
Assassin's Creed

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That collector's edition is epic. Want. Want rather badly, in fact.

Looks like North America once again gets jackshit like with every other AC game, excluding 3.

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i want to hear about a limited edition collector's edition... exclusive missions and weapons (ship) are the norm for AC gamestop pre-orders... i watched the IGN rewind version of trailer too, i am really impressed at the moment... time will tell just how impressive this game is, but i think they're doing a good job of capturing the look and feel of being a pirate... it's got me stoked!!

EDIT: didn't realize the collectors edition was on the video above!! fuck me i want that!! you gotta order thru ubisoft then??

EDIT2: i screen-capped a couple dozen shots from the trailer only because i wanted to find a new desktop background and facebook cover image...


here's some notables;




it is still AC after all, expect a lot of this...



i love this one...



colin moriarty talked about how this was like far cry 3 in this scene, i am sure there's plenty of them working on this game too... i bet a lot of their influence created the ecosystem of the woods in AC3...


not sure who this guy is... outfit looks of french origin, but pirates often used gear and outfits from all races... calico jack perhaps??


epic shot right der...



it was hard to capture, but the chest starts glowing right after the background scene collapses... not sure what to make of that... colin moriarty (one of the reasons why i love IGN) is a huge history buff and mentioned earlier in the rewind that a great spanish fleet was lost in a hurricane full of vast amounts of gold around the time of this game, could also be a big part of the story... i kinda forgot about that, perhaps you're collecting that booty throughout the game...





i thought this was the best moment in the trailer captured perfectly... look at that intensity...



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me too, why i am about to kill a million more in a few minutes...

i am still stoked about this game though, every vet here knows how much i love pirates and have posted over and over how much i like that era... and that R* or someone needs to revive the pirate genre... i've bitched and moaned that sid meier's pirates! from 20 years ago was still the best pirate game... with tropico 2: pirate's cove (which isn't even a fucking pirate game but a simcity game) is 2nd and risen 2: dark waters from last year is in 3rd place and their isn't even a sea portion to the game...

i want a fucking good pirate game now!! i've got great faith in what i have already seen, and those naval battles in AC3 were by far the coolest parts of the game... it also explains why connor and his pops knew their way around a ship obviously... it's something AC3 didn't explore much of, hence the new game obviously...

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An open world pirate game would be pretty cool. I guess that's what this is basically going to be, with a focus on Assassins though. It seems strange how Connors story is already over, after just one game. I guess they realized it wasn't as good of a setting as they thought it would be.

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I won't be buying this on release, no way, I'll still be fully immersed in GTA V. What's been shown so far doesn't look that epic to be honest. I am not even going to bother watching any videos or footage.

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After AC3, I had lost interest since I was hoping Desmond would finally get his own game. Though this trailer just hyped me up again.

If you really don't feel like paying for the game Massacre, remember that "nothing is true, everything is permitted" including shoplifting! :)

I wasn't aware about that whole peta mess from a couple of months ago, and I must say Peta is a cult. They keep saying GO VEGAN! Like Epsilonists say Kifflom. They're only riding the publicity Ubisoft will be creating with marketing the game. If they did care, they would go after those awful (as in gameplay wise) hunting games Cabela's shits out every other year.

I'm sorry to bring up something from a couple of months back but peta really pisses me off.

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If you really don't feel like paying for the game Massacre, remember that "nothing is true, everything is permitted" including shoplifting! :)

I have a habit of buying pre-owned games games from Gamestop and returning them for the full refund after I've played them. That may be what will happen here.

And I never forget the Creed, sir. It rests forever in my sig, and will likely end up as a tattoo one day.

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I might copy Massacre and buy it from the retailers in the Christmas holiday, then play the shit out of it and return it 7 days later for a full refund. Otherwise I'll wait until 2014 when the game is cheaper, as has been the case with all previous AC games here.

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This looks too exciting to disregard, but for once I may pass up buying it on release day. GTA and AC have been the only games I've gone out of my way to acquire upon release. I'll be too caught up with GTA V when this comes out and will probably just save it for later next year. With any luck I'll have completed a playthrough of Skyrim by then. :P

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i consider peta to be like westboro baptist... they only speak to draw attention to themselves... they could care less about what they're protesting, they just do it for the fuck of it... you been able to kill animals in lots of games...

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This looks too exciting to disregard, but for once I may pass up buying it on release day. GTA and AC have been the only games I've gone out of my way to acquire upon release. I'll be too caught up with GTA V when this comes out and will probably just save it for later next year. With any luck I'll have completed a playthrough of Skyrim by then. :P

That too, after September I won't be buying any new games for quite a while as I'll be playing the shit out of V.

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wwwhhhhaaaaa?? :shlick:......

i know how amazing AC trailers are, but this one takes the cake!! i know the pirate now, he's just like the rest of the guys who once fought for country but had nowhere to turn... a life of freedom sounded better than the other options...

it looks like i get to play as a pirate FINALLY, and he really sounds the part so far... the funny thing is though, with ACIII they were disappointed that R* beat them to the punch with the wilderness from RDR... how about two games exploring underwater treasures for the fall lineup??


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Fall releases: Now with more sharks!

It's a given I'll be playing this. If GTAV is delayed until Xmas, this will be my consolation.

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Never understood people who liked AC ??? you gotto tell me what you like in this franchise. Firastable people who made it are not developper but thief, they sure love GTA, i bet when the two games will be release the dev team of assassin creeds would be playing to GTA instead of their own game.

So if someone want to enlighten me a little bit why this game is so interesting to you to a point you compare it to GTA V... Disapointed

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i'm not comparing it to GTA V, the only comparison is they're both released around the same time... they are both completely different open worlds... one is urban, the other is colonial... one has car chases, the other has naval battles...

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