
Assassin's Creed

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Constantinople is a nice aesthetical change from Italy. Oh and Subject 16 makes an appearance in about the first minute of the game.

Also fuck spoilers, you read it, your fault. :D

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Favourite games of the modern consoles:




Ezio and John Marston are my two favourite characters of all time, they are just played so well.

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It's a tough call but i'd rate RDR slightly higher than ACII on my favourite games list.

Anyway completed Revelations last week and got bored of it after that. It doesn't really tie anything up at the end; as Ezio you find the tomb under Masyaf and a skeletal Altair sitting in a chair, it's quite poignant if you're that way inclined. Then Jupiter appears and talks in esoteric riddles, I think in the next game you'll be in America somewhere looking for a lost "Ones who came before" city. Buried beneath the ground.

The Desmond memory segments are a bit weird (then again most of AC is fucking weird so I guess it could be normal.) They are in a first person view and you float around some very surrealist levels like a disembodied spirit commenting on Desmond's past memories. You can place blocks down to aid you in your travels and help complete some puzzles, which aren't too hard.

There aren't as many complex freerunning puzzle levels as in II or Brotherhood, the only timed one was quite easy and involves pulling levers causing huge weights to drop and drain the water level so you can reach the bottom of the pit.

There are no glyphs to find and decipher, no feathers or flags but instead animus data fragments, once you've found 50 you obtain a map making finding the other 50 very easy.

That's all i've got to ruin it for you. Same time next year for ACIII.

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yup, that's about what i expect to see in a couple weeks... i hope to rent and beat this before i get skyrim... it's my last loose string to tie up this year as far as games go... after the ending to brotherhood, nothing will surprise me with revelations, despite it's name... nothing quite wrapped up, and more questions leading into the next entry... bravo ubisoft, you've created virtual crack...

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I've played all of the AC for the consoles. Imo the first one was too repetative and got kinda boreing but the second one was amazing and it got me actually into the story. Brotherhood and Revalations were also amazing but I think the main stories were too short and like some of you said non of the games are very fun after you beat the story.

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I disagree i enjoy buying stores, buildin up assasin dens etc however the longevity after these things are complete is small. This game was a lot smaller, with map size, the mission lengths. It feels like a bridge between brotherhood and the next game, its not a 'full' assassins creed game. But its still very good.

Possible spoiler below....

I never got the version from game but was told the end was different and there is a vision of ezio with sofia and there baby daughter, he becomes an assasin again for some reason and sits on a bench for a rest and dies. anyone seen it?

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I've played the first two, I still need to play brotherhood and revelations. It's on my games list but I haven't gotten around to it yet! The second was probably one of the best sequels i've ever played, the amount of improvement made in that game was amazing, it's as if they listened to the gamers!

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Assassins creed embers.

Ezios ending.

Part 1

Part 2


Read below only once u have viewed the videos as there will be spoilers.

I wonder what is in the box he gives the chinese girl, i think the boy on the bench poisoned ezio, it makes me laugh people are saying 'o no ezio is dead' he has been dead for years, the fact that your seeing him die is just a formality. His memories are still there and you dont no if in the future desmond will need them again.

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I always knew he died from reading about it on the AC wiki, he died a lot younger than Altair, probably because he didn't have the power of the apple keeping him alive.

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I'm enjoying the Altair parts, especially the one where you escape Masyaf with your son. Never would have thought unlimited throwing knives could be so much fun.

Are the five keys I'm collecting getting me into an end-game area, or is it another badass set of armor followed by more missions?

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Nope, get the keys and its pretty much the end of the game. However if you get some master assassins u get master assassins armour and there is still room in the armory so if u complete 100% i think u get a new bit of kit 2.

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Thats what annoyed me a bit, its short and not as big as brotherhood. I do like the story tho. And playing as desmond once u have completed all the memory animus fragment stuff which is like portal.

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That's what I didn't like about Brotherhood and Revelations. they were A LOT shorter than AC II. And the multiplayer trophies in Brotherhood... Terrible, I was never able to get platinum on ACB because of those multiplayer trophies. Revelations was decent though.

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I still can't get over how much I enjoyed the setting. Constantinople is a beautiful city with a nice blend of cultures and architectural styles, and I frequently found myself walking to my destinations on ground level just so I could see the city itself instead of rows of identical roofs.

I didn't really like Cappadocia, though. As a big fan of pirates and smugglers, I really liked the idea of an underground city hidden in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nondescript mountains and only accessible by boat, but the city itself was too flat and not a lot of fun to explore.

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Although it was pretty much a guarantee that Assassin's Creed III would be out this year, it's been officially confirmed.

Fingers crossed for either China/Japan in the past, or a pure modern-day game with Desmond.

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I hope we have aspects of memory so that the chinese girl makes sense.

However i hope they include desmond, i felt in AC:R they tried to give Des more of a personality. I think the next AC will defo have a strong Des aspect.

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i think it's proper if they shift the series to america... at the end of AC:R;

it was said that you had to travel to present day new york to find something, or to be on the same turf as where most of life was lost... kinda forgot why the spirits told you to travel to america... but if your going to be there, i'd imagine they want you to tap into the past from there...

... but being in america also ties in the templar story with the free mason's, which we all know has a connection in itself... i think an american revolutionary timepiece would be quite refreshing because no one has done that era in video games... it's not like guns were the main choice of weapon in that time period either... bayonettes and swords were still the weapon of choice because muskets were unreliable, slow and innacurate...

running across the rooftops of new york would be amazing in my opinion...


it looks just like the city in any of the games... plus;


...there were cool gangs like this... and you could add weather patterns in the game like snow and rain... i am pretty much tired of the middle east locales in my opinion... i think the series need a change of scenery...

EDIT: it is also called assassin's creed III, as in, a proper sequel to 2... they said they've been working on this game for 3 years, so you know they've been trying to create something new and different... this would make sense to me...

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i'll take west virginia too... or philly... i am just glad that assassins creed II is finally getting it's sequel, and anything other than the middle east would be a warm welcome from the fans of the series... enough of the sandy, dusty locales in the middle east... time for something new and refreshing...

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