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There's at least five caves in the Sorrows' camp, and two entrances to the Survivalist's cave that don't have map markers (though there are white handprints on the outside of both entrances). Make sure you ask Waking Cloud about the Yao Guai Gauntlets and find White Bird's cave, he gives you a fun and trippy quest that ends with you getting a unique gauntlet, but I think it requires Wild Wasteland.

I think the scripture is just a random decoration item, like the gold bars from Dead Money (unless you actually bothered to get an equivalent amount of Pre-War Money from the holographic merchants in the Villa). No use that I know of.

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None of these posts have been spoilers bones, it was all previously known.

I explored every location while in the game, as always.

The caves with terminals are a must-do, IMHO.

I found the storyline to be outstanding and a very honest hearts type of game,

with plenty of opportunities to gain a lot of good karma. This was short, but very sweet.

Very humanitarian as opposed to the brutal Mojave or Capitol wasteland scenarios.

Got all the new and rare weapons, modded fully where applicable.

Note that the mods and weapons themselves are available back home in the Mojave.

That is the regular DLC new ones, not the reward or rare weapons.

Also brought home all of the tribal armor, and rare clothing.

Finished the DLC again from a late save.

Daniel's ending, provided the extra 3 missions I was missing. I like both endings.

Level 40, and final achievement 5/5 May my Hand Forget its Skill

Took 2 of the new perks when leveling up, and the side effects are interesting.

I wonder how being at level 40 and 100% in many of the skills will affect the game now....

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It's funny, Old World Blues has a perk that lets you cap your level and xp (starting at level 30), but like Synch, most of us will have our skills maxed out at 40. I haven't hit level 40 yet because I can't stop making new couriers, but I'm sticking with my current one (mercenary/caravan guard/cowboy hat and throwing hatchet-sporting badass) until the bitter end, so I'll be there in a day or two. I'm somewhere between 25 and 30 right now.

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my good guy, bones, is level 35... my evil chick, delilah, is 32... and poor sanchez is still back at level 19... at least from the sound of things, this DLC is much easier than dead money, which might interest me in playing through it a 3rd time to try out the crafting recipes and generally to see what it would be like to play it on hardcore... and maybe when i get back, i'll be ready for dead money... because as of right now, sanchez is not even close to being ready for dead money...

it's a good thing that honest hearts is easier... i would hate to start a new file and have to wait until i reach level 20+ before i could even attempt them... in fallout 3, the pitt and operation anchorage were early level add-ons, and think obsidian should keep with that mentality and keep old world blues slightly easy... i fully expect lonesome road to be as tough as dead money...

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There's at least five caves in the Sorrows' camp, and two entrances to the Survivalist's cave that don't have map markers (though there are white handprints on the outside of both entrances). Make sure you ask Waking Cloud about the Yao Guai Gauntlets and find White Bird's cave, he gives you a fun and trippy quest that ends with you getting a unique gauntlet, but I think it requires Wild Wasteland.

I think the scripture is just a random decoration item, like the gold bars from Dead Money (unless you actually bothered to get an equivalent amount of Pre-War Money from the holographic merchants in the Villa). No use that I know of.

This perk is really getting me off right now:

The option to 'devour puny insect.'

Plus after finding all the Survivalist's caches,

finding his body...his final note...and special weapon.

Can't believe I am at 90,000+ caps from selling shit.

Kept anything that can be used at a crafting bench/campfire.

Love the new recipes for consumable, dope, poison, or armor.

Much less the weapon mods.

All of which are now available back home in the Mojave.

Whoa! We got side effects of the DLC! The BOS safehouse

has been fully re-stocked with heavy weapons and armor!

The coolness never ends.

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dope you say?? hmm, this news would please both delilah and bones... both partake in chems every now and then...

Many results in the Mojave from the DLC, good and bad.

However the dope cookers in the Red Canyon did not

recognize any new dialogues from discussion with them.

So maybe this is just new toxins. Or the Great Khans

did not get included in any dialog updates. Needless

to say, the tribal in all of us will value from it.

When you find the root of this issue, it will become clear.

On another note, it's weird but great to find all vendors

now have a bunch of 40mm grenades in stock. This will help

me stock up ammo for my beloved Thump-Thump, from the Boomers.

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so it appears that the voice of the burned man, keith szarabajka, is also the same voice of hershel biggs, your partner at the arson desk in LA noire... he's got a distinct raspy voice, sounds like the perfect choice for the burned man...

just read the NMA review... damn you hackers!! i want to play this NOW!! :angry:...

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so it appears that the voice of the burned man, keith szarabajka, is also the same voice of hershel biggs, your partner at the arson desk in LA noire... he's got a distinct raspy voice, sounds like the perfect choice for the burned man...

just read the NMA review... damn you hackers!! i want to play this NOW!! :angry:...

Surprisingly, he's not all that raspy, but his voice is very powerful. The Burned Man wasn't at all what I was expecting him to be after I first heard about him in New Vegas, but he's turned out to be even better than I would have imagined. There's a beautiful mixture of underlying insanity and straightforward, "this is how shit is going to go down, deal with it" motivation. The bible zealotry you saw in the trailer appears to define his character, but the verses he quotes aren't coming from the "love everyone" bullshit that's found in most of the bible.

Joshua Graham was truly worthy of serving the mighty Caesar, even more so than legate Lanius.

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so it appears that the voice of the burned man, keith szarabajka, is also the same voice of hershel biggs, your partner at the arson desk in LA noire... he's got a distinct raspy voice, sounds like the perfect choice for the burned man...

just read the NMA review... damn you hackers!! i want to play this NOW!! :angry:...

