
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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4 hours ago, DuPz0r said:

Then you have the other theory that we could go for a trip to New Austin or Nuevo for a one time mission, but then they'd have to make all the landscape around it and not let us free to roam it... Which makes no sense.

Yeah I don't think they'll go this route for such a large area, say you need gila monster skins to craft something but you've already done the mission that takes you there and it's locked. That'd fuck over a lot of people... although it seems these days R* are in the business of fucking people over.

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Get the Nuevo Paraiso DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2! Revisit the amazing cultural landscape south of the border that you only saw in the one mission!




Get the Gila Monster skin for RDR$100,000! Hunt down every animal in Red Dead Redemption 2 for their pelts to trade in or purchase a GRIZZLYCARD to get instant access!

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And GTAV was around 60. Up to 75 or so with DLC. I know audio usually takes up a large chunk so the size might be more with the NPC interactions and story stuff.


They might push the details of the world further since there is a lot less going on in RDR compared to GTAV. I really don't think the large file size is directly map-size related.

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To be honest that is probably just the PS4 Pro version which runs at 4K. 


I'm running a 1tb pro, but i have a 5tb external HDD perma-attached to it.



Everyone's jumping on this Lizard shot now.

This is the best one i've seen:





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Until tomorrow i'm saying fuck the desert and fuck the fucking gila monsters, I bury those cock-a-roaches.


However if a gameplay vid drops tomorrow my stance may change.

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So I've been looking at that recent discovery, that being the black and white Lizard:



And i noticed that the mountains don't match up, but that's due to upgrading to RDR2 quality right?. And then that got me thinking...

If this is the right spot (black and white Lizard) then the mountain behind has to be the same, even if it looks different. So i take another look at the Red Lizard shot, and i think we're looking at the same mountain but from the right. It's cuts off on the B&W Lizard shot, but the shapes looks similar if slightly rotated to the right of it.




Now then, the real exciting part is this; If they are the same peaks, then we are looking for the RDR1 alternative if we really want to find where it is. And by the looks of it, it has to be near. So, after looking through some 4k panorama's, i've found several matches to the mountain we see in the first shot here:




So, the hunt is still on. It must be within the confinements of the RDR1 map! What we're actually looking for in RDR1 is that mountain range, with a similar arrangement of foreground rocks...




I hope that wasn't too confusing. Do you guys see what i'm trying to say?


I've been talking to someone who has the 4K copy, and he's been providing me with panorama's to look through. So hopefully he can go take a look and see what he can find. 

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Yeah it might well be, there are definite similarities in the mountain profiles and i've always known they won't look exactly the same as the originals due to better models. Q has an Xbox, can't we get him to load up RDR if he has it?


Anyway i'm hoping we'll get some information soon as we're less than a month away now.

Edited by ViceMan

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Yeah? sure If he feels like it? 


I'm hoping for that promised second gameplay trailer. Feels like forever since they posted the last one!




 ^Total guess based on the rock formations i can see on the map.

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2 hours ago, DuPz0r said:

I'm hoping for that promised second gameplay trailer. Feels like forever since they posted the last one!

Maybe it's gone the same way as the GTA V single player DLC.


(Also Agent.)

Edited by ViceMan
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6 hours ago, ViceMan said:

Yeah it might well be, there are definite similarities in the mountain profiles and i've always known they won't look exactly the same as the originals due to better models. Q has an Xbox, can't we get him to load up RDR if he has it?


Anyway i'm hoping we'll get some information soon as we're less than a month away now.


I have too if you get desperate...

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Well if you feel like loading it up and doing some investigative work around that area you might help Dup find something, or even find it yourself. I however have pretty much given up with that desert until we get more shots of it, which at this rate it doesn't seem any time soon.

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23 minutes ago, Ginginho said:


I have too if you get desperate...


I decided to buy fallout 4 again so I am playing that... I don’t have rdr for Xbox...

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Dammit Q, this was your chance at the big time: Your name in lights, executive lube, iridium coated neon nipple tassels and a lifetime supply of triple quilted toiler paper.

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The only thing that makes me skeptical about New Austin is I think I've read  that the game starts with a mission in Blackwater then locks you in the northern mountains, usually map progression stays in one direction, not that R* might not break that general rule, but it's how they did it other than for GTA V which started with the whole map unlocked.

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Redemption technically started in Blackwater before dropping you in New Austin (west). Then Mexico (south), and then West Elizabeth again (northeast). Kind of circular but you still move back and forth.


I'm not sure Redemption 2 actually starts in Blackwater. The prologue is that they had a robbery there but fled to the mountains. I think that that's where it actually starts. We'll see. They've done a few games where you start with a robbery (playable or cinematic) that goes bad and sets up the story. GTA3 and GTAV being the ones that we know well.

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