
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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Is Grizzly really that far east? Feel like we haven't seen much of it since the first trailer. Then again it seemed like a lot of the mountain profiles changed between the first and second trailer, understandable since it was a year previous.

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I noticed a while ago - at least I think it's that same - The "shocker" rock is in front of Grizzly in that cap from the first trailer of the guy in the barn getting on his horse.


Wasn't sure though as like I said a lot has changed between the trailers. (Plus it looks a lot smaller there, in front of another mountain.)

Edited by ViceMan

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Hmm yeah, i didn't really pay attention t that back then. Looks like it could well be it.


So i've made some minor changes to the map:


Map Version v0.67

*Made some adjustments to the mountain range, now that more evidence is available.

*Minor updates to the Town Maps.

*Fixed some small spelling mistakes.


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Any chance you can do your web magic and pull the highest res image off the newswire Fitty? I want to see those logos up close. Maybe we can match some of the names to places. Maybe even in the purple writing.





Amberino? New territory?


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Never seen that before. So that pretty much confirms we're getting the entire old Redemption map then?


Also Red Rocket. Bethesda might like a word about that one.


Only things I can pick out that are place names are Cumberland Mountain and Saint Denis, Lemoyne, USA (Which we pretty much knew already.)

Edited by ViceMan

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Yeah was trying to work that one out, oh well I won't bother uploading that pic I just made then. :D Got the New ???, Lemoyne part, couldn't see the second word.


Thought it was New Bordeaux again myself. But Saint Denis is the city, plus it's already in Mafia III... So, fuck knows.


Only thing I get for Mondeaux is a dam in Wisconsin.

Edited by ViceMan

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Yeah same, Westboro. And some New Orleans football player. NO being the point of interest. Maybe it's a district of Saint Denis?


 Could be influenced by it in some way, not sure how though.

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Yeah probably more to do with the handegg player, being from Naaaw'leans.


I lol'd at the Merkin's wigs company too, but it's probably unrelated to the Merkins place in the swamp.

Edited by ViceMan

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9 hours ago, DuPz0r said:


Amberino? New territory?


New Austin now too. So I guess they actually put in the rest of the old map (or at least the US side). Vicey said it already... anyway...



9 hours ago, DuPz0r said:

Any chance you can do your web magic and pull the highest res image off the newswire Fitty?


That's usually you guys... I just found the video files.



These are the links in the webpage coding. No sign of constraints in the URL so I assume these are max size...


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Hmmmm, does that desert pic match up to any place in the Mexico area of the old map?


Pretty hyped now if we are going to see all these old places again, see how many of the MacFarlane brothers have died already.


Actually... " The third to die was Cole, who died on July 26th, 1899, from a gunshot wound to the head. "

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I'm not gonna hype myself for New Austin and Neuvo just incase we get like a one-trip, self-contained mission in those areas and never be able to go back, North Yankton style.


I can already see it, train ride down south to kill someone important, then train back. But not in realtime. Time-hop ellipsis style.

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Well the one thing that did bug me was that the train line doesn't run through Great Plains past Blackwater, so how can the train service all those areas plus New Austin if there's no way to get there?


I dismissed my argument by telling myself the leaked map was old and probably very sparse with its info.

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Was this obvious? I can't remember discussing it. The snowy Mountain to the left is either the right most of the 3(4)peaks before it descends into the river. Or it's one of the ridges from broke back as I've marked on the map. Give or take, i feel like it's enough evidence to situate the scene at the base of Horseshoe Overlook. And of course not to forget the railway which he's facing in that scene which lines up with this point too.



So these are the areas i'm thinking we know the least about. So i'm going to be focusing on trying to piece these together in the next few weeks.


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Are you gonna replace Bayou NWA with Lemoyne?


I would say the snowy scene with Dutch talking about feeding and keeping the people warm would be somewhere near Colter, I think that's where we'll be starting the game and possibly our first hideout, since the map says (Intro.)

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I could do, but are we 100% sure Lemoyne is the same thing as Bayou Nwa? It might be a region of the state but not the entire thing. I feel like Lemoyne is probably the state, and Nwa is a region of that state.


Yeah that snowy scene was hard to map though due to the blizzardy nature of it, so we still don't know much about it, other than it's in a snowy area of the map.



How about a new project? I was thinking about how we kind of overlooked the forest/woodland shots a bit, due to the closed in leafy nature of them.


How about we try and match some of the shots, pair them together in groups based on tree types/biomes and see if we can narrow the locations to the map?

Here's most of the forest shots, i may have missed a couple. But we have distinct areas of the map which we know are wooded. So it might be easier to categorise them that way.



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12 hours ago, ViceMan said:

I would say the snowy scene with Dutch talking about feeding and keeping the people warm would be somewhere near Colter, I think that's where we'll be starting the game and possibly our first hideout, since the map says (Intro.)


I thought I mentioned it in this topic but can't find it now. I think the snow scene is from the northeast part of the map north of Brandywine Drop due to the angle of the river, it's small size, and the path/trails next to it as shown in the minimap:




The leaked map cuts off the top so who knows how much farther the little river goes. I assume 1 more grid square tall.




RE: Forests... I wasn't bothering since most have no background elements to link to other things (not even mountain tops). I just assume pine trees = Big Valley/Cumberland, swamps = Bayou/Thieves Landing



@Dup: This is the S-bend again. I can see the dead tree trunk and stump next to the smoke column:




^dead trees are red lines



As for this scene...





Not saying you are in the wrong area, but the camera angle you marked out does not line up with the rail line since it should run towards the left of the pic you have.






^Assuming this is a sunRISE, that makes the top north. Given the terrain and rail angle, I would put this pic over near Dewberry Creek. In the pic with the train you can see overhead wires cross the tracks. Perhaps in the area of the road on the leaked map.

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I mentioned it in the other topic but i'm pretty sure this is Manzanita Post being built;



Where is that second left image down in your gallery from Dup? I haven't seen it before.

Never mind found it, must've glossed over it before.


This one isn't too hard to work out, i'd say that little blue ranch framed in the trees is Carmody Dell and the fire is Cornwall or Heartland Oil, this might be somewhere close to the "shocker" rock.


6 hours ago, TreeFitty said:

The leaked map cuts off the top so who knows how much farther the little river goes. I assume 1 more grid square tall.

I've always assumed there are at least 7 more squares above and 3 more to the left of what we see, since the grid starts at H04.

Edited by ViceMan
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I wouldnt rely on the grid numbers. In 3D modelling, and game design you centre the model in the scene, so the middle letters of the alphabet would place the model in the centre of the game engine space.


Yeah Fitty i think you're right about the track. It doesnt line up with what i said very well. Must be further down the track.

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9 hours ago, ViceMan said:

This one isn't too hard to work out, i'd say that little blue ranch framed in the trees is Carmody Dell and the fire is Cornwall or Heartland Oil, this might be somewhere close to the "shocker" rock


I was working on a "no it's not" image but I think that's correct. Basically draw a straight line from the small rock to the oil field to Carmody. So they are near Old Fort Wallace.



Not sure if anyone mentioned it, I think this is Horseshoe Overlook with Painted Sky in the background:




The rock formations are similar to the S-bend area and it looks like the river bends around on the right side going away from the camera. Plus Horseshoe = caravan camp which is what we see.

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So I CBA to do any annotations but i'm assuming these rocks are on the tip that's on the river bend.




(Pretty certain they're the same rocks behind that guy to his right, same profile.)


Can't quite see them in this though.


They may be a LOD render or further round the bend tucked behind the big rock.


As for forest shots like Fitty said most don't have any landmarks in for reference.


The only shot I can see that is slightly foresty but has a bit of mountain profile in is this one;


That profile looks familiar, but at the same time I think i'm going crazy looking at mountain silhouettes so they're all starting to look alike. Plus even if we locate it, it doesn't really help us with anything else.

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I was basing that off of the mountain profile behind, looks like it's facing south to me, but like I said I can't be arsed to do any annotations to prove that. I have post-traumatic mapping disorder.

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Using the minimap in this pic:




The sun in both this scene and the epic-horse-rearing one are sunrises. So that gives some direction. Still doesn't nail down where it is. If anything it makes it more confusing with the mountains on the right of the horse pic which is supposedly facing east...




edit: here's the horse pic with heavy contrast modification if anyone can match up the mountains:






I'm wondering if those mountains are actually part of Mexico and this shot is down in Scarlet Meadows/Bayou area. The scenery doesn't really fit for what I think that area would be like, though.

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