CaPn bOnEs

(PS4) iGTA Night - Dec. 16

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This may take a while, but here's playlist match 1 from my perspective.

Also, i have a question. How do i make it record everyone's voice and not just mine? Hearing myself speak to myself sounds retarded without conversation...

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Po'boy, fixed your link, here's how I did it:

[ media ] copy/paste YouTube address bar, not the share link, remove 'S' from https:// [ /media ]

without spaces.

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i got a lot of videos to siphon thru myself... the only time other voices made it into my videos was when we were in a party chat... otherwise, yea, you just hear me talking :lol:... i might have to play some music over it if that's the case...

same with the streams...

  On 12/17/2014 at 8:10 AM, WeevDaBeev said:

Watching the heists on the stream was awesome! As well as watvhing otiz and killyou backflip the freeway...and bones giving someone a big push across the finish in kill's race. :P

i would of fucking won that race too :lol:... thanks for being our biggest cheerleader...

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i was working on that one myself... but i do have a video of me and ghostman flying around with you in the titan...

i found the weirdest thing tho... i don't hear anyone in the share videos, but in the ones when we were using the party chat, i could only hear otiz :lol:... if i pull clips from those, i'll have to dub music over it, lol...

i'll have to get my race up there on youtube, and my one man show in bigboss's LTS...

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Lets get the ball rolling


See Mercy you can see the outline of a bra/bikini. You did mention your boobs were looking better so are you cheating or a HACKER?


My one true love


The airport mess around


Was feeling a little vain


Skin textures need work


Otiz's being rude as i drive him around whilst being lifted in to the sky.


Another selfie i know i must of been feeling ill.


And another


The setup


First shot


Second shot

Don't know which i prefer as the 1st one you can see otiz.


Again the setup and mess around


the underglow is awesome



My car was hungry alright


2 lovely things in one shot


Must be so important

And everything comes to an end! Still don't know why it is so blurry. Depth of field was off.


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nice photo ideas, ghostman B)...

if you guys direct your attention to the video i posted above, and the one below, you'll notice a thumbnail preview... got my account verified and i am learning all sorts of new tricks... like, i might not even need to make an intro, youtube could do that for me... sadly, i gotta head to work soon, so i won't get anymore videos uploaded until later tonight... but in the meantime, here's the twitch stream of our bank job photo shoot ;)...

EDIT: ahh, fuck you twitch... it paused on ONE SPOT for 15 minutes... that fucking sucks man, it cut out a big chunk of the stream for no reason at all... i'll deal with it later tonight...

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  On 12/17/2014 at 5:24 PM, bOnEs said:

i got a lot of videos to siphon thru myself... the only time other voices made it into my videos was when we were in a party party... otherwise, yea, you just hear me talking :lol:... i might have to play some music over it if that's the case...

same with the streams...

  On 12/17/2014 at 8:10 AM, WeevDaBeev said:

Watching the heists on the stream was awesome! As well as watvhing otiz and killyou backflip the freeway...and bones giving someone a big push across the finish in kill's race. :P

i would of fucking won that race too :lol:... thanks for being our biggest cheerleader...

Sorry brah, had to be done, you've got no friends in a race haha

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lmfao awesome fuck ups dup

now why the hell can you hear otiz but no one else in bone's video

PS bones ur video is frozen on you parachuting for most of it

maybe its my browser

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yea i mentioned that, dunno why... and apparently twitch fucked up too because i saw the video before it was shared... oh well, a lot of us are amateurs at this, so eventually we'll figure it out... but i do think it was entirely on their end...


otiz wanted me to post his video, said he was going to bed lol, part 1 of last night's stream...

we're gonna have this thing figured out, and eventually we'll be all anyone talks about on social media... my heist pics are one of my biggest success stories... when you have nearly as many RT's as faves, then you know you got something special...

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Ok i looked into the microphone recording issue. Apparently it just records like any other recorder, so it uses your mic to record every sound coming from you, including tv sounds, button mashing, and occasionally louder players through your headset.

Best way to record everyone is to use just a USB microphone not a headset, that way everyone comes through the TV...

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hmm... not sure i want to deal with that hassle... anywho, here's bigboss's LTS, locked in FPS mode... i dominated at the end to seal the victory :lol:, which means fanboy won the playlist because of that :(...

currently saving my video of jumping the alamo sea, then, i'll try working on ikillyou's round trip again... the ending makes me want to finish the upload again, maybe i'll trim it up a bit to make the file smaller....

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