
Lost car from garage

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Hey, can anyone help please, I put a car in my garage and had to take one out as it was full, i have now lost this car ( it was a bought car and modified), can anyone tell me is there a way to get it back? All help appreciated.

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what the hell are you guys doing to lose cars? are they not fully insured or something? i have yet to have this problem, then again, i am not backing out because i go in knowing i am replacing something...


are you saying you can't swap cars between garages anymore?

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Massacre mentioned this a couple of weeks ago in Random Thots...so apparently it's an ongoing problem.


Remember when, if you had a full garage, and a not-full second garage, you could pull a car into the full garage, replace a car, and the replaced car was sent to the other garage?

Yeah, that shit don't happen, anymore.

Fuck you, Rockstar.

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My car's just fucked off randomly, one of which i had to buy 3 times to get the roof i wanted  <_< it showed up on my mechanic list so i called it and nothing showed up, then it was gone. Rockstar didn't believe me on account of cuntness....Fuckers.

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