
Assassin's Creed

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hopefully by then there is a game worth buying a new system for... but there isn't one yet... also, there's a rumor that they're making a separate game for last gen because to be honest, there's still millions and millions of people still there...

ubisoft never shy's away from a quick buck...

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Right now, the PS4 and X1 are for people that have the kind of disposable income that allows them to buy a system with nothing worthwhile on it. There won't be a console-seller for a long time, and I doubt this will be it.

These companies are making a terrible decision by abandoning the current gen before the next gen has a triple-A title.

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The article I read back up what bones said. There would be 2 releases one for ps4/xbone and another for ps3/360. Can't say I'm excited though. They are just pumping them out now. 3 had barely gathered dust before 4 was announced and 4 has only just come down in price enough for me to justify buying it. They are just cookie cutter games now. Same basic premise. Nothing of substance that is new.

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I've played this entire series except 4, and was willing to overlook that gameplay was similar (with improvements) and repetitive (but still fun) because the story, history and setting was rich and interesting. If this turns out to be cookie cutter crap cranked out annually, and it sure looks like it's heading that way, I'll be disappointed, I'd rather they take their time and produce a game worth buying on release day.

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I could tolerate Assassin's Creed being an annual title, as long as the story quality remains. There have been improvements, but the gameplay has been pretty same-ish since the beginning. The story, however, has remained top notch. That will keep drawing me back, until it ceases to be true.

Games don't have the longevity they used to, and the wait for quality games like GTA, The Elder Scrolls, and Fallout can be five years or more. If just one series can crank out annual titles and remain interesting, I'm happy. When that series starts going the way of Call of Duty and Battlefield, we're all fucked.

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I could tolerate Assassin's Creed being an annual title, as long as the story quality remains. There have been improvements, but the gameplay has been pretty same-ish since the beginning. The story, however, has remained top notch. That will keep drawing me back, until it ceases to be true.

Games don't have the longevity they used to, and the wait for quality games like GTA, The Elder Scrolls, and Fallout can be five years or more. If just one series can crank out annual titles and remain interesting, I'm happy. When that series starts going the way of Call of Duty and Battlefield, we're all fucked.

A couple of hours in and I'm already feeling that with 4. Without going into spoilers, I haven't felt engaged in the story at all and don't really feel the main character has any motivation beyond getting paid. So far. I'll keep playing. The naval aspect of it is enough for me to want to progress the story line. Fingers crossed it becomes more interesting to me.

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Kenway is exactly who a person has to be in order to be a pirate. Something big has to happen to make a pirate care about something more.

Hint, hint.

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i still have to finish IV but even i can tell the quality of world structure and character... ubisoft has taken the AC series and branched it off into different departments lately... unity will be the first with the sole focus on next gen instead of splitting time with each... and they've already came out and said they've been working on it for 3 years now, one more than IV... i bet the one coming out for 360/PS3 is on the same vibe as brotherhood/revelations was to II and will probably tie into the kenway family tree... i actually think they are finally handling the series proper now... nothing will probably top ezio but even they know that, and are focused on the potential ahead...

...i guess unity takes place in france??

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Apparently AC:Unity will have different parkour mechanics and from the trailer there looks more scale of things.

I would probably buy a PS4 for AC:Unity but I am yet to play AC: Black Flag, so I need to get through that first I think.

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I've been replaying Black Flag for the past few days. I acquired the plans for the elite hull, then acquired the materials. As I attempted to purchase this upgrade, I found that I was unable to. Despite having all that I needed to purchase the elite hull, I was still required to by the upgrade below it. What began as a quest for 750 wood, 400 metal, and 30000 Reales became a quest for 1250 wood, 600 metal, and 45000 Reales.

Needless to say, I am back to GTA V for the foreseeable future. My goals in a video game should never be behind a wall built by the retardation of said game's developers.

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It's a real shame, because the rest of the game is pretty fun. Typical Assassin good times, then there's this long, boring grind when you need to upgrade your ship. Attack hundreds and hundreds of ships, without anything different happening in any battle, buy your upgrade, then do it all again.

It might be over 500 ships you need to capture to upgrade the ship completely. I had to capture around 30 just to get 750 wood.

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Depends on the ship.

Some of them are carrying heaps more than others. Use the spyglass and it tells you what their cargo is.

I have collected 150ish wood from a single ship.

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There wasn't anything higher than a frigate. I was lucky to get more than 50 of anything but vendor trash (rum and sugar). Didn't see my first Man o' War until I was almost done.

Also, fuck those legendary ships.

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