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15 hours ago, ViceMan said:

There's one mod i've seen that adds a recycler and loads of other machines to the contraptions, actually makes it seem like a viable use of resources. Also I hope there's a mod that fixes the godawful vault lighting.


I saw recyclers of various sizes in the normal build mode.

Haven't used them, but not a mod here.

My girl just built a simple ammo maker, one belt, and a collector.

The guy built a whole giant warehouse with two assembly lines.


....and yes the Vault lighting sucks.

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I thought of building an ammo factory but I don't have that much copper and said fuck it. A lot of the builders didn't seem to worthwhile. So I made vaut tec lunchboxes which are hard enough to come by and all they need is steel. I manually make bottlecap mines for the extra EXP and now I don't ever have to use any other kind of mine. So for that I am pretty happy with it.

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Another thing I hate about survival - something i've noticed especially in Far Harbour - is when beds are slightly askew and you can't sleep on them, or if there's a skeleton on them and your character refuses to sleep on it.

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Hoping I can finally improve my raider base at Starlight off the back of this. Looking forward to playing it.

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Did up Nuka World all day. There is quite a lot of ground to cover,
Found a major side quest glitch if anyone runs across it. Otherwise awesome.

New everything.

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new textures, new objects, a lot of new stuff... feels refreshing, like a sip of ice cold nuka :lol:... i've only conquered one district so far, kiddie kingdom... and while i really enjoyed that, i am getting the feeling that each district will feel kinda similar in that my only goal is to show up, kill a bunch of stuff, and move on to the next one... perhaps i'll find some more side stuff (like that fetch quest for that one person that i won't spoil just yet B)) but overall, it just seems to be more fallout, and that's not a bad thing...

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2 hours ago, bOnEs said:

 (like that fetch quest for that one person that i won't spoil just yet B))


Thaaaaaa-t's the glitch! When I saw the person in question^ I stopped what I was doing and went for the side quest.
First couple locations register, then the rest do not. Will have to complete to see if the quest updates after final, but I'm not expecting it to.
Inside your misc folder of the PiP Boy is a file called Hidden XXXXXXX   that explains details of where & what the location is.

I've since seen a number of other glitches, update notices coming in an hour later, people flying around,

conversations delayed, so maybe this will get worked out....or not. Again, the base game is so buggy as all Fallouts, I'm not expecting anything.


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i had a quest notification pop up like that too... i thought it was related to something i had done until i noticed it didn't have anything to do with my current quest... in kiddie kingdom i had to replay the finale because a certain someone fell thru the map and i couldn't retrieve items from their inventory... also, an enemy there just randomly fell out of the sky and landed next to me, scared the crap out of me, then again, i was getting ambushed a lot so i was already on the edge of my seat for most of that area... looking forward to the rest, but from the reviews i read, i might of peaked too soon as most seem to say that kiddie kingdom was the best district :(...


i'm also finding that chatting with the pack's leader to be super annoying because of the background noise behind him... i can't hear what he's saying... and TBH, i am having a hard time hearing a lot of people ever since far harbor... i've had to turn subtitles on :angry:...

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2 hours ago, bOnEs said:

i had a quest notification pop up like that too... i thought it was related to something i had done until i noticed it didn't have anything to do with my current quest... in kiddie kingdom i had to replay the finale because a certain someone fell thru the map and i couldn't retrieve items from their inventory... also, an enemy there just randomly fell out of the sky and landed next to me, scared the crap out of me, then again, i was getting ambushed a lot so i was already on the edge of my seat for most of that area... looking forward to the rest, but from the reviews i read, i might of peaked too soon as most seem to say that kiddie kingdom was the best district :(...


i'm also finding that chatting with the pack's leader to be super annoying because of the background noise behind him... i can't hear what he's saying... and TBH, i am having a hard time hearing a lot of people ever since far harbor... i've had to turn subtitles on :angry:...


If it's who I'm thinking about, I let them go, and they gave me their rare stuff.

Just gonna go spoiler with this one, other than I turn all their radios off. Have had subtitles on for awhile because everyone talks at the same time.



There is a side quest to kill all the leaders and bypass all that original bullshit. The original Gage quest meeting the leaders, ends up in endless tasks back in the Commonwealth for each of the gangs, to prove your worth as Overboss. Sorry but when I'm doing a DLC, the last thing I want to do is go back home, whether it be for supplies or weapons, etc, I am not interested in going back once I start. So I tested the Doctor's proposal and it doesn't work before first contact with the leaders. You kill the leaders, then you have to kill all the Raiders of those gangs, and fail Gage's quest. Not a problem for me I could kill everyone in the place in less than a few minutes, but I want these side quests to work. I think what the path is, get with them, get started on their demands, pass Gage's initial quest, then kill them if one decides. So far I've only been seen on missions to kill mutants and other raiders. The leaders are all assholes. I really could go either way at this point, just testing everything out.




