
Assassin's Creed

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save that for more in the future, perhaps after the revolutionary stuff... what century is AC:R based in?? i wanna 16th century... perhaps there could even be a 17th century piracy chain of games, based around captain morgan and kidd... morgan was a diplomat who discovered gold in south america... then the american revolution for the 18th century, but there's a gap with the 19th century... not sure where to go with that, but definately the 20th century should have something to do with the world wars... i want a WWI game one day... no one ever touches that genre...

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That's a lot of games. I don't even know if the series is going to continue after AC3, since it's the end of the 2012 story. Ubisoft might let it end there and work on something new. I know rushing these games out to make the 2012 deadline has caused quite a few AC fans to get bored with the series, I wouldn't be surprised if AC3 was the end of the series, at least for a few years.

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Thats what i was thinking 2 mass.

Thats why they waited so long to release 3, i think it was always meant to be a trilogy...have to say i hope its not the case, AC is gettin better with each version, graphically and in terms of story.

I hope they continue on or possibly have a game that is inspired by AC and is still an open world.

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i get the vibe that they've got a lot of potential left in the series... they have a unique tagline, playing as an assassin, shaping the history of the world... sure hitman and sam fisher are assassins, but ubisoft has a rich rich history still left untapped... i am pretty sure this won't be the end of the series, i think they think they have something special here... perhaps they stop the annual release, but you don't spend 3 years on a newer concept to the series, only to never do another one... at the pace they've been poppin them out, i find it very interesting that they've been working on 3 for 3 years... i think they're probably refining their engine and about to roll out new games...

just because it's the end of the desmond story, doesn't mean it's the end of the abstergo story... sure the world ends in 2012, but it's not hard to go back into the past... this series is all about time travel... they might be trying to prevent the end of the world...

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AC has that thing with the labyrinthine plotlines that tie in with real world history and a thinly-veiled essence of Illuminati thrown in for good measure. The way they've done it is quite impressive. I do still want to visit Japan and/or China in the middle ages, but more and more people are talking about the American revolution and it's starting to make sense. We had wrist-concealed guns in II thanks to Altair and his knowledge from the apple, so in the 18th century who knows what kind of weapons the Assassins will have? Shoulder mounted rocket launchers? I imagine you'd have some sort of gun to outrange the standard infantry of the time. Ben Franklin could be the new Da Vinci character who helps the protag to create these weapons. It would certainly sate my appetite for this time period until R* (hopefully) announce a prequel for RDR.

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I spent sometime yesterday with the original Assassin's Creed. I still have a shitton of flags to collect and I have been neglecting it for the longest time. Also Templars to kill. Spent a good 3-4 hours last night with a couple maps and flag guides. The combat in AC is still my favorite, simple yet very elegant.

I'm also about to get back into Brotherhood to play the DLC and do some cleanup on the other achievements. After I finish that, I will get Assassin's Creed Revelations. It'll probably be about $20 used by that point.

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Ben Franklin could be the new Da Vinci character who helps the protag to create these weapons.

I've been wanting Nikola Tesla to be the new Da Vinci in a future game, but Assassin's Creed: The Fall already used that time period, and only used Tesla for two pages. What a waste.

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thomas jefferson was a free mason, he'd fit into the story perfectly... but are americans ready for the controversial take on their own history?? lol, i bet the government says, IDK... i would imagine that most of the old stories ubisoft tapped into with the previous games aren't too far from the truth... it is afterall, based on historical facts... i do like to occasionally read those "database entries" when passing people or locations...

AC: the fall?? what is that, a comic??

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I've also been thinking about WWII London. Not sure if I've mentioned that here or not, but I'd really enjoy that.

London around the era of the gunpowder plot or the great fire would be quite kickass.

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Hmm, that's only 100 years after Revelations, i'd prefer 1800's London, skulking through the fog between streetlamps, listening to the stereotypical American interpretations of 19th century cockneys and hunting down Jack the Ripper. "Cor blimey guv!"

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1800's London would be great, although they'd have to abandon the traditional white, since at that point in history, no one was walking around dressed completely in white. Gotta blend in.

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Official release date for AC3 is October 30th.

Also, there's supposedly single-player DLC for Revelations called Lost Archive coming out soon. February 28th is the rumor, but one week seems a bit too soon to do proper advertising for it. Based on the list of achievements here, there's going to be another one of those stupid Desmond memory sequences.

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well, since there's yet another AC coming out in it's usual time slot next to CoD (which is ballsy to do, yet works for them), we will be hearing more about the next game soon enough... perhaps even before we hear any more details on GTAV...

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Probably. I hadn't even finished Brotherhood when I saw the first preview for Revelations. With Max Payne 3 coming out in May, and R* almost certainly not releasing any GTA V info until after MP3, I'd say you're right.

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Fuck Assassin's Creed. I have 59/60 Templars and like 99/100 flags in each city. Fuck this fucking shit. FUCK!

I'll probably have to start over from the beginning and do the flags individually. I also need the achievement for talking to Lucy.

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yea, i would be pissed about that one... i had a similar problem with the feathers in AC2... i was missing one somewhere, so i had to follow a guide from the beginning until i found the missing one, over half-way through the guide... thank god there wasn't trophies for the 1st AC, i would probably be like you, wasting a couple of hours for one fucking flag just for the trophy :lol:...

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The only game I ever ragequitted on was Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom. Shit was too damn difficult.

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The only Assassin's Creed DLC I've done was the first missing sequence from AC II, and it was okay, but I didn't have enough Microsoft Points for the other one and never bothered to buy more. Didn't touch any AC DLC after that.

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hmm, seems like a "i told you so" doesn't hold that much weight... apparently it's been the popular prediction... since i don't frequent gaming sites anymore, i didn't know that... but i always said it made the most sense... it's still a leak though, not confirmed...

i can see it now, paul revere riding down the streets screaming, "the assassins are coming!! the assassins are coming!!" :D...

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Yeah, just saw this on G4's site. If it turns out to be genuine, I'm going to be pretty annoyed with this decision once I get over how badass his outfit looks.

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why annoyed?? the templars disappeared out of the record books until they emerged as the free masons in america... and in the current time period of assassin's creed, they are called abstergo, a scientific corporation... they changed their name a few times... and it seems like they jumped a century here, but it's still within the time frame... and now i am almost certain it will be in either philly, or like you said, DC...

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