The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 26, 2011 Fuck I just got out of the Sierra Madre with all the 37 gold bars, all the dough from the casino, so my grand total of caps made from that alone is 500,000. HOLY FUCK!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 26, 2011 how in the world did you get 500,000 caps?? that would take weeks to get, considering that you have to allow the vendors to re-supply their caps, and plus, there's only a few vendors that have enough caps to kind of make the trade worthwhile... also, why don't you explain how you got all of them out of the madre... we've dissected many paths and none of them work... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 27, 2011 Ok 1: the total amount of money from the pre war money i got from the casino, the gold bars, and the extra sierra madre chips i had EQUALS 500,000 caps, i dont have that much. (watch the video to see what I say below. This works because ive done it) 2: When you open the vault door, you need to smash the generator to the turrets, WITHOUT entering the vault, then move over to the other side and use the terminal to disable the computer. once this is done, exit the vault, DONT go in to it, go over to the stairs to your right hand side and place all of your explosives at the base of the stairs (ie, gas bombs, C4, etc etc) then enter the vault, (the door will close behind you) and grab all the gold, money, loot you want, use the terminal on the desk to read the second log which is a letter to vera, from sinclair. after you read the 5 page letter about hoe he loves her, back out of the computer and do not read further. Father Elijah will pop up on a Screen in front of you and you will discuss with him, you must tell him you are going to destroy the logs on the computer (science 75) and he will come and confront you, opening the vault for you to get out. you will be over encumbered so you'll end up walking out. before you leave, be sure to pick up the fire extinguisher thingy from up off the floor of the vault and take it with you. leave the vault and walk over to your right where you placed your explosives and drop the air tank/fire extingusher thing in the pile. it will look like you can escape but a forcefield will pop up in front of the door way on top of the stairs before you can leave. father Elijah will come down behind the forcefield and breifly say a few words to you out side of dialouge. run into the barrier and kee running against it to get in it when the explosives go off in the chamber, disabling the forcefield and knocking you forward through the forcefeild. Father Elijah is then launched the other way into the explosives you previously placed. killing him, completing that part of the quest. you then get up off your face and simply walk to the elevator and leave. you dont have to go through the suites as you already know. you end up in the villa and from there you leave the sierra madre with all the gold bars. and does this look fake to you guys? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 27, 2011 Looks like someone modded the shit out of the Mojave Outpost. But, aside from that, it's fake because: 1. Fallout 3 and New Vegas both had CGI teasers for their reveal, and this was in-game footage. 2. The Humvee has a different style mesh and texture than everything else in the trailer, it's edges are too smooth and clean, what little color you can see is too vivid. It looks very out of place. 3. Other than the Bethesda logo, all the text used a generic font, not the regular Fallout font. Even the Fallout logo used the generic font. 4. The system and copyright info at the end of the video used the Games for Windows Live logo. Fallout has no multiplayer (I guarantee you Fallout 4 won't have multiplayer either), so they would have just used the regular Games for Windows logo. 5. the PS3 part of the text wall used the old Playstation 3 logo: Whereas the New Vegas trailers use the current PS3 logo (minus the text at the bottom): 6. It doesn't use the Xbox Live or PlayStation Network logos, just the console logos. Official trailers have the Live and PSN logos because of the DLC. 7. It lists the Bethesda Game Studios logo first, it should be farther into the list, right before the Bethesda Softworks logo. 8. The copyright info says 2012, a real trailer wouldn't say 2012 because they use whatever year the trailer was made in, not what year the game is supposed to come out. 9. This isn't guaranteed, but it's extremely likely that Fallout 4 will use the same engine as Skyrim, and this is clearly the old engine that Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas use. 10. There isn't a number 10, but if I watched this a few more times, I could probably come up with a tenth issue. I'm not knocking you, it's a damn good fake, just telling you what I noticed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 27, 2011 Thanks it looked out of place for me too, and 10, its not shot like the stereotypical fallout panout to wider view trailer like they usaul are with number 3 and new vegas. those teasers focus on one small little thing (usually something creating music) and pans out to show the bigger picture Another point is that it uses the main menu theme music from new vegas only tweaked. And I highly dought Bethesda would make a sign pointing different directions to Washington DC, to Las Vegas, to San Fransico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synch 476 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 On 8/27/2011 at 7:01 AM, The Mad Dooby said: Not new. Tried it already back when it was first posted. