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4 hours ago, gtagrl said:

Revamp the FML into MDP (member dead pool). 

I've always wanted to be Deadpool. 


Being Mister Sinister is working out just as well, though.

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Pretty sure I'm next. I'm surprised I've lived(lived) this long. 

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Nah I reckon you'll die in a football riot or a massive pub brawl in your mid forties, usurped by some up and coming young buck eager to claim your title.



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I actually feel obligated to die from some sort of substance abuse. It's like I would be defying my bloodline if I didnt.


Anyway, i bet QD will die next, his landlord is going to find him on the couch, with a belt around his neck and his dick in his hand, with the Disney Channel playing loudly on the television in front of him.

On 6/6/2017 at 4:29 PM, Massacre said:

I hope it's me.

Just think of the possibility of nuclear war! Then you'll be the only one here alive!

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Minimouse is hot, but i got a system that was invented by a sweed that makes it impossible to die from auto asphyxiation... #hadtohaveit

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Feels like every time we talk about death I mention Marney, so here I go; hey I wonder if Marney's still alive, if he ever got to sleep in the end or just died of exhaustion?


Who else had a less than 50% chance of living, I wasn't really paying much attention around here in the early days of '04 and '05, we had a lot of potential bucket-kickers back then. Perhaps there was someone out there who did chuteless ironing board skydiving and I failed to notice, failed to comprehend such silliness... a shame indeed, whoever they are (if they even exist.) RIP them.

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11 hours ago, CFO Charles said:



Also Fuck AST. 

You stole my line. If anyone is gonna die soon its fanboy. He will get tentacle raped to death by a pack of anime fags at one of those conventions he goes too.

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