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i think they're all pretty damn well written, including dr. klein...



got me an 'old man jenkins' -type of character named roscoe harper :D... never saw this sign before, i like it :lol:... he's been around the goodsprings area, not doing the town quest yet... went a little north hoping to pass through to new vegas but quietly escaped the attention of a deathclaw... he's now heading to the correctional facility to see what this is all about on his way south to primm...

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By the way, playing fallout new vegas on the PC with 3d Vision from Nvidia is pretty fucking sweet. The pip boy looks fucking amazing. IT pops out just the right way... sexy. Fuck yeah. Hmmm.

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In OWB I cant decide which one I like more, The toaster or Muggy. The toaster remids me of Massacre though... Think thats why I like it so much.

*Checks toaster* Is this thing possibly from Warlord Industries?

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i like muggy more than the toaster... he's got that psychotic OCD problem... the toaster is just hell-bend on world destruction, but muggy's more complicated...


also, i went through the divide at level 4, and left level 6... really, there's only one terminal you need to hack... and i wasn't able to repair that terminal which forced me to have to take out the sentry bots myself instead of having the aid of the turrets... thank god i found 6 pulse grenades in sloan because there was about 4 or 5 sentry bots to deal with... thankfully since i was low-leveled, only one pulse grenade was enough to take care of each one... but damn am i lucky i had 6 of them...

but now i have a couple armors, a couple new weapons, ED-E's "repair a weapon once a day" perk, and his workbench and reloading bench abilities... plus the first conversation with ulysses was dramatically less hostile than it was with my other two characters... i wasn't flying a flag at the time, so i was treated as someone who still had a long journey ahead of himself...

this new file is yet again playing out differently than all the others :D... i love you fallout :wub:...

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Boone and ED-E are my two followers. Mostly because I like to crouch in a bush 400 yards away and pick off legonaries. Boone doesnt do much from that far away, But once they get into medium range, he takes them apart. And if the get past Boone and his reload times, ED-E vaporizes them. Pretty good set up between the three of us I think.

And I'm still in OWB, I'm not leaving anything behind here

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but, i have a strong feeling that the courier that brought the broken down ED-E to primm was you... the dude at the primm outpost mentioned that a courier brought it there, but he's old so i wouldn't expect him to remember which courier it was... perhaps it was ulysses??... dunno though of course...

bOnEs check out that write up called The Divide on the fallout Wiki.

EDIT: Found it

Maybe you can decipher if it's actual, or someone's edit, like guessing.

Seems pretty authentic, and if so, my guess is both Nash at Primm is too old

to remember you, and the gunshot head wound made the memory loss.

As the courier, I would have remembered all that stuff. Some pretty heavy history.

I think if it's not a Bethesda author of the article, it was people making a story out

of all the computer terminals, holotapes, and notes in the New Vegas series.

Might answer your questions, as it's the final story that we have to live with.

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I forgot you could have two followers. I've only been using ED-E recently.

I only used ED-E (or any companion, for that matter) on my initial play-through, when I was still exploring and needed the help. After that, I rode solo. But after Lonesome Road, the little trash can kind of grew on me, and we've become inseparable. Basically, Lonesome Road made me a proud american.

*Takes 'Confirmed Bachelor' perk in real life*

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but, i have a strong feeling that the courier that brought the broken down ED-E to primm was you... the dude at the primm outpost mentioned that a courier brought it there, but he's old so i wouldn't expect him to remember which courier it was... perhaps it was ulysses??... dunno though of course...

bOnEs check out that write up called The Divide on the fallout Wiki.

EDIT: Found it

Maybe you can decipher if it's actual, or someone's edit, like guessing.

Seems pretty authentic, and if so, my guess is both Nash at Primm is too old

to remember you, and the gunshot head wound made the memory loss.

As the courier, I would have remembered all that stuff. Some pretty heavy history.

I think if it's not a Bethesda author of the article, it was people making a story out

of all the computer terminals, holotapes, and notes in the New Vegas series.

Might answer your questions, as it's the final story that we have to live with.

well, it explains the events of the divide, which i kind of gathered after my second playthrough... however, it still doesn't explain which courier dropped ED-E off in primm... maybe it was just another courier who was a nobody... i wouldn't think ulysses would just drop off ED-E considering the events of the divide and the tie-in he has to the story...