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 On 8/29/2011 at 12:35 AM, Synch said: On 8/27/2011 at 7:01 AM, The Mad Dooby said: Not new. Tried it already back when it was first posted. did it work?? sounds plausible though, but i couldn't tell if he ever blew up the explosives... was that to take out elijah?? -------------------------------------------------- meet sakura, she's a follower... i reached freeside at level 3 or 4 (level 8 now)... i stuck mainly to the roads and the outskirts of towns, up in the hills, taking the route the game kinda forces you to take... only had to deal with raiders here and there, as well as the wandering creature... but i stayed away from towns and quests... i did hit up a couple locations so i had some fast-travel points... she's done pretty much everything there is to do as a follower, now she's starting to do more for the citizens of freeside... and eventually she'll work with north vegas, zion, and that other settlement near there, westside?? she's got a pass for the strip, and maybe 800 caps, but not looking to branch out the quests just yet... she's done a lot of work for free, and i actually want to try and play this game with a low cap count... she doesn't care about caps, she only cares to help others... which is why rex is in the party, on his way to jacobstown... i don't plan on stopping in any of the caves up here yet, she's nowhere near ready ... but she's good to go to reach jacobstown... i love playing a new character ... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 I've been working on my "final" courier lately, doing only what I feel like I need to do to be ready for Lonesome Road. His gimmick is that he uses pistols almost exclusively, and won't touch a bigger weapon unless he absolutely has to. He started off, obviously, with the 9mm, then he moved onto the 10mm, and that's what he'll be left with until he reaches Zion, unless I run into a nice revolver by chance. I'm doing Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Old World Blues, because I can knock Zion out at level 10, but the lowest I've done Dead Money was 15 (and that's only because I used an Energy Weapons courier, almost every skill point had to go in Energy Weapons and Medicine to keep him alive). I hope I'll be able to handle Dead Money with just the Police Pistol. I know I've come close. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 bOnEs: it does work, i did it, and i'm looking and 37 very shiney gold bars, now money is no longer a problem. the only hard part is walking back. Because I didnt have the longhaul perk, I ended up walking to Novac and shipping my stuff with the Mojave drop boxes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synch 476 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 On 8/29/2011 at 3:04 AM, bOnEs said: did it work?? sounds plausible though, but i couldn't tell if he ever blew up the explosives... was that to take out elijah?? Not for me, I think mainly because you need a weight triggered explosive. Yes, you have to kill Elijah after his dialog. But in the video, he uses a pressure activated device - the powder charge. I remember telling you guys about it, everyone said it was a waste of time, which I agreed with in the end. Also that was when Massacre told me not to take much stuff in to the vault as weight is important. See I never took stuff into Dead Money, but to get as many bars out, you need low weight. I had quite a few saves trying to figure out what I did wrong. I always ended up on the other side of the force field with Elijah always alive. You can't detonate behind a force field, so at least one of the explosives must be weight triggered. You're on the other side now, and the detonator won't work, and Elijah is where you were, and just staring at you. I guess that, or he runs around the pile that I made. In any case, I failed like 5 times. Final conclusion was I never had a land mine, or powder charge, just C4 and Gas Bombs. Maybe next time (final after Lonesome Road) I'll try it again, saving any weight triggered explosives I find. I haven't done Dead Money on this 2nd game, because I never heard if ED-DE got fixed. Just rumors that it is fixed from the Honest Hearts patch. But yeah I tried this the first time I did Dead Money, right after Massacre did it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 sounds like too much work of trial and error... i don't plan on sitting there for two hours trying to get everything to work just right... and having to restart when it doesn't... i am thinking that another possible way to do this is to lure elijah down to the vault, then fight him carrying all the gold bars... when he's dead, drag his body to up against the force field and put all the gold bars on him... then run around and when you reach the end, do that 3rd person camera trick to see if you can loot him from the other side of the force field... if anything, that's the trick i am going to try since it seems easier to pull off rather than trying to get the explosions and everything else to work just right... not sure if i will be allowed enough time though to run around and then loot the body... i'll try it though in the months to come, whenever i create my final courier... i highly doubt my other two characters will even attempt dead money... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 If it weren't for Christine setting up Uylsses' story, I wouldn't even play Dead Money anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 Oh i see, because i laid down my only demolition charge that i made, figuring alittle extra explosives couldnt hurt. maybe thats why it worked for me. Plus I think the fire hydrant/oxygen tank has something to do with it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 @MASSACRE hey, i've got an itch to play DM again, but have no character even remotely close to being ready... dead money has grown on me, and unless lonesome road blows me away (figuratively and literally), DM will end up being the second best add-on... old world blues was too much fun that i highly highly doubt LR will surpass it, and honest hearts was too bland... you seem to like to create characters that use one gun exclusively... i can't imagine going through the game only using the 10mm... eventually later in the game my characters settle on a weapon, but they still have a few options in case that one doesn't work in the current situation... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 My guy only usually uses a hunting revolver, I bought the most deadliest revolver/pistol i could get and I love it, it is an amazing gun up close but is shit a long range Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 I like having a signature weapon, something that will become notorious across the Mojave and beyond. And I'm only rocking the 10mm until I get through Honest Hearts, then it's all about A Light Shining in Darkness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 Before i go to Zion Canyon, is there any unique Revolvers or pistols? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 29, 2011 You mean in Zion, or just some shit you need to get a hold of beforehand? Also, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 While im there. And I already use the Wiki when doing things in fallout, I hate missing stuff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 Oh, the 'also' was just a general link for everyone in here, had nothing to do with what you asked. As for Zion, the DLC introduces the .45 caliber guns, a pistol and a Tommy Gun. If I remember correctly, you'll get a free pistol right away (but I may be wrong), and there is a slide mod and a silencer, both of which can be bought immediately. The Tommy Gun and its mods can also be bought right away. After you finish the DLC, you'll get a unique pistol automatically, and it's epic. Last but definitely least, is an energy weapon, the Compliance Regulator. It's in a trap-filled place called Fallen Rock Cave, and it's basically a mediocre laser pistol, the only difference being that a critical hit will paralyze an enemy for a few seconds. Basically, it's for pussies, or "pacifists" as some people call them. That's about it as far as pistols go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 Sweet, ill get the laser pistol anyway, I put them on display in my house. I dont use them unless its the mysterious magnum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 compliance regulator... that's what my pacifist follower is missing... she's nearing the point of venturing to zion... i'm still a bit confused with the GRA... so these items are being sold across the mojave?? what about the unique versions?? i get it that they're releasing general versions of these weapons for repairing and modding purposes... i wonder if there's going to be a generic holorifle or pulse gun? dunno about this pack though, i mean, i'll buy it... but it's sounding not nearly as cool as i thought it would be... it doesn't sound like a fetch quest at all, but mearly something else to buy from merchants... sounds like i am going to need a buttload of caps... i do have quite a few, but something tells me buying a few unique weapons fully repaired will diminish my 50,000 caps pretty fast... i might have to bring a gold bar for trade if that's the case... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synch 476 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 On 8/29/2011 at 3:28 PM, bOnEs said: sounds like too much work of trial and error... i don't plan on sitting there for two hours trying to get everything to work just right... and having to restart when it doesn't... Exactly. Next time, if it works with a weight triggered explosive, I'll go with it. Otherwise I'll be happy with 5 gold bars. I already have over 250,000 caps and nothing really to use them with, having all the good weapons and mods. As for these pistols, I still like the Ranger Sequoia, Lucky, and the Mysterious Magnum. Don't like Maria. Have all the rare ones, 45,9mm, and 10mm with mods, as well as my original Weathered 10mm from pre-order. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 for bones, the fully modded .45 auto pistol is killer... for delilah i now use the tarantula sonic emitter... i was using the pew pew but the emitter doesn't use up nearly as much ammo and the sneak criticals make it one of the deadliest weapons in the game... for my newly created sakura, she uses the plasma defender for now... you always ALWAYS need a trusty sidearm... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mad Dooby 64 Report post Posted August 30, 2011 The Ranger Sequoia actually isn't a unique weapon, its found on a few different Rangers across the Mojave. Plus I have the jury rigging perk, i wont need the same gun to repair the new ones, and i have probably about 20 weapon repair kits and the 35 (2 are on display) gold bars so I am certainly set for some new guns Share this post Link to post Share on other sites