
Post Your GTA V Clips/Videos/Movies/Etc

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Since we have a Snapmatics thread, we need a video clips thread too (Mods - edit/merge thread accordingly if needed!).

Here's my latest couple - pretty 'random-ish'.

Quickly switched to first person when I remembered that'll give me a better view when running over people!

Excuse my shitty driving...

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keep in mind, this topic isn't meant for the youtubers who are "like this, subscribe, i upload daily" advertisement bullshit, you'll be deleted immediately... if you recorded a video of you having fun playing GTAV, and it's been added to youtube, then post it...

share videos amongst the forum here, not for likes, but for the lulz... i am taking full advantage of that feature now myself, hopefully to record crew night stuff... but here's a few i've made thus far... and mine are edited a bit on a PC because i am one of those that can't stand seeing something without a little effort :lol:... if i am gonna do it, i might as well try...

here's my "slightly but not really" viral video of a cat trying to cross a highway...

ahhh, the zancudo challenge... many of you have played it, but not everyone has seen it... it looks glorious on next gen, i might actually consider recording other peoples jobs for the exposure ;)...

is there an issue with using licensed music on youtube? i don't care to read the rules, or give a shit :lol:...

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I got the back seat fp view too. Sky, sky, sky... aaand we're dead.

P.s. I thought you did wonderfully, Dup. Apart from the big explodey part. Everything else was sweet.

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Wasn't really sure where to put this, but this is one of the first things Otiz and I did on Next gen

P.S: The dukes at the start is for Ace :D

Edited by IKILLYOU1324
/moved to video thread
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Nice to see you, IKILLYOU, hopefully you might still join us on Mondays on PS3?

I might, im just bummed cuz my ps3 got factory reset and i get depressed everytime i turn it on and see nothing there

Also, Thanks for putting this here :D

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Well, that just means it's time to start putting stuff back on the console! Load the game up and join us again, we've missed you and Otiz.

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Nice to see you, IKILLYOU, hopefully you might still join us on Mondays on PS3?

I might, im just bummed cuz my ps3 got factory reset and i get depressed everytime i turn it on and see nothing there

Also, Thanks for putting this here :D

ya, the one good thing about online rank being in the cloud, if your system fucks off you dont lose ur shit

Me & Rob learning how not to drive in first person.

i lol'd pretty good. the fuck ups. rob broke the fucking door off

then the death ending

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Apart from my pretty crappy driving skills in first person, I thought my Pala Springs Rally track would work great locked in first person. I enjoyed it a lot, so I think I'll go in and copy a new version to PS4, add some better props to it and stuff, make it 30 players and add ghosting as it's tough!

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So Dup, does that mean the camera view is one of the settings in races on next-gen, and can be forced (in the same way that weapons or cars can)?

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Yeah tell me about it. After a good couple of runs I got better at cornering. It's just a new learning curve in First person. I can drive around in freemode okay now. It's just learning race tracks all over again when done in First person.

I think from now on, any new races I make, I will post a one lap video of it (polished, and no crashing lol) instead of just a screenshot, that should help get more plays.

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man, add more props and that will look so awesome in first person. more tire lines will make it feel so much more like a track

in the countryside i like using hay bales instead of tire lines. makes it more country-ish

i lol'd when you looked back. with the roll cage in the way, looking behind you is so pointless

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So here's the video showing how to stay in Tequi-la-la after the Vinewood Souvenir - Willie mission. It's unedited, so it's not all that great. The top floors play songs from Channel X, whereas the pool room in the basement plays songs from Radio Mirror Park. For some reason the PS4 doesn't record music, so there isn't any in the video. I actually didn't hear a lot of the dialogue while playing which is kind of why I didn't realize some asshole was about to call the cops.

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