OnxyBlue22 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2017 By social media I mean the media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect. I do not mean social networking like forums. I find that I used it a lot more when I was in my teens and early 20's. Now I really despise it. I do have a Twitter account but I seldom go on it. I do enjoy Youtube and I am on their daily but I do not partake in the "social media" aspect of it. I just watch videos and move on. When I did use Facebook, I found I was using it daily and checking it like 5+ times a day. It has been like 7 years since then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narcolepsy 581 Report post Posted February 20, 2017 I don't have Twitter. I dialed back facebook a long time ago. I'm looking to ditch facebook, it's doing some really creepy shit recently. Like recommending people I stood next to at a show a few months back as being people I might want to add. Shit like that. Has anybody else killed off facebook all together? How do you survive without messenger? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulracer 3 Report post Posted March 12, 2017 Often. Facebook and Instagram are two of the social media sites that I cannot live without. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qdeathstar 1763 Report post Posted March 13, 2017 never. it's creepy shit. employers want access to your facebook so they can creep on you, Fuck that shit, 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brian 972 Report post Posted March 13, 2017 I rarely use Facebook, mostly have it to see how my family is doing, they upload pics of my baby cousins and stuff. I use Twitter everyday, but only to retweet/like stuff I think is funny. I use Instagram and Snapchat the most. I run a page with almost 40k followers on Instagram, so I'll use that for advertising for other small companies to make money, or sell stuff sometimes. My personal page is just pictures of my girlfriend and I or my car, and Snapchat I usually just use to post stories of car shit I'm doing that I don't wanna spam Instagram with, like modding or when me and my friends hit the track or something. I don't like social media all that much, like I kinda wish Snapchat didn't exist, but if it's there use it in my mind. On 2/20/2017 at 9:09 PM, Feiticeira said: Has anybody else killed off facebook all together? How do you survive without messenger? Texting, nice thing about iPhone is iMessage (my iPad and Macbook have it too built in) and it makes it that I don't actually ever send real texts, since iMessage doesn't get charged like SMS, and almost everyone I know has an iPhone, so even when my friends or family are overseas we can text without it costing an arm and leg. Facetime too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Sexy 316 Report post Posted March 17, 2017 I post the odd song I like and photo of my dogs on Facebook. Haven't posted an actual status in years. Mostly I use it for sporting and band news, as I follow teams/sports/bands I like. Messenger is useful for chatting to friends overseas. Don't use any other social media. Don't see the point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted March 17, 2017 At this point, I only use Twitter because it's an easy way to set up a news feed for things that I actually care about. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ViceMan 1380 Report post Posted March 17, 2017 The only social media I ever really used (used as in signed up to and looked at once perhaps every six months) was Myspace back in my silly teen years, I guess I thought it might make me more popular with girls. Heh, sad to think that was getting on for 15 years ago now. I've never touched Twitter. A few years ago I had a Facebook page, it lasted for a few months then I deleted it as I realised I hate talking to people, especially people I haven't spoken to since school. Why give them a means to get in contact with me. Whatever else passes as social media nowadays I have no idea, all this fucking snapchat shit... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted March 17, 2017 i only really post funny stuff on facebook... not much else to be honest... the only people that like my stuff are co-workers and my internet friends i've added on there, mostly from here... not so much from the people i do know, only the distance friends i don't see much anymore... then again, i don't have many close friends these days, tends to happen the older you get... funnily enough tho, online friendships seems to have a more longer lasting effect... hell, i met dio a month or so ago ... don't use snapchat... don't care to either... instagram has a snapchat feature, that's about as personal as you're gonna get from me... i just post gaming and beer related stuff there... that's the audience that follows me so i might as well cater to that... twitter is my bread and butter... it's what i most frequent... rockstar helped give me a pedestal with some followers, and i was able to be myself on there without feeling like i was forced to keep this @capn_bones persona and just cater to gta gaming... i am me on there, i speak my mind freely and often, follow like minded people, and blocked or muted or unfollowed all the gta snap spam whores and annoying faces that piss me off ... it's refreshing getting on twitter now and not seeing a million gta snaps, i'm able to see stuff from other games or media, to interact with celebrities like danny trejo and shit... see the latest up to date news and events that matter to me, like massacre said... it's cool as fuck that way... --- but that's my social media usage... so yea, i do use it a bit, but twitter is by far the most used... it feels more personal to me... on IG, i don't know who most of the people are that like my stuff... but on twitter its usually a conversation worth having ... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Sexy 316 Report post Posted March 18, 2017 What the fuck is Snapchat? I honestly have no idea. I have started using kik, but that's just because a girl I met felt I was too creepy to actually give me her number. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted March 18, 2017 At this point, social media is 86% young women arbitrarily using any form of communication that can be performed by standard mobile phone options, but requires a third party application instead. The other 14% is grandmas posting in all caps on Facebook, asking how to turn off caps lock. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ViceMan 1380 Report post Posted March 18, 2017 On 3/18/2017 at 3:38 PM, Massacre said: At this point, social media is 86% young women arbitrarily using any form of communication that can be performed by standard mobile phone options, but requires a third party application instead. The other 14% is grandmas posting in all caps on Facebook, asking how to turn off caps lock. But you can't like, y'know, add glitter and shit to your messages unless you have several dozen malware infested apps installed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted March 18, 2017 Sure, your nudes were leaked and thousands of guys are jacking off to them - but that glitter filter made your vagina look fantastic. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ViceMan 1380 Report post Posted March 19, 2017 It's the same with penises and crumbs of old food. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Sexy 316 Report post Posted March 20, 2017 On 3/18/2017 at 11:55 PM, Massacre said: Sure, your nudes were leaked and thousands of guys are jacking off to them - but that glitter filter made your vagina look fantastic. You're complaining about the leaks? Let the young women post nudes on servers which aren't secure. I could do without the filter, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shabbagaz 444 Report post Posted April 12, 2017 Use it all the time although just Facebook and Twitter. Facebook - mainly use it for a few groups that are about my home town and post in them quite often - sharing photos and discussing various topics (sometimes having a rant!). Never usually use the status update - no need to as I've set Twitter to directly post my tweets to my Facebook wall. Have a few people I knew from school on my friends but God know's why. Used to have a number of people from work on my friends list a few years ago but deleted them all after one person decided to spread malicious shit about me an a colleague on their wall. Regularly use Twitter for a whole host of things - any of my interests, rants, liking anything funny and most recently, taking the piss out of the contestants on Bullseye as we watch old episodes on Challenge! (I say 'we' as we all now follow each other with us all being Bullseye fans and are now known as 'Team Bully'). Can understand the reasons why some people don't like Facebook and/or Twitter - there are of course bad sides to them but for me, the good far outweighs the bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeslieSantos 0 Report post Posted September 26, 2018 Well, very rarely I am gonna use the social media. I do not despise at all. I would like to post or share on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
speedracer84 0 Report post Posted June 3, 2019 Not that much nowadays. Though browsing IG pictures keep me busy sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennethsmith1 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2021 I am using all of them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
for70912 0 Report post Posted November 4, 2021 (edited) Hello, I use social media every day because it is my routine and it is impossible for me to live without it, unfortunately it is normal for me to get up Edited November 4, 2021 by for70912 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michelle_Graham 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2021 Hi! I use social media quite often. And I regret it now, because I can't control the time I spend on my phone or on the computer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genuvenue 0 Report post Posted February 28, 2022 I use it a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shopdodoonpetshoponpet 0 Report post Posted May 13, 2022 I use social media a little to talk with others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lamarsims6544 0 Report post Posted September 18, 2022 I don't have Twitter. I toned down facebook quite some time in the past. I'm hoping to dump facebook, it's doing some truly unpleasant poop as of late. Like prescribing individuals I remained close to at a show a couple of months back as being individuals I should add. That's what poo like. Has any other individual killed off facebook all together? How would you get by without courier? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kadam 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2022 More than half of the world now uses social media (59%) 4.70 billion people around the world now use social media, 227 million new users have come online within the last 12 months. The average daily time spent using social media is 2h 29m. I am new user in this forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites