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Good lord, you guys are paranoid.

It will be out in August. We delayed OWB because of the patch. We don't have that worry with LR.

Actual date will be announced soon (don't ask me when, I don't make those decisions).

:jumpy:... i had assumed they were well into the development since old world blues was delayed for a while, i just didn't realize they were ready to roll it out... i hope they are working on a stability patch for the PS3 though, old world blues pretty much comes to a crashing frame rate freeze when scaving outdoors about once an hour... this is awesome news!! looks like i will be starting my 4th and final character next month then perhaps...

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I've got my "final" courier made and ready to go. I'm only going to Primm, to find out about Ulysses, then making a slow trip to the Strip (planning to hunt along the way until I hit at least level 15-18), then I'm going to be distracted by the Sierra Madre broadcast, followed by Old World Blues. That'll get me ready for Lonesome Road.

I'm trying to do as little of the story as possible before Lonesome Road so that I can play the rest of the game in Ulysses' sweet threads.

Also, I'm wondering if Ulysses is actually going to have dreadlocks like he's meant to. I'm guessing he'll either have the White Legs' hair, or the blastback hair.

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if this picture is anything to go by, he'll have his own hair that might perhaps get added to the list of hairs available at your barber... or it'll just be his and his alone... the one thing i like about the outfit is the possibility of an interchangeable cape... something i could use to look like a part of one of the major factions, and hopefully at only the cost of maybe 8 lbs... the stupid NCR costumes weight nearly 30 lbs. and the legion ones aren't all that light either... i stopped carrying the NCR one for delilah because i would rather have that 30 lbs. of inventory space for scavenging...

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If he gets his own hair, the modding community will guarantee it won't be his alone, even if it's meant to be. My Legion courier is a White Leg, paint, dreads, all that. The modders won't allow anything to be out of our reach.

And his outfit is perfect for almost any allegiance. The pants are close enough to fatigues to pass as NCR, the whole outfit looks nice and wastelandish, perfect for the independent Yes Man side of things, and it kind of looks like one of the legion outfits from the concept art. Doesn't really work for House, though.

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my next character is going to be independent... bones is pro-NCR, delilah is a devoted legionnaire, and sanchez pledged his allegiance to the man with all the cards and caps, mr. house...

not sure how i feel about wearing the outfit as a regular though... plus, something tells me lonesome road is going to be the hardest DLC in the game, which would put off finishing it until much later in my journey... i kind of wonder how i am going to get swept away to big MT though, i know i'll be passing by at some point, and if it's in the evening, there's a chance i could end up in the crater a lot sooner than i anticipate... because come on, how i am i not going to tinker with that satellite?! honest hearts will be approached as a job for extra caps early on... and dead money, i think my character will be leery of venturing there because of the eerie feeling of a trap, and from the stuff he's heard about from the big empty... he'll be able to save that one for later...

old world blues, it's kind of hard to picture how i get there next time... and lonesome road, hearing about this other courier and getting the broadcast early on would make going to the divide very alluring, especially early in the game... unfortunately, there's going to have to be something to keep me away from it... not sure what that could be, perhaps they should replace the coyotes with deathclaws :lol:... that'll keep me away for awhile :P...

...or perhaps they allow you to come and go as you please, just like point lookout... which would make me go there early on, only to turn back once giant legendary cazaclaws came after me :lol:... hell, on my evil dead "ash" file from fallout 3 (where i took the book of the dead and journeyed across the DC wasteland to destroy it), he was stomping around point lookout at level 8... if i have the option of coming and going, i could find myself in a similar situation...

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I would be doing Lonesome Road immediately after Primm, but I want to get all this info about Ulysses beforehand, so I'm doing Dead Money and OWB first. I want to feel like I've scoured the wasteland for him by the time I actually meet him. I'll be waiting to do Honest Hearts much later, as kind of an "I'm tired of this adventure shit, I'm just going to take a nice quiet job as a caravan guard" thing. Obviously that won't go like it's meant to.

And Old World Blues, well, you're bound to run into it early. I don't see how anyone could pass it by unless they specifically intended to, and after getting shot in the head, a nice Sci-fi flick, some iguana bits, and a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla would be a nice way to relax for a couple hours.

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i am going into honest hearts with my caravan pack from the pre-order :D... this character is going to have a love for caravan work, which won't become apparent until he receives his care package from the doc that had his old gear, telling him he was not only a courier, but a hired caravan hand as well... those fools at the prison don't know what's coming their way once he finds out they attack caravans heading north... him and cass are going to be best friends... happy trails and crimson caravans are going to love having him work for them... he's going to relish in the idea of being a runner for everyone since he loves walking the mojave...

i think passing by during the daytime would be the only way to miss out on old world blues early... perhaps lonesome road can stash a key to the entrance somewhere else in the mojave to prevent you from entering early on... put the key at that ranch of his... so when i pass by and get it, i could make a mental note of it and decide to head back to the canyon wreckage another time, when i have time...

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There, I did it. This is Logan, he's the shit. I've been ammo crafting like a motherfucker because he refuses to use any rifle other than the Survivalist's Rifle.

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I've got my "final" courier made and ready to go. I'm only going to Primm, to find out about Ulysses, then making a slow trip to the Strip (planning to hunt along the way until I hit at least level 15-18), then I'm going to be distracted by the Sierra Madre broadcast, followed by Old World Blues. That'll get me ready for Lonesome Road.

I'm trying to do as little of the story as possible before Lonesome Road so that I can play the rest of the game in Ulysses' sweet threads.

Also, I'm wondering if Ulysses is actually going to have dreadlocks like he's meant to. I'm guessing he'll either have the White Legs' hair, or the blastback hair.

Why wouldn't he be a new build for them? Joshua sure was. I don't think you have to worry at all about how he looks, as opposed to how he acts. Be prepared for the meanest motherfucker of the wastes to tax your character out. I know that I am pre-loading all ammo and food stock. This guy is going to try and kill what is left of me after making my way through the dangerous and health-draining lonesome road of the big divide.

Note: After the last patch and fixes, I am at 1.0 unit of weight when she's unloaded nyked.

That will be so useful when attempting the new record of gold bars back from Sierra Madre.... B).

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The guy I posted the pic of has around twenty thousand, but some of my older files - most notably my NCR file - have close to 100k thanks to my relentless scavenging. With him, I made multiple trips completely cleaning out every place I visited, down to the bent tin cans on the ground. He traveled with only the bare necessities, and any weapons, armor, or ammo he wasn't using was sold at the first opportunity. My original evil file simply killed half the wasteland for his riches.

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bones has over 50K, and delilah has nearly the same... however, i've exhausted all the trading places for caps with fully repaired weapons thanks to the free weapon repair kits from dead money... no one's inventory is changing anymore though... hopefully the caps reset but the items for sale never do anymore... i get lucky if one of them re-adds the ammo i always buy for each character... that vendor in old world blues has yet to add more caps for trade...

i've spent a major chunk of my caps on implants... i would probably have over 100K with both characters if i didn't buy a bunch of those... i am really liking the crouch speed implant from OWB... i run around crouched a hell of a lot in new vegas, it's nice to finally do it a little faster... now it doesn't take nearly as long to get around enemy territory like it used to...

nice pic massacre, now was that so hard?? :P...

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how much caps are you guys sitting on top of?

I had over $170,000 before Old World Blues.

Then got down to around $30,000 :lol:

Since then, cleaning out Fiends and Legion squads, winnings from The Thorn,

back up to $120,000 as of today.

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you ain't kiddin' about the legion hit squads, synch... i was fast traveling all over the map, looking for suitable housing for my next character... found it in harper's shack... great central location, hidden in the mountains, workbench, reloading bench, campfire, plenty of storage, and protected by deathclaws from dead wind cavern to the south, which should keep the wanderers and hit squads away... hopefully they don't start wandering closer to the shack...

but man, everywhere i went with bones, i was ambushed by legion hit squads... and correct me if i am wrong, but it seems like some locations have reset... i was able to re-collect star bottle caps from locations i know i've went thru... strange...

