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No Man's Sky

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Release Date: June 21st 2016.

I honestly thought this game had it's own thread... ah well.

"No Man’s Sky features an expansive, procedurally generated universe that players navigate using an upgradable spacecraft. Upon reaching new planets, players can disembark in order to observe and document alien flora and fauna within a user-curated online database.

Developer Hello Games warns that not all planets in No Man’s Sky are welcoming to outsiders. In addition to passively documenting their surroundings, players must adapt wilderness survival skills in order to fully explore the game’s harsh alien environments. Explorers must also learn new alien languages in order purchase materials and blueprints for ship upgrades."

All the trailers to date:

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still intrigued about this game... perhaps once we get near launch i'll start paying attention more... it looks like fun, i just don't know where i'll be at in my gaming schedule... seriously, why do they release so many damn games? space 'em out better...

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This is pretty high on my radar to be honest. I'll be interested to see if it can deliver what it's claiming. Being the cynical cunt I am I doubt it can.

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Saw on Reddit that this has just gone gold. Hopefully it can live up to the hype. Honestly, I think this is going to be a niche game probably with a really abrasive core group to it's cult following. 

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Yeah i do too. A bit like Eve Online or something.


I think my only problem is it isn't story driven, its pure exploration like Minecraft. So it is very hit or miss depending on how immersive the exploration actually is. There needs to be something rewarding too.

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wait, this game still exists?? man i passed on this months ago... i like the idea, just as i enjoyed a little game by maxis that was similar called spore, but i am just not sure this is what i want in it's evolution... it has the right idea, but i think it'll get boring within the first 6 or so hours... PLEASE prove me wrong internet, i want to love this game! :D


it needs a story, something to drive your character into exploration... this isn't star trek, we need a reason to be who we are...

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I was very excited when I first saw the game but now I feel like the whole "universe" idea is a bit stupid. It sounds neat but at the end of the day a freeroam game like this needs the ability to play with friends. Minecraft is a blast with other players. I have never played that game by myself. They make it sound like it is going to be extremely hard to meet up with friends. I get they want you to feel like you are in a spare universe but come on. The idea that it is online at all times but its single player doesn't make sense. If you want it to feel desolate, just make it single player and have some sort of online co-op. Not this half-online single/multi-player blue ball tease. Or at least some kind of online co-op mode on top what the game already is. 


But ya. #notbuyingit

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