of Hendrix's

waterfall song off the 2nd album Axis Bold as Love.

I just verified by standing in front of hula bobble

at H&H Tools. Even though there is FNV soundtrack music

going on, the hula girl slide guitar went off about 4 times.

Actually I'm still standing there and it still goes off.

It's just like one slide up on the guitar, and a few notes

picked after that, to be made to sound Hawaiian probably.

(Y) Good find bOnEs! :yes:

Actually thanks for waking us all up.

I had been hearing that subliminal tune the whole time.

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thanks for another confirmation, synch :D... i too have heard that sound throughout the game, and i always likened it to ambient sounds in the background when near mainframe stuff... similar to hearing a gun battle off in the distance when outdoors, or hearing the building you're in make sounds as if it were about to fall over... i just never thought much of it until i realized that perhaps something else is causing this sound...

it never gets old discovering something new in some of my favorite games... i discovered the "good samaritan" thing in vice city where you are reward for helping the police chase a suspect, and as soon as i mentioned it on gameFAQS, it was EVERYWHERE!! there's other games like harvest moon that i also discovered glitches and cheats for...

now i will forever be on the lookout for hula girls :D... at least they now have a purpose in the wasteland!! and that's to be heard!!

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thanks for another confirmation, synch :D... i too have heard that sound throughout the game, and i always likened it to ambient sounds in the background when near mainframe stuff... similar to hearing a gun battle off in the distance when outdoors, or hearing the building you're in make sounds as if it were about to fall over... i just never thought much of it until i realized that perhaps something else is causing this sound...

I've been following those sounds lately, and when I hear them (usually in Freeside) it's actually a shootout going on. I thought that was just background noise, too. If I didn't know better, I would consider leaving the next time I heard a building creak...

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i can tell the difference between an actual gunfight, and the one that randomly plays in wide open spaces, the outdoor one comes with a slight explosion sound i think... but i recall you mentioning that rattlesnake sound that plays during one of the soundtrack songs... i too used to look around feverishly to see where the fucker was, only to find out it wasn't a nightstalker but the damn soundtrack... then one time i was walking through the world and thought it was the soundtrack, only to find out it was actually a nightstalker!! talk about giving me a heart attack when it attacked!!

i still get the heeby jeebies when i see a flock of cazadors coming towards me... and when you get that random poison sound that has nothing to do with what you are doing, really freaks me out... it tends to happen when near a cazador nest... fucking cazadors literally scare me... that cave on the way up to jacobstown is fucking SCARY!!!

speaking of nightstalkers though, if i read terminals correctly during my journey thru the mojave, i recall reading that nightstalkers were genetically created when genes were spliced between coyotes and rattlesnakes... me thinks this is a creature that will appear in old world blues since it sounds like it was started in a lab...

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Yeah, I expect Nightstalkers and Deathclaws to be in Old World Blues, although Deathclaws weren't created in the Mojave area, I don't think.

What I don't understand is why there aren't rattlesnakes in the game. You always hear them in the background music, Nightstalkers came partially from them, and they're almost as likely to survive a nuclear holocaust as a cockroach. Not that what happened to the Mojave qualifies as a holocaust. They could even have made them gigantic radioactive rattlesnakes (raddlesnakes?) and I would have been happy.

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i'm curious about the radscorpions... i thought for sure they were just the result of the nuclear air but there are robotic versions in old world blues... i am a bit confused... perhaps they will explain the origin of super mutants more since it sounds like the experiments were taking place before the war... maybe harold was a creation of the scientists as well?? :P...

dear god if these scientists created the cazadors, all my characters will demolish the think tanks!! i don't care what route (evil/good) that entails... none of them like the cazadors...

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thanks for another confirmation, synch :D... i too have heard that sound throughout the game, and i always likened it to ambient sounds in the background when near mainframe stuff... similar to hearing a gun battle off in the distance when outdoors, or hearing the building you're in make sounds as if it were about to fall over... i just never thought much of it until i realized that perhaps something else is causing this sound...

it never gets old discovering something new in some of my favorite games... i discovered the "good samaritan" thing in vice city where you are reward for helping the police chase a suspect, and as soon as i mentioned it on gameFAQS, it was EVERYWHERE!! there's other games like harvest moon that i also discovered glitches and cheats for...

now i will forever be on the lookout for hula girls :D... at least they now have a purpose in the wasteland!! and that's to be heard!!

(Y) This was *totally* your find, amigo. :yes:

All of us will continue to search for them.

Remembering of course, to listen for that faint audio that you found. B)

The thing I hate about finding exploits in GTA, was, someone is ALWAYS there to say they found it first. That is also, why I stopped editing the Fallout Wiki. Some fuck was always coming along, changing my findings. Case in point, Ryan Briggs Wonder Meat in Fallout 3, and the Empty Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottles in New Vegas. To this date I have removed only bottles from the crates in the factory, to the dumpster in the back, and it is 900+..with many more crates in the factory to go. None of the outside ones, or floor ones. While some moron continues to edit/dumb it down to 700, then stating various bottles, etc etc. Now, since Honest Hearts, there is a crafting recipe to use them, and the guy screwed me on that as well. Bunch of fucking pricks on that site. I find valid shit, and they take credit.

On my old GTA Forum where I was admin, I was able to post findings of the parking meters in GTA:III, the unlimited fares in the North Point Mall bus stop, and the 3rd entrance into the Underworld in GTA: Vice City. Still people claim those as their own, as they do for Agent Ozzy's extra territory glitch in GTA: §an Andreas. We made Ozzy an honorary member the minute he posted that, but on many forums, he was laughed at, and it remains one of the most awesome exploits of all time! Guy was the founder of the extra territories from day one.

