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yea, swan's pond is certainly a "HOLY SHIT!" moment :lol:...


am i the only one disappointed in the 3rd person view?? i love 3rd person, but it sucks and i find myself mostly playing in 1st person... what a shame, i wish i could manipulate the camera like we could in 3 and NV :(...

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The camera range doesn't go out nearly as far as in Fallout 3, and the camera tends to reset itself after you've been in first person...I have to keep zooming it back out, but it's better than nothing.

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Yeah I do like the X-01. Looks quite menacing, i'm currently working on a power armour workshop at Starlight for all the sets I have.

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Fuck you, Bones qnd you devilishly handsome beard. Just tried the exact romance option with piper you described and got shot down. I'm going to get my dog. At least he doesn't expect him to impress him all the time.

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Anyone else sporting (or even acquired) the Minutemen General's uniform? Enough armor for me to be able to put my shadowed leather set away, and damned stylish, to boot. My full ensemble is the uniform, a pair of welding goggles, and the Ronin hairstyle and doomsday prepped beard. I think it makes me look like a post-apocalyptic pirate.

My weapons loadout consists of:

Fate, a suppressed .50 cal hunting rifle with long-range scope.

Fortune, a combat knife with stealth blade (bonus sneak attack and bleeding damage).

Fury, a .44 magnum with bull barrel.

Considering going full pirate mode and replacing my knife with a revolutionary sword.

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You know you've played too much Fallout when you notice an abandoned roll of duct tape at work, and get the urge to loot it...


I know when my eyes feel like they are burning and I have a splitting headache


between Fallout and staring at a computer screen at much


its weird tho. I am ok watching netflicks. when I start gaming or reading off my computer it flares up. probably just an eye strain thing. TV shows require way less focus than video games

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also, my adventure at the general atomics expo wasn't as eventful... passed a speech check and turned it into a town lmao :lol:... but i did reload afterwards just to fuck around, and it was a good fun 15 minutes lol...

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It is. And it was even better than in Fallout 3.

I hope that when the time comes for DLC, they expand on this story in the same way that the side quest in Point Lookout expanded on their story in 3.

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long weekend...




fuck it, dude, let's go bowling...






finally unlocked the perks needed yesterday to build crafting stations, so i put a little work into my place... it's far from finished, but i got a lot done on it tonight, including rebuilding the structure...


the workshop...




the bedroom...




the "barely started" storage room...




the exterior... i'll probably add more defenses and shit, because it looks cool...




i'm thinking of moving a couple of actual people here just to make it feel less empty... dogmeat and codsworth are already here, but i'm thinking about adding maccreedy from goodneighbor, and maybe someone else...

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Got every house in Sanctuary Hills hook up to my power grid. Have all My generators in one spot. Took a fuck load of copper but it's done. Funny how you focus to stock up on one thing, then before you know it you are running low on something else. I have a fuckton of adhesive, and decent amount of copper. But no aluminium.


I got overwhelmed be the amount of settlements that pop up when doing the minute men quests. Ya I don't have to make each look awesome, just functional.....but still. 





















....I wanna. 









Missile turrets, fuck ya. 



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Can you move any settlers around between settlements?  Got quite a few at one settlement but would prefer to move them to Sanctuary.



One of my settlements got attacked last night - soon as I got there, about 5 super mutants came after me along with a couple of mutant hounds.  Somehow I managed to hold and kill them off whilst frantically running and turning round!  (I had stupidly forgot to put my power armour on).


As for my 'home' at Sanctuary, gradually adding bits to it as and when I can but in very short supply of steel - need to find some new places to scavenge as I can't afford to keep buying it (need the caps to spend on ammo and stimpaks).  Will take some screenshots later.

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You can move settlers from one settlement to another. I think you need the local leader perk. I do that first thing when I unlock a new settlement.  That and create a supply line.



Trying to run all of these...I'm out of wood lmfao

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