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I spend 360 on story mode for fallout 3 when I finished that game and around 280 for Nv... I played the both again and those were around 100hrs so...

Fallout three has more replay value, I think..

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Hooray! It's started crashing lots. Between dodging super mutants, crashing, and having to reload because I keep forgetting to leave Dogmeat in Megaton as the fucker goes out of his way to get killed, I'm never going to reach Rivet City. Dunno why I was heading there, either. Still haven't been to GNR. Thinking about it I may have forgotten to install the 4gb patch...hopefully that's it.  


Bones: The Mirelurk part of the survival guide went really well for me. Ran out of stealth boys, then couldn't find the exit and was chased around by 5 Mirelurks for a while until I finally got out. Only to be attacked by one outside the door. I survived...just. It was hilarious when I told Moira that the Mirelurks were "none the wiser". They were pretty angry at me. 


Edit: Ok just loaded my save. Thought I was cowering outside a mutant camp. I load and there's a bunch of dead mutants and I have a minigun. I need to stop drinking, I have no idea how this happened. 

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This was a great story.

I remember one time trying to search as much as I could with the mirelurk mission the stealth boy ran out just near the exit. I spent hours and countless reloads trying to get out then out run them. Good times.

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I was outrunning them as my SPECIAL is pretty great, but I was still using stimpacks like a fiend, and I can't afford to buy more. Honestly, my face during the whole incident was similar to the pregnant dwellers running from mole rats in Fallout Shelter...except I cried more. 


I'm thinking of giving you guys a photo journal of my experiences, as it's been pretty funny so far. I spend most of my time running away or hiding...who doesn't wanna see that?


I'll complete this thought when I'm somewhat sober, but I haven't played Fallout 3 since it was released. I remember I had a brilliant time. I ignored New Vegas until a month or so ago. No idea why. Since then I've been playing Fallout almost exclusively (the odd game of cricket interrupts me) and I have to say...Fallout 3 makes absolutely no sense in the Fallout world. NV fucking kills it (although I'm biased toward Obsidian. Fuck I love their games) but it also has little to do with Fallout 1 and 2. It just...doesn't fit. Anyway, when I sober up I'll give you guys a proper explanation of why NV kills 3.


I'm not schizophrenic. 

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Ok just loaded my save. Thought I was cowering outside a mutant camp. I load and there's a bunch of dead mutants and I have a minigun. I need to stop drinking, I have no idea how this happened.

Waking up hungover and surrounded by corpses? Welcome to my world.


I think I'm about to get into my first Twitter war.

At least it's for a righteous cause.


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Formerly known as Zidane, of GTA-Gaming. You may have seen her in male form, adorned with assorted GTA-related merchandise. That image has been floating around our forums for years because it's hilarious.

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woah. For fucking real?

well then... ok... I mean, I'd fuck her either way...

got a face pic?



Yeah it's fucking gross... but my tolerance for transgender freakery is pretty low...


For relevance, I've arrived at the Mojave Outpost and about to go see what's happening in Nipton...  the factions thing is going to do my head in...

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so i headed north and eventually ran into mothership zeta  :lol:... i gave it a whirl, made it quite a ways thru the first part playing as a level 4 character, lol... but i knew i wouldn't get very far once they started using their shields... i died when i was carrying too much shit and was moving slow, so i reloaded back in the wasteland... still cool nonetheless... i'll just pretend it was a dream and move on lol... i tried to run into paradise falls, i guess i mis-judged my trajectory, lol :P... i'll head west from here...

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woah. For fucking real?

well then... ok... I mean, I'd fuck her either way...

got a face pic?



Yeah it's fucking gross... but my tolerance for transgender freakery is pretty low...


For relevance, I've arrived at the Mojave Outpost and about to go see what's happening in Nipton...  the factions thing is going to do my head in...


It's not too bad. Aside from a couple where you pick one or the other the majority of factions are independent of one another. 


I made it to Rivet City. Everyone here is a jerk. I'd shoot them all, but I'm sure most will be essential characters. Anyway, to continue with the survival guide I need to go into the other bit of the ship which has Mirelurks in it, so I may hold off for the minute. I'm thinking I'll either go to GNR, or possibly do Operation: Anchorage to get it out of the way. Also I seem to recall if grants you Power Armour training. 

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it's amazing how different this game plays out when you take different routes... i am having a blast already!! i wanted to get to paradise falls so i could base finding locations on the map by being a slaver... arkansas, big town/germantown, and then moving on to tenpenny and rivet city... i am not even gonna ask anyone of my dad's whereabouts... it just doesn't fit an evil route... i just assume he's dead...

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well, when you have to voice a male/female lead for the first time ever, that's gonna happen...

file update: arkansas, red, and susan are all now slaves... i am still only level 7 too... so now i make the push to rivet city to nab flak, on the backbone of being a slaver... i have a goal in mind, whatever else crosses my path, will be interrogated as such... i have a feeling underworld will be a nice welcomed sight... i've become a friend of the ghouls...

oh, did i mention, i've had dogmeat at my side for pretty much half my playthrough now?

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^FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU! Dogmeat wandered off and I haven't seen him since. I haven't gotten a message saying he's dead...he's just gone. Might have to try using the console to get him back. 


Can't remember what I was up to last time I played, and I am enjoying it, but this games setting makes no sense in the wider Fallout world. I mean, the BoS are all happy and welcoming, when they're meant to be techno-hoarding jerks. The Enclave is mysteriously back again. Despite the NCR spreading through the Wasteland and rediscovering technology, cities in DC are protected from Raiders by bits of metal. Where Super Mutants have a complex history and they've developed beyond being mindless savages without The Master to guide them, we are back to "huuuuuuuurrrrrrr mutants". It feels like an adventure game with a Fallout skin. Despite the hate NV got, I feel it captured the Fallout "feel" much better. Also, it's been 200 years since the bombs fell...why is there still tonnes of loot in every building? Wouldn't they have been stripped bare like in NV? I can't find the article unfortunately, but I'm led to believe Fallout 3 was initially meant to occur much closer to Fallout, which would make a lot more sense. 

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Boone did that to me once, I found him dead, leaned up against a rock with a bunch of legion corpses around him. Went out on his own terms. Never got a death message. Maybe I was just really stoned.

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I'm positive he didn't die as I was in Rivet City when he went missing. Not sure why it bothers me, as his favourite game to play was "charge the minigun", so I'd have to reload to keep this jerk of a dog alive. I'm hoping you were stoned, Jizzy, otherwise I'll find Dogmeat's corpse leaning on a rock surrounded by dead rope toys or something, 

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