
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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If the pointy rock is the 'Balsam Rise, then the river runs around it then back towards the east. So that means, the Beaver Hollow Hideout/Camp should be visible in one of these two shots. Can we establish which camp it is from the gameplay footage? Is there any camp scenes we've seen with a river running beside it?



Nice idea about the Irish character, could be interesting if they introduced some McReary's into RDR as well!

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2 hours ago, DuPz0r said:

Nice idea about the Irish character, could be interesting if they introduced some McReary's into RDR as well!

Er, I was thinking more of Irish, y'know Irish the Irish guy from that Red Dead Redemption game. Perhaps we'll see him before he was a drunk bum, maybe he has family there. Irish family.

Edited by ViceMan
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..... so Big Valley is part of West Elizabeth??? I guess it would make sense since WE was so small they just tacked on some land to it.






Revamping my state guess:




"Ambarino" is Spanish for "amber" btw. If that means anything.




edit: and now I'm looking at the way the wanted poster doesn't specifiy that GRIZZLIES is a separate state. It only mentions West Elizabeth after BIG VALLEY... hmmm....

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Hmm yeah, the way they worded that feels like the Grizzlies are in WE.


But would it sound right if they said: 'Last seen heading North into the GRIZZLIES, New Hanover, from BIG VALLEY, West Elizabeth.'


Sounds like a bit too much information for one sentence, but it could be either/or...


Think we'll see a new Trailer this coming week?

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Odd that they used the Pinkerton name, being as famous as it is. R* normally make up a similar name.


Hoping for a new gameplay vid this week yes. Need to see some different areas of the map.

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Bit out of date but has this been mentioned yet?


Elsewhere, the Del Lobos Gang has taken over a hacienda - clear this gang’s hideout and rob their stash for a lucrative take.

Del Lobos/The Wolves could just be a generic gang name but there is of course Del Lobo rock in New Austin, perhaps more evidence of it appearing.


Actually wasn't there an old ruined house by Del Lobo rock in Redemption, could've been the same one.

Edited by ViceMan
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Pretty certain we're seeing a reverse shot of the rock shot here. Which then places that image around about here, which looks like that purple rail camp location...


I could be wrong. It could be further around the side of the blue hill, towards Emerald, but it's hard to tell, as you can see The Tar & Coal Cabin, the hill and Cumberland Shelf framing Valentine from that angle.


But what i do know is, we have a pretty good understanding of how the heartlands looks and flows from one end to the other. Feels like all the jigsaw pieces have come together for that part.

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Update v0.68

*Adjusted some rock formation placements 

*Added some new Landmarks

*Created some topographical depth around the Dakota River based on visual evidence.

* Added TreeFitty's latest Valentine map update.


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On 9/2/2018 at 1:30 PM, ViceMan said:

I think the camera guy shot is on the same plateau as the horse rearing up. You can see the very edge of that rock on his right, plus the top of the bigger finger rock.



It's funny how these seemingly obvious rock shapes don't appear in a lot of the other shots, kinda like these two beauties that I looked at before.


They are quite clearly in the mountain range behind Valentine somewhere, but in a lot of the shots looking that way they don't seem to be there, either obscured by cloud or the wrong angle I guess :confused:. I called them QD's Mounds before, but I think Toblerone might be a more fitting and universally recognisable name.


I'm actually doubting myself now as to whether these are the same rocks. I was certain of it before, but now not so sure.





The frozen settlement is looking like it's Adler Ranch.


This shootout looking place is probably Colter Camp, where they hold up for the winter in the opening scenes. 


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Yeah I assumed they were the Toblerone peaks, still hard seeing them from different angles though. To think in a year's time i'll know the map layout and every landmark like the back of my hand.

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Now i see where it is on the landscape, i think it's the same mountain peaks i named two tacos in the first trailer. They seem to have changed a lot since then though, as has many other rocks gone through a fidelity pass since then. But it sits in the exact same place as those two tacos.




I'm not sure if Hagen is the mountain he's riding the horse on or the dominant peak behind it... I think Mt. Hagen is more fitting for the bigger background mountain, so i'm calling that Hagen.


Decided to go back into more detail with "The Grizzlies (Intro)" as a whole.



I definitely feel like there's some changes int he mountain structures from the first trailer. That's why we had such a hard time mapping the "intro" when we got back into it with the 4k Trailer. Everything looked upgraded, down to the rocks in the Heartlands.

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Yeah like I said before I think it's not wise to use the first trailer for reference since so much has changed, especially the mountain profiles.


It's going to be weird riding around Saint Denis, it's about three times bigger than Blackwater, and a lot more vertical too.

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