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you ain't kiddin' about the legion hit squads, synch... i was fast traveling all over the map, looking for suitable housing for my next character... found it in harper's shack... great central location, hidden in the mountains, workbench, reloading bench, campfire, plenty of storage, and protected by deathclaws from dead wind cavern to the south, which should keep the wanderers and hit squads away... hopefully they don't start wandering closer to the shack...

but man, everywhere i went with bones, i was ambushed by legion hit squads... and correct me if i am wrong, but it seems like some locations have reset... i was able to re-collect star bottle caps from locations i know i've went thru... strange...

Great points, and thanks for the tip on Harper's Shack.

Discuss the [Arizona] Legion theory...eastern half of the map re-spawns...

Why did I never see them for 95% of my game?

This, only my second file, I was cool with the Legion for most of the game.

And I mean they would never attack, mainly because:

  • I accepted the Vulpes mission when I first went to Nipton.
  • Then after I spread the word, they were totally cool all the way up until meeting Caesar.
  • I went out of my way to keep Boone at home, and not traveling with me.

Even after Bitter Springs, they were cool.

Then when you kill Benny, you have to go and meet Caesar. This file, after meeting

him, I used a stealth boy to get the Legion Slave Ledger for Papa Khan, and then

did not kill the robots, but upgrade them. Of course Caesar doesn't know this.

I passed on his missions, and we agreed I would return later. Then you go straight

to the 188 Trading Post, to meet the Legion dressed undercover as a wasteland dude.

Unfortunately for me, the vendors shot him. I re-loaded game, still he never returned.

That dude would've given me the Legion money to gather up the coin stashed in the box

over by the Sniper's Nest above Cottonwood. But, the guy got killed and never re-spawned.

--Still not Vilified--

So, I do everything else in the game, still in good standings with the Legion. Then when

I'm at the end of the game, I killed Caesar and everyone in his camp. Still not Vilified!

They never attacked, ever. By now there is nothing to do so I started scoping them out.

Go to the Legion Raid Camp, kill those dudes, go north to where the 3 are sleeping,

go over by the Broc Flower Cave, where the skirmishes between Legion and NCR occur, etc etc.

So that goes on while waiting in between Fiend re-spawns at Vault 3 and the many surrounding

Fiend areas. Then I would also notice I could go back to the Fort, and kill 3 guards. So I

guess at that point my Legion rep was pretty low, then the patch came out for Old World Blues.

---The Patch was the turning point----

After that patch, I've noted every location that the official Legion Hit Squads spawn.

They all seem eastern half of the map, or, the Arizona side. From the north, to the south.

If you are on the center border, you may be cool but don't be caught off guard. Lots of

good loot to be had. I make a lot of poisons and their spears I count on. Anyway, some of

the singular locations are, just south west of Raul's Shack, over by the train station by

the Repconn HQ, just west of Old Lady Gibson's - and that is dangerously close to Novac.

Also just west of Novac, at the entrance to Nelson, and they WILL kill the ranger and troops,

so when I found that one out, I re-loaded, and started the fight more towards Clark Field.

I look at this like GTA San Andreas. I will bring the fight to them, every time. I go out

LOOKING for the hit squads, stalking them waiting for them. Know my weapon inventory real

well, and know the hit squads real well. If you have the jury rigging perk, it can be handy.

There's a bunch of other locations I will have to have the game on and look at the map. The

hairiest by far is the double triple attack zone which I experienced on my first file.

The Mojave Outpost. Leave there, go down the hill and head towards Nipton. There should be

the first one. If you stay in the area, there will be a second. They will take out any

traders or Vipers along the way. Also watch the scorpions because they will get you not them.

On a really good (for me) but bad for most day, you can get a triple attack going from hanging

around the area around Mojave Outpost.

The only other time I saw an immediate secondary location like that,

was out there by the Vault south west of Raul.

I think it is mainly the right hand side of the map, the eastern side.

Mojave is about as west as you can get, so I think because of Nipton....

Other than Mojave Outpost, none of the other attacks are left of center map.

Reading about you guys continually making new couriers, I think some day I will have another (third) game.

That will be the one, where I go Legion, and take those achievements.