Not to worry bOnEs, as far as we are concerned, you are the FNV Hulu Girl Audio Discoverer.

Here is that Hendrix tune that only the beginning guitar sounds like the Hula Girl theme.

Only the beginning guitar, if listening in the game, as faint slide guitar.

It was actually the first JH Experience album I found out, and the tune is "May This Be Love"

This came to mind when I made the connection to your discovery, but *only* the beginning guitar sounds.

speaking of nightstalkers though, if i read terminals correctly during my journey thru the mojave, i recall reading that nightstalkers were genetically created when genes were spliced between coyotes and rattlesnakes... me thinks this is a creature that will appear in old world blues since it sounds like it was started in a lab...

Absolutely. Not just in the Charleston Cave, but on many terminals.

As the data was explained, they were genetically spliced together.

i'm curious about the radscorpions... i thought for sure they were just the result of the nuclear air but there are robotic versions in old world blues... i am a bit confused... perhaps they will explain the origin of super mutants more since it sounds like the experiments were taking place before the war... maybe harold was a creation of the scientists as well?? :P...

Harold's story was written in the Oasis. He kept carrying the tree on his head.

If you played the older Fallout games, he was in there too. The Master didn't create him.

The Master DID create the super mutants though. That was explained in earlier games, but

also in the irradiated Vault in Fallout 3. The one where Fawkes had to go in and get the

GECK. Some of the mutants were mentioned in New Vegas as Enclave creations from Navarro.

I think Massacre will know the most, he and Heartless played the older games. I don't really

read the Fallout Wiki anymore since there is so much contradiction going on there. But that

is where I would have gone to read about the creations 2 years ago.

I can't wait for the next DLC.

Unfortunately I think it arrives when I am on over-night shift for a week on my job.

It's a 24/7 HD Television facility so it will be a fucked week. Good the weekend after though.

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The thing I hate about finding exploits in GTA, was, someone is ALWAYS there to say they found it first. That is also, why I stopped editing the Fallout Wiki. Some fuck was always coming along, changing my findings. Case in point, Ryan Briggs Wonder Meat in Fallout 3, and the Empty Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottles in New Vegas. To this date I have removed only bottles from the crates in the factory, to the dumpster in the back, and it is 900+..with many more crates in the factory to go. None of the outside ones, or floor ones. While some moron continues to edit/dumb it down to 700, then stating various bottles, etc etc. Now, since Honest Hearts, there is a crafting recipe to use them, and the guy screwed me on that as well. Bunch of fucking pricks on that site. I find valid shit, and they take credit.

On my old GTA Forum where I was admin, I was able to post findings of the parking meters in GTA:III, the unlimited fares in the North Point Mall bus stop, and the 3rd entrance into the Underworld in GTA: Vice City. Still people claim those as their own, as they do for Agent Ozzy's extra territory glitch in GTA: §an Andreas. We made Ozzy an honorary member the minute he posted that, but on many forums, he was laughed at, and it remains one of the most awesome exploits of all time! Guy was the founder of the extra territories from day one.

This only further strengthens my belief that anyone who isn't from the forums is a worthless piece of shit who has no business breathing our air.

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This only further strengthens my belief that anyone who isn't from the forums is a worthless piece of shit who has no business breathing our air.

We didn't all start from here, Psy's groups that is.

I had seen that he was a contributor to my webmaster's FAQ so I sought him out, and his stunting videos. Impressive. So I followed, and joined up. Slowly, started to migrate in. When my webmaster closed his site, I stayed with Psy. That was, like back in the days.....Been with Psy ever since. Not as a psycho contributor like many who live in the Asylum and all that, but always been here posting gaming exploits and contributions to the games side of forum life. I'm not much for all the other junk, life's too short, and I'm older than y'all. Don't ask. Sharing experience from the games. That's all.

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yea, i posted a bunch of stuff on the tepid sewer housing and it was generally ignored, and to this day they've taken out a few things i think is important if you wanted to live there... there are respawning ENEMIES outside at both ends of the sewer... mirelurks on one end, and super mutants on the other... and an enclave soldier and deathclaw after they arrive to the wasteland...

i never got credit for the good samaritan thing, and i never got credit for money glitch exploits with the harvest moon series but who cares anymore... the only place i can get credit is in this awesome community that psy created... thanks guys :D... and because of that, i am not going to tell the vault about the hula girls... they can figure it out themselves, if that ever happens... it'll be our little secret :D...

so harold came from the master's army?? perhaps the scientists created the master's army?? i too don't know the full history of the west coast fallout since i never played the first two games...

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So, if they're planning on keeping up with the "Honest Hearts in May, Old World Blues in June, Lonesome Road in July" thing, there should be a trailer tomorrow, with the DLC releasing on the 28th. Or they'll just delay it...

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So, if they're planning on keeping up with the "Honest Hearts in May, Old World Blues in June, Lonesome Road in July" thing, there should be a trailer tomorrow, with the DLC releasing on the 28th. Or they'll just delay it...

Just noticed this June release date.

Was reading about the Lobotomites

Looks promising, but wondered where they got all this good dope already

Places, items, names....did I miss a trailer? Today is still only 6-21.

I saw the video on the Old World Blues page, that's about it.

(That video is where they got the screen on the main wiki page)

Can't wait, hope it comes out soon.

I go on over nights on my job 2nd week in July,

that shift sucks for gaming. Thankfully only a week,

filling in for the regular over night guy on vacation.

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