
Assassin's Creed

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an ancient mountainous area might work too... that would provide the higher points for syncing... good point about egypt tho, there really wasn't much verticality at all... perhaps moving it to a more recent egypt era would be better...


what about world war 1 era middle east??

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I'm intrigued by WWI because, long before Syndicate, there was mention of an Assassin who operated as a combat medic in order to move freely through the battlefield. WWI spans a lot of different environments, and I'd definitely be interested in that. The Assassin fighting style is perfect for trench warfare. The trenches were so claustrophobic that every fight would be like top-tier hallway fight scene choreography.

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plus that whole memory sequence in syndicate had a bit of that ;)... with that in mind, you could visit plenty of interesting locations throughout europe, maybe they should go back to what they did in the first one and give us a few cities to explore...

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Supposed leaked screenshots have surfaced. The first rumors appeared on 4chan from someone claiming to be a Ubisoft employee. Later on Kotaku who's been really accurate with Assassin's Creed leaks confirmed the information. There are supposedly two easter eggs in Watch Dogs 2 and Black Flag in the Abstergo emails pointing at this setting. 

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Jesus Christ. It's like no one thought it through any further than "hey guys, what if we could climb the pyramids?"


I'm hoping it's bullshit and they go with something more interesting. And I don't even want to hear about a new AC unless it's going to be out this year. A hype train should never be more than six months long.

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well if they're planning a fall release, teasing it now would be a good time... and you know those pyramids would be a cool conspiracy story B)... plus, you might want to rethink the setting not being ideal, here's some art depicting what ancient egypt used to look like...


 i'd love to see an ancient greece or rome, if we're going B.C. that is... and dammit, what's wrong with feudal japan or a chinese ming dynasty era? there's still so much in history to explore, they could be making these games for decades...

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i'm a bit cautious about the eagle thing, it really really reminds me of wildlands... plus, i don't see really anything new per say... they took the time off to work on this game and it eerily still looks and feels the same... loving the new protagonist tho...

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People still care about this franchise??


Now you can direct an arrow wherever you want it to go. Fuck skill! If you don't have great aim no problem let the magic arrow make all your problems go away :lol: Give me a fucking break.

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i still do... the story of the assassins have always kept me intrigued... their influence on world history is the backbone of the series... and it's why i keep coming back... the worlds, the combat, the story, the mechanics... it's all there, and always has been... and now we're heading back to the origin of the order... plus i am really digging the new protagonist, and OMG it's a black guy!! :o...


the new eagle vision thing seems clunky tho, but it looks like assassins creed to me... plus, as i have said, i hope this opens the door for more ancient historical locations and events... what if, an assassin is responsible for the success at thermopylae for the 300?!?! i am super excited about this franchise if they now stick with the ancient world for a handful of games...


so yea, people still do care about this franchise... why fix what isn't broken? we like this world, just keep improving the mechanics...

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I guess AC3 left such a bad taste in my mouth that I never gave them a second chance.... that game should have been fucking PHENOMONAL!


Also, I feel like they're just milking the franchise at this point. I never have  liked the concept of yearly games besides sports franchises. They all look like the same game with a different skin and a couple of new features.

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On 2017-6-12 at 7:21 AM, Massacre said:

Black Flag and Syndicate were incredible and I can't recommend them enough.


Just avoid Unity like the plague.




It seems it depends on what studio is developing the game - I think Black Flag and Syndicate were developed by the same studio?   

Unity and AC3 were truly abysmal so that leaves me concerned that one good AC game is followed up by a bad one....

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Well, the whole point of not releasing a new AC last year was to take a step back and rethink everything they've done with the series. They've pretty much redesigned AC as an action rpg. Hopefully this won't fuck up the stealth gameplay that made them famous (and let's be honest, if you're not playing this game as stealth, you're doing it wrong)  but I have my doubts.

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i might be the only person in the world that liked AC3... sure it wasn't the best AC, but i loved the story (see: merica) and it was the first to introduce naval combat B)... the hunting and woods exploration was something completely new and different for the series... i considered it a fresh new take on how the game was played...


i am gonna have to replay and finally beat black flag this summer... i already own it on PS4...

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On 11/06/2017 at 8:34 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

here it is, gang...






that bird tagging shit is straight out of far cry primal lol. 

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and the drone system from wildlands... ubi does that with all their games, it kind of thins the line in making them all feel unique when they all borrow tools from each other... i am not entirely sure about this new eagle vision tho, i hope you can still survey the battlefield with your vision... it'll make the stealth options more interesting if you can't thats for sure...

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finally saw the assassins creed movie, it made it's HBO debut tonight... a few points...


1.) loved the new animus... needs to be in future games...

2.) not enough time spent in said animus...

3.) ending was a bit muddy, setting up a sequel no doubt...

4.) wasn't the apple of eden already part of a different lineage story? are there more apples?

5.) fassbender, irons, and michael k. williams were solid...

6.) i love how it seems to be based in the current world, something the games haven't reached...

7.) kind of kills any other future movies that want to delve into the past... unless they head back to abstergo and take over?

8.) stay with the present storyline, it'll keep it different than the games...


overall, i liked it... definitely on my very short list of good video game movies...

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