
Assassin's Creed

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Since AC is apparently now coming in yearly installments i'd expect the third next November.

*crosses fingers for a 16th century Japanese setting*

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I'm not hoping for much, but I haven't been following the reviews and such so I don't know a lot about it. The only new thing I know about is the grapple hook.

Perhaps i'll be plesantly surprised by all the new features that have been added. But probably not.


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I know the story about

Ezio travelling back to Masyaf and all that bullshit with him finding some PoE things that allow him to experience Altair's memories while still having his own memories relived by Desmond simeltaneously.

But as to the actual features of the game, I am oblivious at this moment in time.

On an unrelated note:

We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliverie-ie-ie-ies,

We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these colour TVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV's

That little proud american with the earring and the make-up,

Yeah buddy that's his own hair,

That little proud american got his own jet airplane,

That little proud american he's a millionaire...

(Fuck it, put it in a spoiler just for the sake of it.)

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What the fuck, GAME are saying my order has been shipped. The game doesn't come out until Tuesday. Normally it turns up the day after they ship it, so I should be playing it tomorrow. :huh:

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Minerva? I thought she was on the Assassins side. Since the Assassins were supposedly descended from the offspring of the ones who came before and humans.

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Minerva? I thought she was on the Assassins side. Since the Assassins were supposedly descended from the offspring of the ones who came before and humans.

The following is actually part of the story: Minerva and the gods have been keeping humans slaves since the beginning of time. The Templar's worship the gods and that is why you are fighting them. The assassins were started by Adam and Eve in attempt to fight the Templar's and stop Minerva and the gods from enslaving humanity.

Pretty cool stuff.

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I know the story, i've played the games and decoded the glyphs. The Assassins were the offspring of the ones who came before (or the gods as you call them) and humans. That's why the Assassins posess eagle vision, it's their sixth sense, but its only a crude version of something the ones who came before posessed.

tl;dr - it's all magic!

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I know the story, i've played the games and decoded the glyphs. The Assassins were the offspring of the ones who came before (or the gods as you call them) and humans. That's why the Assassins posess eagle vision, it's their sixth sense, but its only a crude version of something the ones who came before posessed.

tl;dr - it's all magic!

Just making sure. I hope they expand more on all of this in Revelations since its supposed to be the last game ( Well the end of the Ezio/Altair story anyway ).

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Think, or hope for? I want to see some old school ninja shiznit in a 12th century feudal Japan. Taking out samurai in the dead of night as you move silently across the rooftops. Plus the different culture would be nice change from renaissance Italy.

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Think, or hope for? I want to see some old school ninja shiznit in a 12th century feudal Japan. Taking out samurai in the dead of night as you move silently across the rooftops. Plus the different culture would be nice change from renaissance Italy.

I meant either but yeah playing as a ninja assassin would be cool. Another good setting could be during the American Revolution with Benjamin Franklin taking the Da Vinci role.

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Not sure how that would play out, would you be behind confederate lines assassinating their commanders? I don't think a hidden blade would fare very well against a 19th century rifle. What sort of complex story could they weave around that? Something to do with the freemasons, illuminati and all that.

Anyway an update on Revelations, Desmond looks different for some reason and Ezio looks like Al Pacino. That's all I have at the moment.

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muskets were the most inaccurate pieces of shit in weapon history... the straight-shot from the assassin's creed era is much more accurate... i actually think an american revolution version would be no more of a worse idea than 12th century japan... like you said vice, that part of american history is loaded with crusader lore...

it's an idea, but your idea is good too... i actually want to go back to the middle east, cleopatra days... i think that's even before altair's time... remember in assassin's creed 2, that assassin's chamber in ezio's palace?? those very well could be the future of the series... i always think back to that room when i think about where this series could go...

this thing;


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it's all about protecting the world, and i bet all of these people hold the secret... they are all assassins... but, technically the game world is suppose to end in 2012, so the next game would be the end of the series??? dunno how they'd handle that one... but thankfully we only have to wait another year to find out since it's an annual thing nowadays...

for now it's all about the epic finish to ezio auditore de firenze :D, who does sound a lot like scarface...

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As I said he looks like an aged Al Pacino in this one.

Anyway there are a few things to note about the game:

The Assassin dens return from Brotherhood but have been expanded with some other options and can also come under attack from Templars when your notoriety is at max. It gets a bit tedious running all the way across the map to defend the den though. Defending involves a bit of an RTS minigame where you place various Assassin types (who are armed with weapons including crossbows, rifles, bombs, melee etc.) along the rooftops to attack the oncoming Templars, you can also place barricades that contain weapons such as flamethrowers and proto-machine guns. You need barricades because the Templars always finish their attack with a mobile siege unit of some sort. Oh you can use your gun and call for bombs to blow up enemies too.

Janissaries are pretty tough to beat, they're a bit like the Papal guards from Brotherhood. They have a ranged weapon and are also deadly in melee. I've only taken on one group of four so far but it took a while to take them all out.

Some of the new hookblade executions are brutal and make me say "oh shit" a lot. Especially the one where Ezio ducks behind the enemy with the hookblade under his chin and yanks him down to the ground ripping his jaw off. Combat itself seems a lot easier though and combo kills are common, you just wait for the first enemy to attack, counter attack and kill the other enemies in quick succession.

Hookblade itself isn't really noticeable in freerunning, you can zip down wires which is their main use.

All the stuff about upgrading shops from Brotherhood returns. As do banks, making getting money rather too easy.

You can be jumped from behind by some freelance assassin, the first time this happened I didn't know what was going on as he grabbed me from behind and I had to quickly counter grab to throw him to the floor. After that it's pretty easy to spot as tense music will play, giving you about 5 seconds to turn around and kill your would-be assassin with a preemptive strike.

Now i'm bored of typing so i'm going back to AC...

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