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i got that quest too but i don't know what the repercussions would be, if it would fail all the other questlines of liberating the zones, and what would become of the rest of the raiders after they were cut loose... would it turn into anarchy verses it actually being semi peaceful?? i had thought about that... but instead since it's the last DLC, and probably my last go at this file, i thought i'd break his lore a bit just for the sake of keeping the peace in nuka world and doing all these quests...



the audio issue i am talking about is in the pack's den where those two dogs are fighting in the pit... it's so loud that i have a hard time hearing that leader, or anyone else in there... i had a similar problem in far harbor at the docks with all the ambient noises going on... they need to quiet that shit when you're in dialog...


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Oh that may be a basic system setting.
I have one volume for dialog (maxed), and one for background / music / etc. on my console. (at one half volume setting)

You may try on yours but my guess you already have checked that possibility out.

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It's hard to hear anything when I play as my PS4 sounds like a jet engine going at full thrust. :mellow:


I did Kiddie Kingdom first and fuck me... not fun on survival. I feel like it is going to be the best one however, even though i've only just started to touch on Galactic Zone and not looked at the other two. I just get this feeling that the others are gonna be pretty much lots of enemies where you take your time and go slow, but Kiddie Kingdom had that element of urgency and chaos to it.


The beginning with the gauntlet and the fight felt like something out of Mad Max to me, which I quite enjoyed.

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Hey Look at me, Im Bethesda.


*makes a lot of cool new amour


*doesn't allow allow them to be modded with ballistic fiber



Fucking knob goblins.


*goes back to boring combat boot and green shirt.


Give us mods already for shit sakes

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dude i am still wearing the shit i walked into nuka world with... nothing even comes close to what i already have... so far... tempted to go back and get power armor so i can just say fuck it and run around blasting everything... then again, after kiddie kingdom, and a couple trips back to the marketplace, i bet i can do that with what i already have, sounds like a cakewalk, although, i am still a bit worried about safari kingdom... but i think i need to go back and get some shit to sell... i need a fuckload more shotgun ammo... i go thru it almost as fast as i buy it... single handily still my best weapon... the rifle from far harbor is good for medium range, but i am used to enemies being in my face, so shotty is my hottie...

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I took my X-01 suit in case I needed it, i've started wearing it for Galactic Zone but didn't for Kiddie Kingdom... probably did that the wrong way round, let's just say I found my doppelganger in the Galactic Zone while wearing it. I'm running low on ammo too, been using my shotgun with the 25% extra damage buff but have been using an assault rifle for the first time ever, I have one that shoots an additional projectile and it tore through most of the shit that came at me in KK. I like that some of the unique robot parts can be used to make your own bots, I thought that was a nice bit of integration with Automatron.


I'm still wearing my heavy metal armour with the inquisitor's cowl that Tektus gave me, I think it looks really raider-ey and again, reminds me of something out of Mad Max.

In terms of the different gangs, i'm not really liking the Pack's getup, they remind me of the Forsworn in Skyrim running about with antlers on their heads. I think the Disciples clothing probably looks the best.

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8 hours ago, bOnEs said:

dude i am still wearing the shit i walked into nuka world with... nothing even comes close to what i already have... so far..

That isn't the point. If I could at least ballistic fiber the shit, I could wear some of the new underarmour. Like those suits. Fucking ridiculous there is only 4 items in the game that can get ballistic fiber that go under the armour. It was one of the first mods to fix that I saw on Nexus. I guess they don't bother programming that in because they know the community will. But they take their sweet time giving us that on ps4.

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Very much enjoying Nuka World so far although it saddens me that this is the last DLC.


Not got too far - just starting to clear out places although have since been side-tracked into collecting Star Cores.   Will have to have a trip back to Sanctuary to collect some ammo from my 'factory' and dump some junk.


Not going to use the overboss power armour but it'll be good enough for my museum!

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Yah, now that you mention it, a vault suit should have been the first piece of underarmour that would get ballistic fiber. It's also annoying because all the available stuff for ballistic fiber looks retarded with shadowed armour.

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i am straight up metal... i only base my build on that because somewhere i got a chameleon metal chest piece... and i've based my entire look on that since like level 20... most of the ballistic armor-friendly outfits looked stupid so i stuck with army fatigues... but like i said, i regret not sticking with the vault suit :P... but i might switch back to road leather, that's fully ballistic armored too, right??


ok, area #2 in nuka world cleared... ffs, i hate the creatures at the bottling plant... always have, always will... but holy shit, it was super short compared to kiddie kingdom... hmm, perhaps there is merit to the ones who told me of this fate in the reviews... oh well, on to galactic galaxy or safari kingdom... i am leaning towards the former so i can officially put all 3 raider gangs in charge of at least one territory.... i am saving the gulch for last... i want to finish up in the wild west, because TBH, it's the most fitting theme here in the park that actually represents what fallout is in the first place B)...




an untamed, wild world of staking claim to something while fighting off people (and creatures) for that claim... spoilers obviously...



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