Surprisingly, he's not all that raspy, but his voice is very powerful. The Burned Man wasn't at all what I was expecting him to be after I first heard about him in New Vegas, but he's turned out to be even better than I would have imagined. There's a beautiful mixture of underlying insanity and straightforward, "this is how shit is going to go down, deal with it" motivation. The bible zealotry you saw in the trailer appears to define his character, but the verses he quotes aren't coming from the "love everyone" bullshit that's found in most of the bible.

Joshua Graham was truly worthy of serving the mighty Caesar, even more so than legate Lanius.

I hope he's around in the future. I saved quite a few key times in the DLC.

So if I ever want to go back he will always be there.

Actually all the new HH characters are pretty cool in their own way.

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Interesting note, after telling my Jewish dad about this game(and particular addon) he informed me that Joshua led the tribes of Israel to take over Canaan.

I forgot what he said about Daniel, I'll have to ask him next time I see him or talk to him. Seeing as he lives hours away and usually only talks about religion, that probably won't be for a while.

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Interesting. It would be nice to hear what different kinds of people have to say about the game, I imagine there are plenty of references to things I'm not familiar with and thus didn't notice were there.

Also, Jewish? Is he only Jewish in religion, or is there some ethnic Jew in there as well? You've never struck me as being of Jewish descent.

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I'm just getting into Dead Money now.

My time away from New Vegas served me well and I'm now full of zeal for the game again after beating most of the main story endings. I'll get into Honest Hearts shortly after wrapping up Dead Money, which will probably be pretty soon.

I met God/Dog last night and recruited him. The ghost people don't stand a fucking chance now.

Sorry for bringing up old DLC.

Interesting. It would be nice to hear what different kinds of people have to say about the game, I imagine there are plenty of references to things I'm not familiar with and thus didn't notice were there.

Also, Jewish? Is he only Jewish in religion, or is there some ethnic Jew in there as well? You've never struck me as being of Jewish descent.

Tanner's a jew? Half jew?

Interesting note, after telling my Jewish dad about this game(and particular addon) he informed me that Joshua led the tribes of Israel to take over Canaan.

I forgot what he said about Daniel, I'll have to ask him next time I see him or talk to him. Seeing as he lives hours away and usually only talks about religion, that probably won't be for a while.

He was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore and report on the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:16-17), and only he and Caleb gave an encouraging report, a reward for which would be that only these two of the spies would enter the promised land (Numbers 14:23-24).

He was commander at their first battle after exiting Egypt, against the Amalekites in Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-16), in which they were victorious.

According to Joshua 1:1-9, Moses appointed Joshua to succeed him as leader of the Israelites. The first part of the book of Joshua covers the period when he led the conquest of Canaan.

Thanks, Wikipedia.

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Interesting. It would be nice to hear what different kinds of people have to say about the game, I imagine there are plenty of references to things I'm not familiar with and thus didn't notice were there.

Also, Jewish? Is he only Jewish in religion, or is there some ethnic Jew in there as well? You've never struck me as being of Jewish descent.

According to his family tree, my ancestors on his side were mostly Slavic Jews.

I've probably said stuff before on this forum, but hell that was my amateur sleuthing which apparently yielded poor results.


Tanner's a jew? Half jew?

Based on the information above, that is a definite maybe.

Haha, Its passed through the mother I think, so that counts me out.

On topic though, I've been meaning to go back and play Dead Money again. Last time I played I was a low level and couldn't pass any of the checks...

this time, it will be different.

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Sorry for bringing up old DLC.

I'm fucking bored. You can talk about Fallout 3 for all I care, I need some Fallout discussion to keep me entertained until Old World Blues is announced.

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Interesting note, after telling my Jewish dad about this game(and particular addon) he informed me that Joshua led the tribes of Israel to take over Canaan.

I forgot what he said about Daniel, I'll have to ask him next time I see him or talk to him. Seeing as he lives hours away and usually only talks about religion, that probably won't be for a while.

That's fn awesome details, thanks.

We live and learn. What an interesting Fallout related story.

Guess we know where they got the idea from now.

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i like the religious atmosphere of honest hearts... i am not a religious person myself, but in a time like this, you see religion becoming a strong focal point of tribal factions... it says a lot about the mormon from the north and the regions he has touched with his hand of god... after hearing much about this man from the mojave wasteland, and the legion, whom never speak of his name, it's no wonder that everyone speaks highly of his character... he is the quintessential, fallout character...

religion always has a DEEP grove in society and so of course it does in fallout... and a guy like the burned man shows that sentiment... and most of the factions are based on the same principals...

i love fallout...

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downloading honest hearts RIGHT NOW!!! fuck, i should call in sick today...

EDIT: got a question to ask; i heard that unfinished side-quests are terminated at the end of honest hearts... are only the activated quests terminated or are all side-quests removed upon completion?? i would like to know if i need to complete them all before i leave or if i can save them for when i come back...

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All the side quests come from the main characters, so yeah, finish everything before you do the last quest. Just like in regular New Vegas, once you reach the point of no return, it brings up a window telling you that there's no turning back.

There are three side quests I didn't get to do, but Graham never gave them to me and I don't know why...

Also, Old World Blues preview. Haven't read it yet, just skimmed and posted here. It says the release date is June 14th.

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yea, read that earlier today... the good news is i downloaded the latest QORE episode this morning so, hopefully when i get home, that piece about old world blues is in there... it said it was about duke nukem forever but i didn't check to see what the minor stories were... it's suppose to be there though...

thanks for the heads up, massacre... i will be sure to take and finish all quests given... i didn't know the trio of main characters dished out the quests alone... and i think i am going to play this first, before i play my LA Noire DLC because i want to get through HH, then mess around with LA Noire a bit before i embark on my second playthrough of HH with delilah...

EDIT: posted at 4:20... awesome...

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