
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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Yeah man, biggest City in the RDR universe so far. Will be an awesome contrast to the rest of the world.



So, i found out that a "Beck" is another word for a Stream...



Middle English: from Old Norse bekkr, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch beek and German Bach. Used as the common term for a brook in northern areas, beck often refers, in literature, to a brook with a stony bed or following a rugged course, typical of such areas.


'Beartooth Beck' runs East of Mount Hagen. Other than the Dakota River, there's no small streams visible on the leaked map. It could be a case of the map it out of date, or it could be so small that the purple boundary hides it. Could this be the Beartooth Beck? 


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You can just about make out the church tower in that shot, shame most of the new screens were close ups of characters (who wants to see those??!)

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Map Update v0.69

*Added hand drawn images for the towns, took out the thumbnails

*Added in the new mountains from The Grizzlies (Intro)

*Decided to implement the 'Beck' as it makes sense, even though there's little proof.

*State names now in place.

*Updated the forest drawings.

*Treefitty's latest town maps added.




@Treefitty , will you be mapping Strawberry, Annesburg and St Denis with all this new information? 

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Map's really fleshing out now. Also I get the impression Annesburg doesn't have much of a road network, it's more of a rail depot with a couple of trails up into the hills and a load of buildings cluttered together.

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2 hours ago, TreeFitty said:

I guess I can. :P There isn't much to go on with Strawberry and the others. Like 2 known buildings and a bunch of unknown.



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46 minutes ago, TreeFitty said:

Had to look at that for a bit to figure it all out. Very cool.







we we are all waiting on your mapping skills, treefitty.

some of these screenshots are works of art, like the type of art you hang on your wall, and appreciate.  Like that one of valentine support posted, minus the horse and gunman. that is some impressive art work....

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And a closer look: I was trying to line up the wavy roads on the left with the leaked map (and the other roads around Strawberry + river) but they don't quite match. More map changes I would assume.




The wavy roads on the leaked map are softer/wider. The official map is taller/skinnier.

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Nice! Adding that to the map Straight away!


I've been revisiting old screenshots.




This is how the map is looking (used canykiller's St Denis as a placeholder in this mockup). But that's the sort format i'm going for.


I know Annesburg probably wont fit in that gap, but i'll adjust it accordingly. 

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I'm pulling at straws here, but i feel like there's similarities. I don't have RDR1 in a playable state so i can't check though. Why did Xbox1 get a RDR1 re-release but PS4 didnt... ($$$). 


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Yeah would've thought somebody would load up RDR and have a look, take a few photos etc. But no.


It's really difficult to isolate one of those mountain layers from the others, you could walk 100 ft left or right and the whole profile would've changed. I might have a look for some more RDR screens, but last time I didn't find anything conclusive.

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Found a few noteworthy screens here, but can't see anything that matches so far;




Think i'll go back to waiting for the next gameplay vid.

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54 minutes ago, ViceMan said:

Found a few noteworthy screens here, but can't see anything that matches so far;




Think i'll go back to waiting for the next gameplay vid.


Wow, i can't get over how good the game looks in 4k... I'm sat here with a PS4 pro and my dick in hands ffs... How can something that pretty have an exclusivity to just one console.


31 minutes ago, TreeFitty said:





Tried to keep it a little wide to fit that spot you have. :P


Sweet! Adding it now.

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Tweaked the tracks a little because of OCD. And widened it up:





Do you have a good (unperspectived) version of St Denis? I did some basic stuff in PS with the map from the gameplay trailer but's still quite off compared to the red map section. Even in the middle parts that should be relatively flat.

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This was the best i could do in PS. That's what i've been using.



Here's how we're looking:



I added a key at the bottom which i'll elaborate on. Am i right to assume the grey is the "unidentified" areas, and the brown is "identified" (basically the map strips we saw on the website)?

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Dunno if this will help you in any way to determine what the buildings are/will be, but here's some stuff i found on Reddit & GTA Forums:




Mercier Exchange,  built 1887, destroyed in 1907. Photo courtesy Corbis.




The statue here seems to be inspired by a bronze statue of Henry Clay, that originally stood on a very busy intersection on Canal Street, used as a roundabout for street cars at the time. The statue now stands in Lafayette Square after being moved there in 1901.







Eugene Robinson's Museum & Theatre -- Performances Hourly.







Gallier Hall, NAwlins' city hall https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallier_Hall




Canal Street at the end of the 19th century:


1.The clay Monument (already known)

2.Maison Blanche (already known)

3.Touro Buildings

4.Gunenewald's Music Store (it was a part of the Touro Buildings at the beginning, then it had its customized facade,  the bottom right image shows its round roof sign, )

5.Eugene Robinson's Theatre and museum  (Eugene Robinson looks like Josiah Trelawny by the way)



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So a department store, theater, and city hall. I guess the bank is one of the Xs.



And yes, gray is placeholder/guesswork. Didn't see your question before. :P If you want to fill it in/change it that's fine. I was more or less trying to match the minimap style.

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