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yea it's one of those rumors spreading around the internet thanks to those other fan sites... i think it's a fake, because there's really no point in multiple discs anymore... and even it were 2 discs, the box wouldn't have to be any bigger than a normal box... 


bad photoshopping, no doubt about it...


also, if it were that thick, we would of been told about that version having a music disc, making of video, and something else... i have a james bond collection and one of the boxes that is that thick has like 5 discs in it lol...

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I hear rumors of people playing the game early. Potentially straight from the press into their pocket kind of rumors. Apparently the person in these images have been tracked down to a PSN group, and it's been verified (Of course, it could be completely fake, i can't find the source).



4 hours ago

Considering the other post got deleted, I'll comment here.

In the other "leaked" image I originally thought it was fake because it showed 2 different icons for the game. Turns out, one of the icons is for a community. Someone in the "RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2" community has the game. Look it up. Type in that exact name. Should be the first one with 11.5k members and the desc says "DIE HARD R* FANS". Someone in there has the game.

Edit: This person is also in the "Red Dead PS4" community as well.






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I think the reason why there was excitement around the GTA V posters and ads was because we were seeing new characters for the first time from advertisement. Since R* didnt reveal them before then. So every time we got  a new poster we didnt know if it was going to be a new character or not.

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Just a quick note that the ESRB does not have a rating for the game on their site (yet). The PEGI site fucks up whenever I try to search and their twitter account hasn't posted anything since March 10th. For comparison GTA V was rated by the ESRB a month and a half before release. https://www.igta5.com/gta-v-rated-mature We're well inside a month now. Rockstar's site says ESRB Mature so it's weird the ESRB site does not have it.


I saw a lot of "has Red Dead Redemption 2 gone gold?" comments in the reddit comments. Looking back at GTA V, the game was announced as going gold on August 23rd or 24th. 24 days or around 3.5 weeks before release on September 17th. https://www.igta5.com/grand-theft-auto-v-has-gone-gold

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i'm not as hyped for this one, i'm basically just waiting for the game at this point... anything they show me right now isn't gonna pump me up... i feel like we're already gonna know everything they show in it, with maybe a surprise... less than a month to go now...

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Hope 'Fitty is ready to capture all those 4k screencaps! ? 


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I know it's the same artwork over and over again, but it's nice to see R*'s advertising campign from all corners of the earth (because we all know the [game] world is flat).

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That's an interesting screenshot, looking south directly towards St. Denis... or is it a garden fence rather than buildings far away? :D

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Yep, I think i'll be going into hiding in a dark corner and putting my fingers in my ears very soon to avoid spoilers.


"Into exile I must go, erection I have."

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i started skimming over it after a few paragraphs, fucker lied and said no spoilers at the beginning lol... i guess i'll skip out on this round of information... screenshots look nice tho, i don't mind those...

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Yes a lot of people on Reddit were complaining of spoilers, luckily I haven't (and won't) read any more articles.

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he was dropping names and missions, that's when i started to realize i was gonna get more info than i wanted... then i got hit with a dutch gang character spoiler, which really sucked... fucking hell, i'm muting RDR2 until a week after release lol...

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Same, the time for abstinence is fast approaching. When the time comes, you gotta run and don't look back... this is over.


It's going to be difficult not reading anything, but i'll just get my info from here as I always have. Look at the screenshots, maybe speculate a bit. I think a week before release i'll purge myself of everything i've learned, then be totally giddy when the map turns out to be four times larger than we expected.

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Just had a Fire Bottle shot out of my hands in Nosalida, all I could do was lay there while my horse and I simultaneously burned to death and had lead poured into us, to a cacophony of "jajajajaja"s and "hijo de puta"s. 


Not a heroic end - can't wait for the 4K, inglorious misfortunes this month.

Edited by GunSmith

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