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4 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

i guess you didn't read my blurb i mentioned earlier about this maybe being a test game...


A test game for what?


If thats the case then this is a test game for the future and if it works all of their games will be like this.

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1 minute ago, TwoFacedTanner said:

I hope I get the opportunity to emerge from the vault with some of you.




(Also bye.)

3 minutes ago, Bronson said:


A test game for what?


If thats the case then this is a test game for the future and if it works all of their games will be like this.


I think the guy in Fallout 4 selling charge cards was a test for multiplayer, that'll be their version of shark cards.


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9 minutes ago, TwoFacedTanner said:

I hope I get the opportunity to emerge from the vault with some of you.


definitely, dude... but it appears i'm the only one getting this from here tho lol... everyone else is being salty about it :lol:...


9 minutes ago, Bronson said:


A test game for what?


If thats the case then this is a test game for the future and if it works all of their games will be like this.


lol, a test game for making a fallout MMO... i guess you really didn't read it... don't buy it then, i'm not stopping you...

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I'm definitely not gonna buy it. I don't suck Bethesdas dick at everything they make. When they're making shit I won't buy it. And this is shit.

Spider-Man PS4, RDR2 and TLOU Part 2 will more then tide me over.

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I do wish you could sign up for the B.E.T.A without preordering it, I was super-excited to test drive it and make up my mind afterwards. 


I'm not in the salty camp (although I understand why those of you who are are cranky about it), just in the undecided camp. If I was able to play solo or only with fellow crew mates, I'd be a shoo-in. But until Bethesda explains how it's possible to play 76 without being griefed by the Squeakers of Atom, I'm on the fence.  

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Just now, CaPn bOnEs said:

:lol:... i like fallout, so that's why i'm getting it...


There's no problem with that. If this sounded good I'd consider buying it. They should of just made a Fallout game with optional Co-op. That;'s what people really wanted. Not this shit.

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3 minutes ago, gtagrl said:

I do wish you could sign up for the B.E.T.A without preordering it, I was super-excited to test drive it and make up my mind afterwards. 


I'm not in the salty camp (although I understand why those of you who are are cranky about it), just in the undecided camp. If I was able to play solo or only with fellow crew mates, I'd be a shoo-in. But until Bethesda explains how it's possible to play 76 without being griefed by the Squeakers of Atom, I'm on the fence.  


they're looking into how to deal with griefers and PvP, according to pete hines... they don't want it to be an un-enjoyable experience for people when dealing with others... GTA was horrible, it's why we never played in public lobbies...

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2 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:



they're looking into how to deal with griefers and PvP, according to pete hines... they don't want it to be an un-enjoyable experience for people when dealing with others... GTA was horrible, it's why we never played in public lobbies...


It's not the online experience of having to play with other people that makes me salty, (although it didn't help) The game just seems empty from what they have said. I mean no NPC's???? What kind of shit is that.

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I'm in the salty but undecided camp, like I said before I will probably get it because I like Fallout. But not at release, there's a lot of uncertainty surrounding the game. Bethesda titles are buggy enough in single player and I dread to think what a multiplayer experience will be like.

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1 hour ago, ViceMan said:

I'm in the salty but undecided camp, like I said before I will probably get it because I like Fallout. But not at release, there's a lot of uncertainty surrounding the game. Bethesda titles are buggy enough in single player and I dread to think what a multiplayer experience will be like.


Just wait until the griefers or gankers get all the launch codes.

How long will it take to find every one for every server. Some onliners live to make others miserable.


I heard Todd say at E3 you take your profile with you. If that's the case, I agree with TwoFaceTanner.



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Well i'm already debating whether to trademark the name "Brotherhood of Leets" assuming it's not already taken; uniform will be T-51 power armour in matte pink with the crotch cut out for easy teabagging. Prospective members must adopt a Russian accent, shout down their mics and shoot everything that moves, especially if that thing says "i'm friendly!"

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pretty sure you could probably just leave and go to a different match if they nuke you, where your area is untouched by the blast you just experienced... i dunno, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be explained more... i am not afraid to leave if i can, especially since you lose no progress or your character... and once you get the codes, i am pretty sure you lose them once you launch one and would have to collect them all again...


and pete hines also said, of course you can make multiple characters...


apparently that making of video, followed by a live E3 Q&A with todd howard starts at 7pm ET... so chances are i'll have to watch it later... i like the idea of a live Q&A, i hope todd is ready to answer some questions, because people are gonna have a lot of them... i hope they're not scripted, but probably are...

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Dunno how storing stuff in your bases is going to work, surely people can still raid your containers and leave you with nothing. I don't like the idea of carrying everything I own and being encumbered.

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I think it’s going to require you to work together to get the launch codes. So, it will take a few people working together to get them.



In the video for it it said “in the very likely event you can’t obtaib every code yourself”... my guess/hope is that. You’ll need very different types of characters to get all the codes...

The whole thing doesn’t make any sense to me.... 20 years after a nuclear blast people’s le army going to be excited about the prospect of more nuclear warfare...

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9 minutes ago, Qdeathstar said:

I think it’s going to require you to work together to get the launch codes. So, it will take a few people working together to get them.



In the video for it it said “in the very likely event you can’t obtaib every code yourself”... my guess/hope is that. You’ll need very different types of characters to get all the codes...

The whole thing doesn’t make any sense to me.... 20 years after a nuclear blast people’s le army going to be excited about the prospect of more nuclear warfare...


Well rather the kids who are in the online shooters on steroids games hyped up to kill everything.

That's what I meant by how long would it take people who actively look for the codes,

rather than co-op settlement building, and enjoying the scenery rather than destroying it further......

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Question is will the codes be quest items that can't be removed from your inventory, or could you craftily hide it in an obscure container somewhere to stop others stealing it. Todd said you don't lose items on death, so how then do others acquire the codes from you?

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the last time I tried to play online with the fine folk of igta I was berated for yelling “hello” into the mic. So fuck that shit. I just barely find people bearable, forcing me to play games with real actual people does not sound enjoyable. *bites fingers*

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this sounds a bit more promising...



they sound commited to adapt to what the fans want, as in, if something isn't working, they will adjust... this is their first stab at trying a full fledged game commited to this, and they want feedback, they want people to enjoy the game... so that might not sound good for people wanting something good right off the bat, but for people like me that want to explore and flesh it out, i am willing to play along ;)...


also sounds like any additions like DLC will be free... the only microtransactions will be cosmetics...

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9 hours ago, Qdeathstar said:



the last time I tried to play online with the fine folk of igta I was berated for yelling “hello” into the mic. So fuck that shit. I just barely find people bearable, forcing me to play games with real actual people does not sound enjoyable. *bites fingers*

Aha, we have something in common... let's fuck.

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