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The veterans among us should remember Heartless. I don't know if he changed his username when we moved to this forum but here's his old profile from igrandtheftauto.


Some of us also had him on Facebook up until last year some time when he disabled his account. I heard from his wife yesterday that unfortunately he took his life on Saturday whilst in France.


For a good few years leading up to and after GTA IV (and a lot of you are still here) all of us were practically brothers. Vlad was killed in almost the exact way he once said he'd be killed, and now Heartless is gone too. 


There's a GoFundMe page here to bring his body home and fund his service. Feel free to donate or just see the link for proof I'm not fucking with you.


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The problem is that we all had an agreement. If one chooses to kill himself he must live stream it for the rest of us. Heartless broke his contract so his wife gets nothing from me.

And let's be honest, it was probably her constant nagging that caused him to eat a bullet.

Internet said, I'm sorry for the people he gave up on.

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Heartless never came here. His last post on iGTA, in response to the new site, was simply "never." For so many years, I wondered what had happened to him. I had always hoped he was doing okay...

Goodbye, brother. I never forgot you, all these years. I never will.


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It's a sad day when we learn about forum members dying! Unfortunately, it's not the first time. This is a testament to the longevity of this community though, stay strong forum family!


Condolences to his loved ones, I fondly remember Heartless as a damn good poasterer.



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A lot of us have been together now for over 10 years, became friends even family. I love and care about the lot of you....To hear such sad news is devastating.

Condolences. He was a good lad.

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It's sad to hear of forum members passing, especially since we've all been here for so long now. Although he didn't post on iGTA5, i remember him well, from the good ol' days.


Heartless, you will be missed. Deepest condolences to your wife and family.



Ast, stick around my friend. You've been gone too long.

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I didn't know heartless, but my sympathies with his family and his friends.

Hopefully he is at peace now from whatever pain was in his life.

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Fitty, he became a cop post iGTA. Trained in 2011 I believe. 


I can only echo what you guys have said... I've spent so many hours on the various incarnations of this site and it's members from love affairs with Mello to telling Stoic to fuck off because we disagreed on Lola. I love you guys.


I'll stick around. 

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I am sad to hear about this loss, even if I never met Heartless.


We'll all have to put something in our will, "Please notify my forum family at iGTA."

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  On 6/15/2015 at 5:48 PM, Massacre said:

Don't forget that video you put on YouTube, after you misread something Stoic said.


Oh yeah I remember that! What a little cunt I was. I wonder if I can find it.



  On 6/15/2015 at 5:50 PM, gtagrl said:

I am sad to hear about this loss, even if I never met Heartless.


We'll all have to put something in our will, "Please notify my forum family at iGTA."


It's in my little black book of "shit to do if I suddenly die."

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Damn, that's bad news. It makes you wonder about other past members who may have passed on without us knowing; Marney, myself... Who knows how many more.


For what it's worth, R.I.P. Heartless.

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I missed this topic as well. Heartless was always cool to me. He was pretty tight with Bane.

Heartless had a lot of funny words and sayings, back when Psy was around all the time.
The green forum, before IV. San An I believe.


One of my favorite Heartless lines was to one of the girls, who posted a picture.


"Thanks, I won't have to use torrents tonight".

I'll try and remember more, he was too good at that.


Game On Brother. RIP. See you when I get there.

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What the fuck? I guess I'm two years late but this is some fucked up shit. I'll never forget trying to out offend each other in The Asylum all those years ago.


E - Well, now I have one post but it was worth it.

Edited by Voodoo
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Life is a crazy place. I knew him decently. I have feint memories because I've lived some crazy times myself. I had him on Facebook myself for a long time. David VanEpps was his real name of I'm not mistaken. 

I lost touch on FB shortly after my deployment when I kind of left the world for a while. Never knew this happened till tonight. Crazy.... Sorry for his wife. She seemed nice. He and I had some important things in common. I can ramble on but all I can say is nobody should take for granted now. 

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