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There are a lot of small camps and hidden loot caches just between there and Red Rocket, I noticed. One of them even requires a few seconds of thought to open. It feels like there's a lot more to find than there ever was in previous games.



i found a random unmarked eyebot station in the middle of nowhere one time :lol:...

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Thanks. The bottom bit is like a garage area for my workbenches and crafting tables. Middle floor is just for luxury items eventually. And the top floor is my bedroom.

Will probably end up restructuring multiple times, and convert it to metal and better defences etc, though.

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Have to admit, I just started building without giving it a great deal of thought!  Built a couple of pre-fabs, and some metal shed!




And this is my character.  Decided to be sensible and not create some freak!  




Anyway, I think my main aim at the moment is to put any quests to one side and concentrate on scavenging stuff.

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ha, we're all using the same base wooden structure, dup just decided to put his on the 2nd level :lol:...


i just went thru the massachusetts state house  :no:... i really need to start grinding levels, i am reaching a point where most battles are becoming a huge struggle... i only managed to make it all the way thru because i had a stealthboy on me and some bottlecap mines for the final battle... also, what will probably be the scariest/freakiest moments in the game happened to me here... i won't spoil it but GOD DAMN!!!!!1!!!!!1!! i found a way around, i was not even close to being the proper level, i thought i was gonna have reload a previous save...


so basically, be prepared if you enter the state house... i'd imagine it's part of the main quest/side quest at some point, but for now, it's mostly cleared out for when the time comes for me to return...

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Well I made it to Diamond City thankfully so now I have a 'permanent' place where I can restock and trade.


Also cleared out that factory full of raiders - what possessed me to do that when I was so ill-equipped I'll never know.  Stumbled right through it and it must've taken me over an hour to do! 

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So, you know that thing that's supposed to happen, after you acquire power armor for the first time? Yeah, I didn't get to do that. Found it dead, on my way out of town. Never even saw it crawl out of where it's meant to.

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Has anyone met Swan yet? lmfao god dam.



if they dont release a mod for free camera controls to take screenshots I am going to be pissed. It was a basic function on PC.

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I'm only clearing the outside so far, but the Corvega factory is going pretty smoothly. I'm racking up a lot of ironsights kills with the laser musket, and I'm finally managing some stealth melee kills with my serrated switchblade. Since this is going so well, I imagine I'll be viciously raped, once I actually go inside.

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It'd be nice to find ammo for the sniper rifle I found ages ago and haven't been able to use yet...although the scope is coming in handy for scouting.


I may have inadvertently caused a certain group of people to hate my guts, without necessarily knowing what I was signing up for...not sure if I should go back and make nice.


About to work through Corvega. The game is gorgeous. 

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calling it quits on the day... it was slow to start, but after i got thru that mistake of a place i mentioned earlier, the ball got rolling quite nicely the rest of the evening... a big event happened with the main story, looking forward to see how that shapes the landscape tomorrow B)...


and piper seems to be moving this partnership towards something a little more  <_<... and all i've been doing is picking locks... she seems to like that rebel side of me or something :lol:... she's stopped me twice now to tell me her life story... so i assume i'll be helping her out tomorrow at some point... and i got those 3 fusion cores i was looking for, so i am definitely heading back to that settlement i mentioned earlier...


sounds like i got my day planned out tomorrow lol...

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Resources for sanctuary, is there only a certain number of places you can gather them? Like; wood; metal; ceramics, etc...?

And do you unlock new items for the interiors as you find them? Still kind of unsure about how it all works.

There's one thing that bugs me, might just be an OCD, but i noticed that when you save, the thumbnail doesn't update. It does however update after you've turned your PS4 off and on again....

Because of this, i actually have to read the date & time to see which save file i want to load... Hopefully they fix this small issue.

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All of your junk items contribute to your materials, if you store them at Sanctuary's workshop. Remember, junk items aren't for selling anymore.

Other than that, open workshop mode while in Sanctuary and scrap anything that's outlined in yellow, or anything that you simply don't want there. I acquired over 1000 wood and metal simply by cleaning up the junk items in the neighborhood.

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Ah that's good. So everything i collect that is junk, contributes to my build. Sounds good.

I heard that there's a bottle cap glitch that allows you to fleece every vendor out of all of their caps.

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Ah that's good. So everything i collect that is junk, contributes to my build. Sounds good.

I heard that there's a bottle cap glitch that allows you to fleece every vendor out of all of their caps.

Unlike GTA, I am ok with not glitching this game


It seems caps are harder to come by in the game. You get less money for looting raiders and stuff. Bones was right, if you ever see adhesive (duct tape, wonderglue) at vendors, but that shit. you need it for every mod. Didn't Bethesda even say this game would focus more on crafting and less on caps? If you get the gun mod perks, you can make some serious weapons. The ones you find are good enough when you mod them. Never mind buying weapons for caps. I say save that shit for power cores or whatever they are called for the power armour. 


Also, stock up on .44 rounds when you can. It seems to be a very rare ammo type. You will thank me later especially if your going with the gunsligner perk. I fucking love revolvers. 





and piper seems to be moving this partnership towards something a little more   <_<...



Let's just say my character doesn't have high enough charisma lol. Might get the lady killer perk. Then agian my goodie 2 shoes character right now is still mourning his wife lol. 


I'm so tempted to be sarcastic in the dialogue when I can but I don't know how that would affect story progress. Probably save that for a new characters and be a sarcastic asshole for the whole game. 

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i'm sarcastic at times, i pick and choose the moments, and i get favorable results most of the time... i guess you gotta know your audience... also, dup, if you're low on crafting material, hit up other settlements that you never visit and strip their places down of trees and buildings and shit... if you're never gonna visit, then take their materials...


i also hate that the thumbnail save doesn't show a proper image... i go by location listed too...

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Hot plates contain copper wire, grab every one you see. Glue and duct tape are essentials for crafting & upgrades.

I'm as OCD as Ginginho, must carry every single available resource, no matter how's a true vindication that every little thing finally has a use in a Bethesda game. Even clipboards have springs! :o


Also, the food crafting stations remind me of Skyrim. :mellow:


Friggin's so hard to pick which ones to focus on...

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