
Post-Credits (spoilers!)

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For anyone that's finished the game and been through the credits (which should have its own trophy :P )






For me: Good story and amazing music as usual. Graphics are top notch. Chapter 5 was beautiful to see. Combat is my only real complaint. At least Slate was honest about it. Kind of bad when that's the major part of the gameplay. I didn't care for the simulation shit either but at least you aren't force-fed to do it all the time. It definitely helps in a pinch if you want to have full capabilities. There were glitches/bugs along the way but not a lot. A few unforseen issues as well like getting trapped between a character's horse and a tent. Had to spin around a few times to get loose. Early in the game there were a few scripted movements that messed with the environment during cutscenes (placement of myself usually) so it kind of broke the fourth wall a little.


I'd probably give it a 90/100.

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I seriously think that the only reason R* chose to have Arthur as a protagonist is because they couldn't get John's voice actor to do the main role. Everything that happened to Arthur could have happened to John (other than the ending, of course) and it still would have made sense. 

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I'm on the fence with that. Plenty of people would have loved to have been John again but it was kind of nice to see a different perspective from someone new. We didn't know anything about Arthur going into it (mainly because he didn't exist when RDR1 was written). Realistically they could have made the game about Charles or Sadie too. Sadie obviously had a lot going after the gang split. Maybe she'll be Rockstar's first female protag in the next game.

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I felt a bond with a lot of the characters and was quite happy to see two of the best survived (Charles and Sadie,) I was waiting for them to get killed and didn't think we'd hear anything of Charles after he sacrificed himself in St Denis Sandy Knee so we could escape on the boat. We basically knew how Arthur's story would play out but they flipped it around with his illness and other stuff. The Guarma segment was nice, gave me a Black Flag vibe (second time in the game I got an AC feel,) it was a bit far fetched I guess, quite linear but a beautiful looking place.


Like I said before I think the best moments were at the camp, the bond everyone had before it all went to shit. Rescuing Jack and going back to Shady Belle was probably the last time the gang really felt cohesive and together, we'd only lost Sean and the guys who were mentioned in the beginning of the game at that point and the mood was still happy and positive, but you could feel the tension brewing. We'd all speculated about Micah being the traitor before release and as the game progressed and he hadn't been killed it became more obvious something was going to happen with him, but I went in with a blank slate and no preconceptions about characters, even Javier and Bill who became somewhat likeable.


The ending of Arthur's story made me sad, partly because the characters were so well written and partly because I was at the end of the journey, the game i'd been waiting for for several years, over in 7 days (9 with the epilogue.) Won't get a game like this again in a long time. Definitely GOTY for me.


edit: Didn't notice any mention of the strange man aside from a photo of him in Herbert Moon's shop.  However I liked the references throughout the game such as Edgar Ross telling young Jack to enjoy his fishing while he can, foreshadowing Jack killing him during his fishing/hunting trip and the speech Dutch makes when he and Arthur are about to jump from the cliff. Same one he makes to John before he kills himself.

Edited by ViceMan

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yea that was a fun mission... i was waiting all game to finally get to know sadie, then she let loose on that one lol :lol:


i do feel like they could easily do single player DLC with her... the adventures of sadie adler, the peacekeeper... follow her during those years in between arthur and john... sounded like she was having a good time...

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I was going to come in here and say if Rockstar finally does have a female lead it better be Sadie but everyone feels the same.


I loved Arthur too. The end of this game actually bummed me out lol. I wish we can do a chapter select and use Arthur in free roam again and have the gang together in the end game. Being at John's just doesn't feel right and honestly I don't feel much like doing any of the end game shit now. Same with the first Red Dead Redemption. I barely played as Jack. I just started the story again.  I wish I kept more save files going. 

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yea i figured this game would end like the 1st one did, but i never thought to actually keep a save from that lol... now i regret it... and now i'm playing hitman 2 and fallout 76, so who really cares anymore lol... i might replay the story at some point, but that's a ways off...


i'm also hoping online adapts some of that extra stuff, like hunting for gear upgrades and stuff... things i passed on to finish the story lol...

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My next play though I was going to be a huge cunt and not help people at the end. I don't want all my saved points to be with fucked up honour and a bunch of bounties everywhere so that means a 3rd play through to get that going. Dah well I will do it. It's a great story at the end of the day. 


And I agree, the end wasn't surprising and happened the way it had to happen. I was really pissed they chinsed us out of killing Micah though.  Having Dutch take the first show just made it not satisfying enough. That was gay as fuck. 

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