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get your pick pocket perks. Probably gonna roll with des's fatigues. You can add ballistic fiber armour to all of these as well which is enough protection if your a sneaking character for the odd times you have to run and gun. If you reenter the area, they will have their clothes back so you can steal an infinite amount.









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I miss commanding companions to stay in place. Piper and her shitty AI insist on stomping around, babbling shitty dialogue, and otherwise ruining my (shitty) stealth. The dumb cunt.

I miss you, ED-E. :( At least you understood the element of surprise.

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Getting really pissed off with having to go save settlements every 5 minutes. No! I don't want to go bowlin... I mean, fuck off (insert settlement name here) I've been in the wasteland for a week or two. You fucking grew up here. Sort your own shit out slack bastards.

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I hear you, Rob. At one point I considered sending everyone to Sanctuary for convenience sake, at least until I play a file character who is hardcore Minuteman FTR.


I miss commanding companions to stay in place.


You can command followers to stay put...

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Getting really pissed off with having to go save settlements every 5 minutes. No! I don't want to go bowlin... I mean, fuck off (insert settlement name here) I've been in the wasteland for a week or two. You fucking grew up here. Sort your own shit out slack bastards.

I haven't had to defend any of the settlements but my main one, and before I got around to doing it, my people had already killed two super mutants...

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I miss commanding companions to stay in place.


You can command followers to stay put...

Please elaborate. I see Trade, Thoughts, Dismiss, Relationship...Am I doing something wrong?

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@Gunny: It's in the action commands, not the dialogue section. Highlight your follower, then aim where you want them to stay put (i.e., look down). You'll see four flashing arrows around the cursor point, and rather than Go or Investigate Radroach / Ammo Box or whatever, it should say Stay. The follower will stay put until you come back to them and tell them to follow you again. I usually get them to stay within or next to a safe house so I don't forget where they are.


It also helps if you want them to stay out of earshot or out of the room if you're doing something they'll 'disapprove' of. Fuck you, McCready, I do what I want.


I didn't spend much time with followers in Fallout 3/Skyrim, so this time around I'm trying to use it to my advantage, and get them to do more stuff for me. Mostly it's to get them to forage, or else flush out enemies up ahead.

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I don't even bother defending settlements. If I haven't taken the time to defend them with turrets already I couldn't give two shits about them.

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The advantage of our forums, my friend. I've received so much good advice on here, after musing aloud to demonstrate the vastness of my ignorance and oblivion.

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I've been wondering for a while now but:

Who actually followed the freedom trail? I just randomly went inside Old North Church, went to the basement and got a new quest, played about with the codewheel for a few minutes before looking at the quest and working out the word must be RAILROAD. I didn't even know about the red trail with letters until quite some time afterwards.

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I will help a settlement if I actually see the message pop up and I am not already doing something but I always seem to fast travel into the middle of about 6 high level super mutants with heavy weaponry...


On the companion/stealth thing, it can be an advantage to send your companion into combat zones while you stay in stealth, circling and picking off targets while they are taking care of your companion.  Loads of 2x sneak attacks...


Have pushed the story along a little further... 180 hours in and I've finally seen the Prydwen...  have to head off to the Glowing Sea next...  any advice?  Can I take Cait with me and not have to worry about rads for her?


Every deathclaw battle I have had so far has been piss easy... I either find myself in a position where they can't get to me or the AI glitches and they forget to go around a wall or tree...  shooting galleries...


Had to change up my guns because I was getting overpowered... I get rather attached to particular weapons so it was sad to relegate Fire and Ice to storage...

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With regards to the Silver Shroud Quest...



trying to save Kent Connolly is an absolute piss take.  I enter the hospital wearing the shroud clothing and no power armour, yet every fucking time they kill Kent before I've even got near him!  Must've reloaded at least 20-odd times - going to give it one last chance and then I'm going to sack it off.

Absolute pile of shit - ruined a decent quest.

Edited by shabbagaz

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With regards to the Silver Shroud Quest...



trying to save Kent Connolly is an absolute piss take.  I enter the hospital wearing the shroud clothing and no power armour, yet every fucking time they kill Kent before I've even got near him!  Must've reloaded at least 20-odd times - going to give it one last chance and then I'm going to sack it off.

Absolute pile of shit - ruined a decent quest.


You need

high charisma to intimidate the guards in the hospital (speak as the Shroud the whole time and initimidate where possible, this will scare Avery off, then Jet and VATS the split second the dialogue ends - headshots, and done...



This is all in retrospect... I didn't save him either...

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Vicey: I did. You did the only interesting bit.

Ginge: don't worry about rads for your companion. I was hoping Preston was gunna sprout another head or something. But alas.

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for settlers you dont want, take away their weapons and send them here


Mirelurk Queen is always around. 


I've been building up my dyke colony. Now Sanctuary and the mercer safehouse are a total sausage fest after sending all the bitches to hangmans alley. I'll probably have a queen thin out the herd so the dick to vag ratio is a little more balanced in my other settlements. 




Fun fact:


if you give a settler a gun, and 1 round of ammo for that weapon....they will have unlimited ammo. 


Arm you guard posts people and have no worries. 

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It's not possible to actually beat them in that amount of time. Whoever did it used console commands to teleport to locations and kill enemies and whatnot. Bitch nigga, not a real Fallout fan.

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But strangers on the internets opinions are the most important!

Back on topic, I almost have a full x-01 suit. Just haven't found a lid yet.

Edited by Rob

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