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Please Rockstar make the single player your first priority!!!! Don't just throw it aside like you did with GTA V. 

Edited by Bronson
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sadly, the fact that they mentioned online in the same breath as their map tells me that online will be a huge focus... we can all thank the success of gta online for that... they'll have to ship the game with a great single player campaign, i just don't think there'll be much focus on that afterwards... if they did another undead nightmare DLC, that'd be cool... but they registered the red dead online trademark, so i imagine they have big plans for that, just like gta online...


i just can't figure out what they could sell us on for online... new adversary modes and hats?? i guess we'll see...

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9 hours ago, DuPz0r said:


Also, Helaku which has similar features...




Fck it, imma tag him as that until proven otherwise... :lol:




My guess from left to right...


John Marston, Edgar Ross, Dutch, ???, Bill Williamson, Javier, ???

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lol why would edgar ross be in a notorios cowboy gang, then turn around and be the face of the federal bureau?? :lol:... although, javier could be the guy you pointed too, it's hard to see his face... but he looks more like an ex military guy to me, not a mexican outlaw... perhaps the two guys on the end are the playable characters?? that is, if you believe in the 2 protagonist theory...


in other news, this seems to be kind of trending lol :D...


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@bOnEsI'm thinking maybe that Isn't just Dutch's men, it is possible the artwork is based around the characters that'll propel the plot or on one mission in particular where you have to work with someone like an Edgar Ross etc. Something like that.


Also, something worth noting is the original gang had four men, whereas in the artwork we see seven, wich kinda backs my theory ;)

4 hours ago, bOnEs said:

sadly, the fact that they mentioned online in the same breath as their map tells me that online will be a huge focus... we can all thank the success of gta online for that... they'll have to ship the game with a great single player campaign, i just don't think there'll be much focus on that afterwards...


I have to agree with this. Looks like we all  might get fucked in the ass again with more pay-to-play bullshit.


Should've named the damn game Red Dead Rectum

Edited by Ku Zi Mu
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It may well be that these guys have nothing to do with Dutch's gang. But at least a couple of them look too familiar not to be.


Here's to hoping that half that group are new characters we'll learn to love or hate.


And i am totally on board with a two character story. I liked how they did that dual focus on The Revenant, showed both sides of the coin. The Natives and the Cowboys, then good and bad. R* must have taken some inspiration from that.


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They may have had other members of the gang back-in-the-day. Guys that were more expendable or weren't around long enough to be part of the core group.


My guess:




We follow a new person who was either in the gang or someone fighting against them.

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Hmm, i did think Edgar ross looked like him, that was my first guess. But i thought why would a Federal peep like him be rolling with the likes of Bill and Dutche?. I dunno, did Marston even know him prior to the events of RDR?




Roll on Thursday, I wanna hear this song playing in the background!



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Just because he's in the game doesn't mean they really know each other at that point. We might see Edgar doing investigations into their crimes. Or if we go with the protag-against-Dutch's-gang theory, maybe the new protag works with the feds to take down Dutch's gang.

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That first Red Dead trailer was pretty..... shitty actually. I even remember not being impressed at the time. Then the gameplay videos came out.....

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Yeah I prefer being here instead of sifting through 100's of shit posts. Kind of like GTA V hype.


And yeah Bronson, that trailer did not at alll, reflect the awesomeness that the final game actually contained.

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I have a feeling the story is going to pick up right where red dead left off



You're playing as his son. Jack wants revenge on the US Army and those who got his father killed and destroyed his childhood. At the end of the game I remember reading a paper where WWI was just beginning. This would be an interesting tie into something with the US Army. Jack gathers Marston's old friends to get revenge? It moves slightly out west.




You have US Army training grounds Funston, Doniphan, and Cody. All places north or slightly west of Texas, still in the Mid-west. Camp Cody is in New Mexico and the art looks like it could match that.


Edit: Last to the left looks like Jack too


Rdr_jack_marston.jpgScreen Shot 2016-10-20 at 10.38.07 AM.png





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i was impressed with that first trailer tbh... i love the western genre and was super stoked to see someone like R* tackling it...


@Brianthe only part that doesn't make sense tho is there's also dutch and bill in the photo... those guys were dead before jack took up arms...

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Honestly as long as there's no hokey supernatural shit I'll be happy. I don't like science fiction permeating into my historical fiction. And yeah that first trailer made me think it was gonna be alooooot more gritty than it actually ended up, 

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