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"We've had word of ano-"

"Get in the fucking deathclaw pit Preston and lock the door behind you!"

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so i had enough time to label my containers, put "CAPTAIN'S VILLAGE" up in neon lights, and set up a cat trap... then crew night started... i checked out the new stuff and tbh, i can't see how this is even close to being worth $5... maybe once i set up a death pit somewhere it might sorta restore my faith, but this looks weak... the one cool thing i did notice was a new power structure that outputs 100 power... no more 20 power generators lol...

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It's a shame we can't use Easy City Downs as a settlement, could have racing, deathmatches, blackjack and hookers all in one place. Just about to fire up the new DLC and see how disappointed I am.

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Bah. Fucking fusion generator requires level 4 of the Science perk. Only my Institute character comes close to that, and he doesn't care enough about humanity to bother with settlements.

Now, once he has the Mechanist's lair...

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Bah. Fucking fusion generator requires level 4 of the Science perk. Only my Institute character comes close to that, and he doesn't care enough about humanity to bother with settlements.

Now, once he has the Mechanist's lair...


is power unlimited there??

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I honestly have no idea. I haven't been back since I finished the quest. I guess that would be a decent place to make BoS, but I'm not a big fan of the place being 100% indoors. I like the wasteland too much.

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I don't know man. I think I did pretty good. Very crammed in. I made a 2 floor thing all across the alley. And a 3rd floor at one part.  Most of my 18 settlers have their own cubby to sleep in.






Holy Ultra Jet, that is easily the coolest Hangman's Alley build I've ever seen. Nice work DiO. Base game?


My BOS Alley is just a vegetable starch farm, dope maker, and power armor station..... half dozen nekid girls running around.

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I don't know man. I think I did pretty good. Very crammed in. I made a 2 floor thing all across the alley. And a 3rd floor at one part.  Most of my 18 settlers have their own cubby to sleep in.






Holy Ultra Jet, that is easily the coolest Hangman's Alley build I've ever seen. Nice work DiO. Base game?


My BOS Alley is just a vegetable starch farm, dope maker, and power armor station..... half dozen nekid girls running around.


Yah man, I'm playing on PS4. Thanks dude.


I will probably get the PC version eventually. LOL and yah, I only have chicks there. It's my lesbian colony. My character and Kate totally scissor.

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Had a look at some of the new stuff. I couldn't comitt a lot of time to building anything so I just did what bones did and built a Cat cage. Stuff looks pretty dam cool tho. So if you get the animal friend can get a pet deathclaw with one of them beta wave emitters? 

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The concrete building set is a bastard to put together. I'm trying to build thunderdome here and i'm stuck arsing around trying to make a corner work properly.

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The concrete building set is a bastard to put together. I'm trying to build thunderdome here and i'm stuck arsing around trying to make a corner work properly.


You can sink the wallks in the ground quite nicely. And they allow a bit of clipping. Concrete fence coming right up. 

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I want to make raised platforms surrounding a central pit, I gave up in the end as the curved corner pieces don't fit to the floor properly.

In other news Spectacle was just assualted by a large group of gunners, when I was looting the corpses I noticed one of them was Cricket - who was visiting my caravan post. I didn't even know it was possible for her to die.

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shit they She shouldn't die. I know Carla wont die. In other weird of my settlers helped themselves to one of my suits of power armour. I didn't mind until it got a bit destroyed from an attack. I took the pieces from them but I couldn't get them out of the power armour frame. Even weirder...One of Lucas Miller's (traveling armour merchant ) caravan guards helped themselves to my raider power armour. I couldn't get them out of it. Seriously, what the fuck?


I might pretty up my fence later, but here is are some concrete walls. Pretty quick and easy to put up.

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don't leave a fusion core in them ;)... when attacked, settlers and even followers get in them, and never get out of them... i read that online so i never ever leave a core in a suit... i made the mistake one time, but thankfully it was a follower... i had them follow me, then told them to get out the suit...

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Yeah i've always removed fusion cores from my power armour. Although I did once consider having a settlement with people in full sets of T-60 or Raider power armour, if only you could tell them to use it and get out of it rather than them just taking it when they feel like.

Had to kill Cricket's brahmin Spot and her guards because they were stuck hanging around at my settlement after her death.

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No other caravans were turning up because they were there though.I haven't been to Bunker Hill since but I wouldn't be surprised if they're all hostile.

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i mades a fallout video :lol:... i follow and listen to a fallout podcast called "fallout off the record", and their challenge this week was to fight a yao guai with your fists... while drunk... so i said fuck it and gave it a shot... it's pretty much what i expected would happen B)...


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Am i the only person who has stuck with the one character, and going all out Tony Montana on him. I want the world chico and everything in it!

Yeah i started playing again recently, picked up on my level 55 character and had a play around with the new DLC and built a few bits.

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