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Nuka World is great but i've played it several times now and it sort of dictates that your character in the wasteland be a raider type not affiliated with any of the other factions. I was going to try and do it with a brotherhood character and kill the raiders, but that just seems like saying to yourself "ok lets do the boring thing, skip all the quests and simply kill these guys instead."


I might pick Fallout up again and dust off that character when i'm done in Skyrim.

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i know the synths want to cleanse the world of factions like the raiders, but i'll just play both sides to be honest... i can't read too much into that because my good guy file finished nuka-world, and had to low key be a raider just to see the entirety of the DLC lol... it didn't feel right, but i didn't have much of a choice... this time it'll feel more justified, then i can just ignore the place on future playthroughs, unless i want some cool loot from it lol...


fallout 4's faction system is kind of broken anyways, especially with the addition of nuka-world, so i just have to roll with it lol...

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That's the problem (or one of many problems) with Bethesda games, one faction rarely acknowledges your allegiance to another faction. At least FO4 made you choose one side over another in the end.

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didn't new vegas make you choose one side over the other in the end? legion or NCR?


it was fallout 3 that basically made you fight the enclave to the end... or not, lol, i can't remember anymore...

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quite possibly my favorite skeleton in fallout 4 B)...



finished nuka-world, will probably explore outside of the park a bit before i officially give the DLC a rest... definitely gotta do the hubologist quest :lol:... i'll make my return once i do the 3 raider settlement things to restore power to nuka-world...


i set up the pack in the slog, fortified it nicely, and built it up to be the best future raider settlement once i get some more up and going... it'll be my official raider hub that i run business out of... and i do plan on following thru with settlements a bit more this time, mainly because i think it's cool and funny to have raider settlements taking over the commonwealth :lol:...


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The raider settlements were good the first time, but by the second time I was just sticking down the basic necessities in the settlements to keep them happy and moving on. Having to keep returning to Nuka World to speak to Shank when setting them up was annoying too, trekking all the way across the map to the monorail station and back again several times... couldn't move him to the Commonwealth soon enough.


One thing I never got round to doing was setting up a deathmatch arena with the Wasteland Workshop stuff, only settlement I can think of with a big enough flat space is Starlight drive-in, and i've built there so many times already. I hope they refine and streamline the whole settlement thing for the next Fallout/ES, maybe allow us to build anywhere and not be confined by annoying green borders.

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i moved shanks into the slog, couldn't wait to stop all the damn travel :lol:...


yea i was planning on trying out those arena battles finally... maybe spectacle island could work? i'd have to overhaul the landscape as i recall it wasn't very flat... is there a re-occurring mirelurk issue there? i couldn't remember, because i never used it... but i think that'd be a cool place to set that up... even the name of the island is perfect lol...

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I've used Spectacle a few times, didn't have any issue with mirelurks after the initial population. My problem was always the half destroyed buildings that you couldn't remove, luckily there are workshop mods now that mostly solve that problem. I tried to make an arena there once but it never came to fruition, think the furthest I got was a few gunner cages and an enclosed ring of concrete walls... I used to use those trap cages just to increase the attacks on the settlement as it got boring after a while.


As with most Bethesda ideas the concept is good, but it's usually clunky or very buggy. I'm sure if I had FO4 on PC there are hundreds of mods on nexus that do a much better job than Bethesda did with their content.

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been really grinding hard when i've had the time, knocked out a ton of side quests, and just started the automatron DLC... it'll be a nice distraction before i jump back into the main story... then once that's all wrapped up, me and cait will travel to far harbor and fuck that island up... then perhaps, i think i might finally be done with fallout 4... i still have ambitions to play a brotherhood file, so that's always in the cards, but with so many games already out i've missed, and the plethora of new ones on the horizon, i feel like i need to move on...


who knows tho... it's hard to move on from fallout tbh...



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I'm doing Far Harbour again at the moment, been hankerin' for it actually. Think 'cause I enjoyed Nuka World more than Far Harbour I tended to focus on it more to the point where I got burnt out on it and now enjoy the thing I enjoy less more. Yes, you read that correctly.

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wrapped up my institute playthrough, i felt satisfied with it, which is about the best thing you can say about the story of fallout 4 lol... took a trip to far harbor and temporarily moved into longfellow's property, took residence in the back shed, put up a few walls to cover the holes, and some shit to make it look more homely... and the best decision so far is i put longfellow on harvest duty... lol i love it, he's out there in the field, singing tunes all day, it's hilarious :lol:...


i'm using cait for exploring, but it's a bit of a bummer that she doesn't have extra witty dialog to add to conversations... might take longfellow out a few times, but then again, i'll just piss him off with my constant asking for more money or telling people they suck at life...

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I think the DLCs are better than the main game, the Commonwealth just feels so dead after the seventeenth playthrough. Far Harbour and Nuka World had a much better atmosphere, I wish Nuka World was part of the main game world that could be travelled to via monorail from central Boston, rather than an isolated area at the edge of the map.

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Got bored with RDR so checked out Fallout 3 again and got addicted again...


I have enough cash on my Xbox account to get one more DLC for FO3 - the choices are Operation Anchorage or Mothership Zeta - which one did you guys prefer?  Which one adds more to the main game?


Probably favouring Anchorage at this stage...

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anchorage only adds to the backstory, and that chinese stealth armor... mothership zeta adds more fun IMO... i am in the minority with most fallout fans, but i thought mothership zeta was definitely top 3 for fallout 3 DLCs, right behind the pitt and ahead of point lookout... broken steel felt rushed, but it did extended the game after completing the main quest, but i think it's my least favorite DLC...


every new vegas DLC tho tops fallout 3's by a mile... that's DLC done right...

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nobody was! they keep their fallout franchise behind closed doors quite well...


i don't buy into the talk of this being an announcement of a remaster, or something fallout shelter related... it's exactly the same way they announced fallout 4... plus that splash screen gives me new game vibes, otherwise they'd just use the fallout 3 one if it was a remaster...


it might just be me, but i get new orleans/mardi gras vibes off it... could be that long awaited journey to the bayou...


or it's an announcement of fallout online, which could also be  something of interest around these forums...

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The color is important somehow. The first US color TV broadcast was on CBS in June 1951, and CBS's color test pattern looks just like what they're showing here.



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Thought we were due an Elder Scrolls? No way can this be a new game unless they rushed one out due to the antipathy surrounding 4.

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13 hours ago, ViceMan said:

Thought we were due an Elder Scrolls? No way can this be a new game unless they rushed one out due to the antipathy surrounding 4.


well, they're probably working on one from the ground up, but fallout 4 is already out there, so it's possible that after they dropped 4, they started working on this game because they already have engine and items in place... makes sense to be honest, it's a lot easier to make a new fallout at this point... spend more time perfecting TES6 :)...


i just hope they vastly improve the dialog system :(... we need skill checks again, not just charisma ones...

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