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They use bugs in the game and quicksave/load glitches to rush through it. Didn't bother watching the video, just thought it was worth a laugh. Takes me about 40 hours just to reach The Strip, so I don't think speed runs are for me. 

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I heard of q guy who finished Fo3 on the hardest level without using health aids. Basically 1 health bar. I guess you get full health with level ups and I don't know if he allowed sleeping. Still I think that's a lot more impressive than exploiting the game to finish it quickly. That's like having a wank while Natalie Portman is waiting in your bed.

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But strangers on the internets opinions are the most important!

Back on topic, I almost have a full x-01 suit. Just haven't found a lid yet.

*cough*Try 35 Court*splutter*


*wheeze*Where you say?*hack*


Head north from the Shamrock Taphouse until you reach the blue containers in the street, look left and you should see the yellow and black 35 Court sign. Alternatively it's just west of Custom House Tower, a short jog away.


Just watch out for the guards.

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This one is always a full suit, assuming you are level 30ish. If you have X-01 appearing elsewhere it should be fine.

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I'll check it out. Cheers. Saw another on reddit someone said was always full after a certain level and all I got was a torso and an arm on tue frame. I'm gunna say left arm. Because I don't have a right one.

Seriously, why can't I have 2 left arms? Surely there are horribly mutated freaks who need power armour too.

Aaaaand I haven't found either of those locations. Time for some exploring

Edited by Rob

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I do this all the time. Only way I get game time is to sacrifice sleep. I often wake up on the couch with my guy walking into a wall no idea how long this has been going on. 5 minutes or an hour. No idea.

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We finally put away all our xmas shit last my gaming time should increase again. I've been planning a trip to the Glowing Sea for like a month and still haven't made it back to that part of the map.

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Finally finished the game, for the first time. Went with the Brotherhood of Steel, for my first playthrough. Great questline, lots of Fallout 3 callbacks. Amazing game.

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I'm doing the Brotherhood side now in my third playthrough, my last was going to be but I switched at the last minute and sided with the Institute. That ending was pretty good, as for the Brotherhood ending;

I don't see how Liberty Prime is going to be that useful assaulting an underground organisation, are they gonna teleport him in there to wreak havoc and lob mini nukes around?

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I can't see myself siding with the Brotherhood at this stage... they are a bit bossy and talk down to me... not sure I want to go against them though... the thought of battling hundreds of power armour wearing soldiers doesn't appeal.


I spent 2 hours organising my magazine stands and creating a mod library... I think I take this game more seriously than real life...

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I'm not even sure who I ultimately sided with in my first playthrough, it was a total mess of random quests for all factions. I was hoping for a "let's all be friends scenario" towards the end, but nope... There isn't even any interaction between the Minutemen and the Railroad, the two neutral parties most likely to join up. As a lot of people have said there isn't nearly as much choice making in this game, it all leads you down the same path eventually, whether you like it or not. "Do you want to do this mission for me?" "Nope." "Ok, here's the mission..." :ermm:

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i reached a good spot in my game... i can kill deathclaws without much of an issue, power armor weilding baddies are easier to take down, my combat skills of running around spraying bullets works well, and my silent sniping skills are damn good too... i can now carry the most weight (will probably invest in the other perks for this trait), and i am pretty well stocked up, might need to make another ammo run with vendors tho for shotgun shells...


so i think it's time i advance the story and see what this institute is all aboot... hopefully later tonight, or tomorrow for sure...

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I still maintain that deathclaws are ridiculously easy to take down in this game, I only had trouble with them when using laser weapons as my last character - even with the same rifleman perks. I just get a few shots off with my combat rifle as they rush towards me which takes them down to half health, then finish off with a couple of combat shotgun rounds to the belly. For legendary or alpha (or both) I generally try to stay stealthy (i'm avoiding the stealth perks in this playthrough) a bit longer, take them down until they mutate then if by that time they've spotted me I take a psycho and a jet and rush them.


On an related note make sure you visit the tower in Lynn Woods, there's much fun to be had.


Oh while i'm at it:


Anyone done the Yangtze quest and got the homing beacons as a reward? They don't seem to work for me, I throw them down and nothing happens. I have a good mind to go back to that guy and give him what for.

Edited by ViceMan

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Deathclaw I just use a mindcloud syringe when they are close. If it wasn't for the syringer I probably woudn't have done 2 stealth charaters in a row but I just love that thing. Stealth gunslinger, and now a legit stealth sniper for my 2nd person. I miss having my gunslinger kinda. The deliverer is so fucking awesome in vats once you get the vats perks. I can max out the amount of shots I have in vats and still have AP left over. I have to enter it twice to use my whole AP bar.



I do like the sniper perks tho. I love knocking down enemies with my rifle. Even point blank. Knock them on their ass and switch to the shotgun and finish them off. The rifle perks sure do offer more variety than the gunsligner.  

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I've never even used the syringer yet, actually i'm not even sure if i've used a chemistry station for anything other than stims and chems.

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i fought an alpha deathclaw last night... 4-5 shots from "the ol' bastard", my combat shotgun, and he was wasteland food... i seriously fuck people up with my shotgun... and if you're just a little out of range, you get rekt by "the jack", my jack of all trades combat rifle...


i have pistols but i rarely use them, i might consider just leaving them at home now... except the deliverer lol...

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I've avoided chems on this character so far too (other than stimpaks and rad maintenance), but the syringer looks intriguing. My next character will likely be a non-stealthy, selfish asshole. But I need to play though my first file first...definitely going to be playing this weekend!

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I'm constantly pimping jet and buffout... Mixing in the occasional phsyco to take the edge, shits damn good.

Then for 75 caps this ghoul I know will fuck the pain away...

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Bollocks to sensible names for my guns, I prefer to be childish!




Anyway, done a lot of work at Sanctuary and added some new buildings including a whore house!










And now for the whore house - was originally going to put something else along with 'tits' too but I ran out of the required resources at the time.




One of the rooms for watching porn...




One of the bedrooms.  You get free drugs/chems too!




Even pervs can watch...




Washing & toilet facilities - a rather strange & disturbing set up!





Strip bar on the top floor:




Complete with a raised 'catwalk'





I've also took the time to restore a destroyed house or two at other settlements and have started work on a 'monster' structure at Abernathy Farm.  Essentially I've turned Fallout 4 into my own version of Grand Designs!

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I still haven't gotten power figured out.... It seems like you need a rediculous amount of power connectors and there doesn't seem to be a way to run wires inside a building other than to start the wire down low and go in through a window or door...

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Do you niggas even Gauss Rifle? Take the Castle back for the Minutemen, then buy the unique Gauss Rifle called The Last Minute, from the quartermaster. I can one-shot any enemy with it.

Just make sure you stock up on ammo. 2mm EC rounds are rare in the world, and pricey from merchants. I had 500 or so, and I'm down to around 350 now.

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