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well, i guess harper's shack has been ruled out as a suitable housing situation for my latest character... after first initially scouting it, i noticed an irregularity in the discovery... a prospector was walking away down the mountainside... as i slightly approached, there were no deathclaws at all near dead wind, nor was there a blind one in primm pass... hmm...

i dick around for a while and do other stuff, return to novac and advance time 3 days, then fast-travel back to the shack... "caution" appears, the blind one comes from over the hill in primm pass, and i actually expected that so i reloaded and grabbed my best gear and ammo and approached it from the west this time, drawing the blind one the opposite direction... dozen-some armor piercing shots from ratslayer and service rifle later, i drop 'em (with the help of ED-E of course)... i approach harper's shack with the dead wind deathclaws nowhere in site, not even up by the cave entrance... hmm...

travel to novac and advance time another 3 days... then travel back to primm pass... there's no dead blind deathclaw... slowly approach harper's shack again, "caution" appears, the original deathclaws are back, but now they are spawning near the shack... FUCK!!! i somehow manage to get them when ED-E takes the health of two of them to nearly death before they get him... i use the last remaining 20-some armor piercing rounds, along with the spiked knuckles, and finish them off... hmm...

advance time 3 more days in novac, then return to the shack... the deathclaws now spawn all around me... FUCK!!! harper's shack has been officially ruined... and it's that damn prospector that spawned up there for some reason... he was walking down the mountain, as if he were leaving dead wind cavern... and he brought hell with him...

ohh well, i got ED-E's new features and he's a mobile work/reloading bench... now i gotta find a place with a bed and campfire and a couple crates and i am set :D, preferably indoors... too bad about that harper's shack thing though... i was really looking forward to that being my personal pad :(...

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Yeah, I ran into the same thing with Harper's Shack - shitton of Deathclaws (4-5 including the young ones) coming down from the cave. I cleared the cave out and haven't seen many other than a few that random respawn from time to time in between the cave and the shack.

I'm liking Bradley's Shack for the atmosphere. It's got the rigged shotgun trap, the target dummy and the sandbagged bed. Perfect little survivor's crib. I've got an assortment of weaponry lying around for aesthetic purposes. Outside, I've laid a landmine field that the Bosnians would be proud of for any randomly spawning Jackals or Legion Assassin's. It expands all the way to Caesar's safehouse and is a mix of frag and plasma, spread out enough so I don't have a huge chain reaction, yet effective enough to fuck someone up if they try to raid my shit or sell me life insurance door-to-door.

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... Outside, I've laid a landmine field that the Bosnians would be proud of for any randomly spawning Jackals or Legion Assassin's. It expands all the way to Caesar's safehouse and is a mix of frag and plasma, spread out enough so I don't have a huge chain reaction, yet effective enough to fuck someone up if they try to raid my shit or sell me life insurance door-to-door.

A good plan is to drop four-mine clusters (two frags, two plasmas) in a line around the outside of the main field. Not many things are going to make it to the inner field, and that'll save you the trouble of replacing the six or seven mines enemies will trigger running through. Hell, deathclaws and ghouls are fast enough to trigger a dozen and barely get caught in the blast radius.

Now onto complaints. Why can't we lay our own traps? After we trigger or disarm a trap, we should automatically pick up the supplies it was made with and be able to replace them, or made the supplies at a crafting table. Drop two tripwire weights, and if you click them while crouched, you get the option to connect them and form a tripwire. Then, you drop any number of rigged shotguns on the ground or stick grenade bouquets on a wall or ceiling (you could just throw them and they'd stick to whatever they hit, so they could also be a weapon instead of a trap) and click them while crouched, and you can connect them to the tripwire.

Also, we should be able to pick up the bear traps and reuse them wherever we want, and they should temporarily immobilize whatever triggers them.

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however, it still doesn't explain which courier dropped ED-E off in primm...

maybe it was just another courier who was a nobody...

i wouldn't think ulysses would just drop off ED-E considering the events of the divide and the tie-in he has to the story...

(Y) Dude you are so Fallout :clap:

advance time 3 more days in novac, then return to the shack... the deathclaws now spawn all around me... FUCK!!! harper's shack has been officially ruined... and it's that damn prospector that spawned up there for some reason... he was walking down the mountain, as if he were leaving dead wind cavern... and he brought hell with him...

ohh well, i got ED-E's new features and he's a mobile work/reloading bench... now i gotta find a place with a bed and campfire and a couple crates and i am set :D, preferably indoors... too bad about that harper's shack thing though... i was really looking forward to that being my personal pad :(...

I told you that those Deathclaws would fuck up that place you found.

Sniper's Nest and ED-E...all you need, if you don't have the Lucky 38.