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i was running into legion raids on the left side of the map, the nipton rest stop comes to mind... the worst encounter for me was in front of charlie's outpost as i was coming down from harper's shack... TWO legion parties spawned... usually the NCR and legion fight it out at this location for me but this time it was just two legion parties... but i don't understand why they are EVERYWHERE now... you might enjoy it synch, but i don't need anymore junk to collect... i am overstocked with supplies for both characters... i am at the point where i only collect a few things nowadays, and i would rather not have to kill a bunch of legion guys everywhere i go...

harper's shack seems like a nice place to call home... and it's near novac, where i can get a full rest in case i need it because i do believe i am going to play my next file on hardcore... but the shack's got all the amenities a survivalist would need, except a water source... if you're looking for another place to call home, check out the houses in nipton... some of them have what you need, some have traps, and one of them has the workbench and reloading bench... and there's a campfire by the trailers... delilah lives in the one closest to the mojave drive-in... lol, the entrance to old world blues is literally 300 yards from her house :lol:...

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i was running into legion raids on the left side of the map, the nipton rest stop comes to mind... the worst encounter for me was in front of charlie's outpost as i was coming down from harper's shack... TWO legion parties spawned... usually the NCR and legion fight it out at this location for me but this time it was just two legion parties... but i don't understand why they are EVERYWHERE now... you might enjoy it synch, but i don't need anymore junk to collect... i am overstocked with supplies for both characters... i am at the point where i only collect a few things nowadays, and i would rather not have to kill a bunch of legion guys everywhere i go...

harper's shack seems like a nice place to call home... and it's near novac, where i can get a full rest in case i need it because i do believe i am going to play my next file on hardcore... but the shack's got all the amenities a survivalist would need, except a water source... if you're looking for another place to call home, check out the houses in nipton... some of them have what you need, some have traps, and one of them has the workbench and reloading bench... and there's a campfire by the trailers... delilah lives in the one closest to the mojave drive-in... lol, the entrance to old world blues is literally 300 yards from her house :lol:...

I need locations mang! For spawning Legion Assassins as well as good crafting.

What is charlie's outpost? I went to Harper's Shack,

and it IS better than Lucky 38 because it has a campfire. It is not that great

because due to the Vipers that always spawn by the train tunnel, you will

frequently have red blips on your HUD. Can't craft, sleep, or fast travel

until you waste them. Across the tracks is the Legion - NCR areas leading to

Broc Flower Cave if that's what you mean - -oh wait. Charlie Company. Yep that

place on the tracks that they raided early on, is another trigger point but

that whole area is Legion turf. The Deathclaws will re-spawn, but there's also

the Golden Geckos. I finally figured out how to maneuver around Harper's thru

the hills going up to it only as recently as last month. But yeah bOnEs, good find.

If it wasn't for the location, I would move there immediately.

Right now I'm at both, the Sniper's Nest and the Novac Hotel...then there's Lucky 38.

How can anyone ever be over-stocked on rare items for crafting, I don't know.

Pinto Bean Pods were quoted as rarest plant in the game for example. I burn thru

that stuff. Even though I have 90 or so of those, there's always missing ingredients

everywhere. Seems I'm always missing one thing, then when I get a quantity, I can

make like 35 of whatever. Thanks to Honest Hearts, 200 stimpacks more.

Thanks to Old World Blues, I have over 100 Weapon Repair Kits. They sell great too.

But about collecting, I don't collect Legion and Raider stuff, that is

strictly for sale as I have saved all the best Legion stuff already, and the big one

is quite obvious: I am obsessed with money. Back up to $140K now. I understand what

you mean, and I will admit I am easily entertained and keep playing the same old

game just like I did with Fallout 3. Still it keeps me out of jail.

I looted every house in Nipton a long time ago. Found that place is best for the

creepy Legion soundtrack music. Disarmed all those traps and stuff. I loved the

house with the radscorps cage. Like the one hotel room in Del Rey, full of radscorps.

I have to find where your Legion ho lives so I can stealth-rape her les-scissors style.

Think I know where that one closest to Mojave Drive-in is....

Did you find the Radscorp Cave yet? Would love to live there.

Speaking of OWB, did you go Wild West this game?

I saw so many Wild West things in OWB that I lost count.

The best one was Stripe, the tiny Deathclaw living in Gabe's house in Higgs Village.

That thing was easily as bad or badder than the Legendary Deathclaw, but half the size.

He was made up to look like the evil gremlin "Stripe" in that old movie Gremlins.

One last note about living places, I don't think the corn house is Wild West only.

It is the house way north by the Northern Passage with an obvious bootleg corn whiskey

distillery inside. Nothing but 30+ Maize plants inside, a bed, safe, storage,

kitchen oven, fridge, work bench, re-loading bench....but no campfire.

It is enter-able by picking either door lock, both of which are marked red, losing karma.

Place is a great safe haven though, I stayed there many times.

Hey if Delilah is Legion, she's not affected by the Legion Assassins, but are there

NCR Assassin Squads in the game as well? I know when I play my 3rd game as Legion,

I will finally get to kill that bitch lady commander at Hoover Dam. Plus loot all the

NCR camps, which have plenty of the different Nuka Cola variants.

I'll also have to play a 4th file for Hardcore mode, which I will then be asking

you all about. Now that I have the crafting experience I think I could stay alive

more than one day after leaving Doc's place.

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i only stated that i didn't bother collecting anymore because everything i collect, i have a billion of anyways... my two characters aren't crafters because they didn't invest in survival so there isn't a huge interest in collecting plants... i do grab pinyon nuts when i see them though, they are the rarest... but i have plenty of plants in case i do decide to craft... it's just that i don't see a point in collecting armors and another damn 10mm pistol when i have 50 of them in my locker... i still collect medium armors, cigarettes, some junk and rarer weapons, but i don't grab everything anymore... i have a thousand pre-war hats and shirts to keep my armors forever maintained... i learned how to craft and survive though because of my mexican file, i played that one on hardcore... i'm playing my next game on hardcore, or just invest in survival and live off of plants anyways instead of stimpacks...

there's no viper's spawning near harper's shack for me... when i travel there, there are no enemies near me, allowing for fast-travel to and fro... i like how it is tucked away from field of vision... it's only noticeable from a ways away if you're looking for it... i'll sprinkle mines around the area for extra protection if i need to... i fell in love with the interior layout of the place... i find myself always decorating the interiors of my houses... novac hotel is cluttered full of stuff on my bones file, and that nipton house is loaded on delilah's as well... i can foresee harper's shack being cluttered as well :D...

i have explored with delilah since finishing old world blues, but i don't think i've traveled to any of the usual raiding party spawn spots... i ran through a couple of vaults that i hadn't finished up on her file... if i got time tonight, i will try out those spawn spots and see if NCR hit squads are tougher than legion ones... my guess is no :P...

even though delilah is enemies with the NCR, she hasn't exactly gone to villages and murdered them all... she's taken out patrols and some of the radio camps, but hasn't wiped out camp golf or anything like that... i have contemplated saving that insane action for this boogeyman-style character i have thought about creating, perhaps after my next file... he's not in the business of doing business, he/she'll be in the killing humanity business :D...

my mexican knows about the wild wasteland, but i never took that trait with my other characters... my next one will have it though ;)...

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Yah those Pinyon Nuts are hard to find.

There are little piles of them behind X8 in OWB.

Don't know why, but I've always had the same 3 Vipers

by the train tunnel campfire by Harper's Shack.

Strange how the game can be different for people.

My last game I had low barter, but both the barter

cap and the barter jacket. This game, max barter but

somehow I have 8 of the roving trader caps. That is

the only hat I have more than one of unless it's armor.

I keep tons of the Gecko-backed because it repairs the

various Power Armors. Still no roving trader jacket!

I think my next character will have the Wild West just like this one.

It's just too cool and valuable.

Also doing the Hardcore game is looking much better than a Legion one.

Thing is, still the saving structure. I want to have room for Lonesome

Road on my current game. If I start a Hardcore game today, when LR

comes out, those saves will be on top. When you love the game

so much, it's hard to resist playing. I really want to try Hardcore.

I've even planned out the starting in Goodsprings already.

Which do you recommend?

Hardcore game, with any ending -


Legion character, with only the Legion ending -

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