You got campfire cooking, and both re-loading and work benches.


Now onto complaints. Why can't we lay our own traps? After we trigger or disarm a trap' date=' we should automatically pick up the supplies it was made with and be able to replace them, or made the supplies at a crafting table. Drop two tripwire weights, and if you click them while crouched, you get the option to connect them and form a tripwire. Then, you drop any number of rigged shotguns on the ground or stick grenade bouquets on a wall or ceiling (you could just throw them and they'd stick to whatever they hit, so they could also be a weapon instead of a trap) and click them while crouched, and you can connect them to the tripwire.

Also, we should be able to pick up the bear traps and reuse them wherever we want, and they should temporarily immobilize whatever triggers them.


Can't you re-use traps with the G.E.C.K. on the PC version?

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@synch... there's no issue with all my other files at harper's shack... i've traveled there numerous times just to make sure the deathclaws didn't wander and they never did... it's that fucking prospector that fucked up the spawning... there were times when a bunch of stuff would re-spawn outside of megaton on one of my files and it's just something that happens with the randomness of the open world that remembers everything... unfortunately i had this file all set up with harper's shack and it's now out of the question... ohh man, i know i could reclaim it if my skills were much better... i could lure the deathclaws out of there and kill them at the legion camp with the powder gangers.. let them deal with that, plus the "for some damn reason after OWB" glitch where nightstalkers attack the camp if you save...

i could still save this place, but i am not ready for it, plus i still need a place to call home NOW... my suitcase at goodsprings source is getting too full these days... need to sort it out with multiple lockers and shit...

@stoic... like i just mentioned, if you like that shack that spawns raiders outside, lure them away from the shack, then kill them... where they die is where they spawn... it's a cool little trick i learned a few months back... and it's the reason why i still think i can fix this harper's shack situation... but i can't fix it right now, and by the time i do i will of probably found a new place...

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this might be the sharpest photo i've taken, or i am just too drunk to notice... but i wasn't drunk when i took it yesterday so perhaps it is... if you can figure out where i am, you get a sunset sarsaparilla star bottle cap!!

i just looked at my karma level and it said desert scavenger, quite possibly the best one i've heard yet... level 9 neutral.. and really just going through the motions early on, following the path, but doing it differently somehow, so i am not earning that much XP at the moment... things are just going different though, talking to different people at different points in the game, wandering here instead of there, doing this instead of that...

it's amazing how each game never really feels the same... so much different that i am about to enter the strip the 4th different way on 5 files... two entered the same way, with caps... one entered with science, another entered with a passport... and the current one is about to enter through mccarren airport... that is, if there aren't any guard dogs... he stopped by mccarren shortly after discovering that he didn't have caps to enter the strip... by doing some work for the crimson caravan (as suggested by his future pardner), he realized that there's a train at mccarren to the strip while delivering a package for crimson co...

let's see how this turns out ;)... i got a chip to get back from this dip shit benny guy... which will end in me having to go to caeser because it's the right thing to do anyways... i gotta take the long journey through the story and branch out when possible... the independent line is very very long and fruitful...

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ahh... i thought perhaps i could throw you off since that destroyed building is re-used all over the mojave, i thought you might guess the gun runners... forgot that those rescued soldiers were standing back there, i thought they were the usual ones that stand there... i actually walked with the great kahns and jessup all the way to just passed the 188... it was kinda cool... circled back though for some ammo and veronica...

i managed to enter the strip, and even though the soldier in the train station first mentioned the fact i could use weapons unlike him, the rest of the conversation made me feel like i was still in disquise on leave, visiting the strip to piss away my caps... i entered the strip with 800 caps and left with 7,000 after using a barter check on benny for some caps for the delivery job... he gave me 250 tops chips as well and i turned that into 2,500 after a short while at the blackjack table... plus the two snowglobes i turned in as well...

once i fully repair an arc welder or 2, i will probably have enough caps to buy sleepytime :D... i think i am going to use all silenced weapons... ratslayer, sleepytime, silenced 45, silenced 12.7mm MG, silenced AMR, various power fists and spiked knuckles... i might not be a silent character per say, but i want others in the distance to wonder what the commotion is all about when they only hear their own men shooting... i might bring a big gun though, i've rarely used them, perhaps i should bring a minigun with me...

i had one of those "this is why i love fallout" moments in the presidential suite of the tops though... once benny tricked me and four of his goons entered the suite, i took them all out in one single VATS session... four enemies, four VATS hits with the spiked knuckles... and within seconds, they all were dead... i love this game...

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